Anyone else finding people making it all about politics when attempting to connect or network?

3 replies
Why do people think it's necessary to post their political opinions on Facebook or any other social media site? I get that due to keyboard warriors needing an outlet many choose social media because in day-to-day life it is too taboo a subject but really if your trying to connect or network with others shouldn't your focus be on building working relationships and making money? Seriously, it kinda speaks to the mindset to me because if your too caught up in the government, a job, or a pension to support you financially once your working days are long over than I feel that person's priorities are kinda broken and might not be the right fit for growing my tribe eh?

How do you handle this as for me it has become increasingly common, especially among Facebook. I think this might be in part to a more diversified age demographic since I'm not encountering it nearly as frequent on other social media networking platforms?
#attempting #connect #finding #making #network #people #politics
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    it kinda speaks to the mindset to me
    shouldn't your focus be on building working relationships and making money
    Facebook is a place where people can spout without others telling them to be quiet - where they can discuss and rant and whine and promote their own viewpoint. In the next year that is going to include a lot of political rhetoric form all sides. Avoid it - ignore it - drop those who promote it.

    Social media was not designed to make you money - to build your business - to provide you with 'working relationships'. It was designed to be a SOCIAL platform and I think marketers sometimes forget that.

    I feel that person's priorities are kinda broken and might not be the right fit for growing my tribe
    Not right for growing YOUR tribe - but their priorities are THEIR priorities. The vast majority of people on FB have no interest in building a business or in your business. Up to you to set parameters to attract those who ARE interested in business online.

    The only way to avoid the 'causes' on FB is to move away from them every single time - the moment you engage or argue a 'social cause' or a 'political posture' - you abandon 'business'. Don't acknowledge or participate - avoid people who do... It's part of the frustration of working on 'social' media.

    There may be better ways to avoid the issues - I don't personally like social media so I do very little with it myself.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
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  • Profile picture of the author chuckholmes
    The political world is pretty crazy right now. I see a lot of home-based business owners talking politics on their social media accounts. That is really taboo if you are using those accounts to find new clients.

    No matter where you stand politically, you automatically polarize approximately 50% of your potential customers by sharing your political views. It might be your right to do that, but it definitely does not make good business sense.
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  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    I say this in the kindest way I can: who the hell cares about your network? My opinions are worth more than your network... unless you pay me.

    Pretty much that's the attitude you should assume.

    You don't want politics? linkedin is less filled with political opinions. Build your network there.

    If you want to build your network on facebook, go for it, just accept that you have to pay the price of dealing with people who're there to tell you and the world what to think about politics.

    I chose not to pay that price and, therefore, I've been on facebook 3 times in the past 12 months and now I regret the 4 minutes I spent there.

    Other people just block a bunch of people and they have less 'crap' to deal with. (Note that one person's crap is another person's manna from Heaven.)

    You can go an make your own group: The no-Politics-Only-Business-Networker's group. Than you can kick out anyone who brings up a political point. As the group owner, you have a little built-in authority.

    Ye have options that are not whining on a forum. Implement one.

    Originally Posted by kayolhope View Post

    Why do people think it's necessary to post their political opinions on Facebook or any other social media site? I get that due to keyboard warriors needing an outlet many choose social media because in day-to-day life it is too taboo a subject but really if your trying to connect or network with others shouldn't your focus be on building working relationships and making money? Seriously, it kinda speaks to the mindset to me because if your too caught up in the government, a job, or a pension to support you financially once your working days are long over than I feel that person's priorities are kinda broken and might not be the right fit for growing my tribe eh?

    How do you handle this as for me it has become increasingly common, especially among Facebook. I think this might be in part to a more diversified age demographic since I'm not encountering it nearly as frequent on other social media networking platforms?
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