Facebook targeting ideas to reach professors and teachers

by mitzku
2 replies

I'm struggling to find a good target combination to reach professors and teachers on Facebook. The demographics/job titles are too small outside the US.

Any ideas what interest targeting could work?

#facebook #ideas #professors #reach #targeting #teachers
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  • Profile picture of the author suryalissa
    Well, what product/service are you offering if I may know?
    I can help to provide answer that is more accurate if I know a little bit more context. But anyway, for markets that are niche :

    You can start by targeting interests or affiliates based on university/school categories. Just do this in order to get some data until you have several conversions. Then you would want to just use pure pixel and leave everything for Facebook to decide. Facebook will help you to get more conversion with bigger market reach that mimics your first several converters profile.

    Try to read this https://jasonburlin.com/why-not-to-u...ts-lookalikes/ <<< this will help you to understand better.

    Good luck.
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    • Profile picture of the author mitzku
      Thank you very much. I'm in the edtech sphere.
      Also checked out the article.

      So far I'm thinking of combining several interests to narrow them down.
      University AND education AND research or something...

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