Influencer Marketing: Our Future's Juggernaut?

3 replies
As we progress further and further technologically, and as digital communities continue to grow, it seems unlikely that the emerging role of influencer marketing is going to slow. This is largely because the infrastructure that presently exists for influencers to market product is only going to become more effective. The market will ensure that the process to make a digital purchase is easier and the social platforms themselves will be more intuitive and revenue-generating. This will likely result in an environment that inevitably prioritizes the influencer-consumer relationship, blossoming loyal communities of specialized demographics that the private sector can accurately leverage.

This is likely why the Influencer Marketing Industry is expected to spend $5-$10 billion dollars next year.

I don't see how or why the role of Influencer Marketing would exacerbate any time soon, especially as most of our favorite digital platforms are only getting started.

#future #influencer #juggernaut #marketing
  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Many advertisers are wising up to fake or 'simulated' online influence.

    Look up news reports of bigger brands scaling back their influencer campaigns
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    • Profile picture of the author conleyposts
      Right - but what happens when these consumer-influencer relationships are increasingly real and genuine? This is already happening on platforms like Twitch and Twitter. Imagine the potential long-term. It seems technological growth will only make influencer marketing more and more relevant and necessary.
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  • Profile picture of the author mdgolammostafa
    HI, Impressive marketing has done very well in its experimental phase. Because it is now firmly established as an important type of online marketing, and it is more than just small businesses and startups, who cannot afford traditional advertising advertising fees. Many A-list businesses understand that influencer marketing helps them reach their target audience. Because this is the next best thing in digital marketing, it is already making a huge impact in the marketing center.
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