Instagram Reels will rollout to US users next month

by WF- Enzo Administrator
1 replies

Instagram will launch Reels to the US next month, as confirmed in a tweet by NBC's Dylan Byers. For those in the know, Reels is Instagram's answer to TikTok. The launch couldn't have come at a better time when TikTok is facing issues over its handling of user data, and its ban in India.

On launch, Reels will be built-in within Instagram, and will let users create 15-second looping videos similar to TikTok and Byte.

I'm expecting people will surge from TikTok to Instagram Reels, just as people suddenly made the switch from Snapchat to Instagram Stories. What do you think?
#instagram #month #reels #rollout #users
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  • Profile picture of the author kelly jhowse
    Ah, another headache but an entertainment planet also let's see I've heard that they have already tested in Brazil and Germany and get a huge number of the audience can't wait to see although they did not mention the launch date, do they?
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