Take Better Aim on LinkedIn with new Objective-Based Advertising

WF Will
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Take Better Aim on LinkedIn with new Objective-Based Advertising

Campaigns on LinkedIn no longer need be such a shot in the dark. Objective-Based Advertising (OBA) now offers advertisers the chance to choose their weapons based on the targets they want to hit.

LinkedIn have been slowly introducing OBA since November 2018. It's so far streamlined the way campaigns are run on the platform with a snappier interface and improved navigation.

LinkedIn are calling OBA "a complete reconfiguration of Campaign Manager" in a move designed to put LinkedIn's huge B2B targeting potential to work for users.

The result is that the process of advertising on LinkedIn just became Facebook-esque. Marketers are better able to construct campaigns that fit more clearly defined primary objectives - as the name suggests.

LinkedIn promises OBA will bring about enhanced optimization for conversion-driven campaigns via improved tracking. They also suggest that setting top-level targets will enable marketers to tweak their advertising approach more accurately.

Defined Advertising Objectives = Refined Advertising results
In a newly released video, LinkedIn explain how setting your advertising objectives first helps them put "your business front and center every step of the way."

There isn't a lot marketers won't like about an improved approach to targeting. Indeed, the peeps over at LinkedIn are bullish enough to boast that, "Audience setup in Campaign Manager is now a more straightforward, step-by-step process with ambiguities removed from the equation.

As you build your campaign, you'll choose a language, select audience location(s), then dictate your targeting facets. Categories include: Company, Demographics, Education, Job Experience, and Interests."
#advertising #linkedin #objectivebased
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