Do you know any free good shorten url website ?

1 replies
I need a services that works with cpa links. Bitly, tinyurl and such websites hate cpa link. I found that does not have problems with these links but it is always offline. is always offline too

I dont want to create a domain with my own shorten website because I need it something anonymous for search engines. If i redirect all my links to a unique website my strategie could fail. Thanks
#free #good #shorten #url #website
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  • Profile picture of the author Highest And Best
    I have a suggestion, but it does require using a domain you own. Read the whole thing before judging.

    I agree with everything you said about those services.

    Here's what works with CPA links as well as ClickBank:
    1. Buy a new domain name so you can keep it anonymous by not sharing any domain that you use for other purposes.
    2. Add that domain to your hosing account (I am assuming you have an unlimited domain hosting account - if you don't they are very cheap on Bluehost).
    3. Create a one page blog that you don't need to use for any given purpose. You may not even need to "launch" the blog, I think this is going to work anyway (with a coming soon notice)
    4. Download and install the Pretty Links plugin (by Blair Williams). The free version is all you need.
    5. Use Pretty Links to easily create and manage all of your CPA links.

    It's very easy, your links look professional, and they even provide some basic analytics.

    Good luck!

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