Twitter publishes top tweet trends in 2019

by WF- Enzo Administrator
1 replies
In a tweet thread, Twitter published its full insights about the most trending topics this year. Here they are.

TV shows

Game of Thrones is a no-brainer, as well as La Casa De Papel which quickly became a hit among Netflix subscribers. Of course, the longest-running medical drama Grey's Anatomy made it to top 5.


We all know the hype and anticipation that Avengers Endgame generated, and the responses on its premiere. For hardcore Disney fans, the live action adaptation of Lion King was hotly tweeted. Frozen 2 is a recent trend, as the film premiered just weeks ago.

Female athletes

Male athletes

Of interest is Kawhi Leonard who signed a deal with the LA Clippers after winning a ring with Toronto Raptors, although he isn't active on social media even when he was with the San Antonio Spurs.

Sports teams

All nine teams are football clubs - except for the LA Lakers and their hyped offseason when Anthony Davis and Demarcus Cousins signed deals.


It's of particular note that six of the actors mentioned are from the Marvel franchise *cough Avengers Endgame*, while Keanu Reeves is, well he's Keanu.


Twitter also included the top emojis of 2019, and while Warrior Forum doesn't support emojis at the moment, you can view them on Twitter here.

Okay, so most of the trends are unexpected (LeBron James, Kobe Bryant, Rihanna), but it's something for marketers to tailor their content based on what's trending on Twitter.
#2019 #publishes #top #trends #tweet #twitter
  • Profile picture of the author KylieSweet
    I would like to see some of the top tweet trends from the field of online gaming particularly in asia.
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