Meta is Testing a New Layout in the Desktop Version of Facebook

by Administrator
5 replies
A new article on Social Media Today reports that Facebook appears to be testing a new layout in the desktop version of the app, with some users recently having this new format unleashed on their screens.

That seems like a lot. According to Mashable, the new layout appeared for some users last week, with an update alert in the app explaining the change, which moves all of your navigation options to the left side of the screen. Though it seems pretty chaotic - take a look at this image of the new desktop groups layout.

Many other desktop apps are left-aligned like this, with Twitter and Gmail also displaying all of your various options in the same way.

Though they seem less crowded. Maybe the menus are meant to be more collapsible, so you don't have everything on screen at once. Maybe that would work, in streamlining your view to focus on one central point, as opposed to displaying so many options at once. Then again, maybe not - maybe Meta wants to ensure that users are aware of the various options available, and highlighting them on screen is a way to encourage broader use.

There's not a heap to go on at this stage, and it does seem like at least some elements are still in testing, so it may well be that this is just a test right now to see how users respond. But it could be coming - or at the least, it's probably an indicator of where Meta is looking, in terms of developing the app's next stage.
#desktop #facebook #layout #meta #version
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  • I've tried this new layout. I can live with the changes. What annoyed me is they screwed up with some of the features within groups and pages. Maybe they neglected to update them, and it's causing the bugs, or they had plans to get rid of them, I don't know. Either way, it's infuriating.
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    • Profile picture of the author WF- Enzo
      Were you prompted to test the new layout?

      Originally Posted by John Jonas Phil VA View Post

      I've tried this new layout. I can live with the changes. What annoyed me is they screwed up with some of the features within groups and pages. Maybe they neglected to update them, and it's causing the bugs, or they had plans to get rid of them, I don't know. Either way, it's infuriating.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11705231].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Profit Traveler
    Got to keep up with those image sizes for each section periodically.

    Meta also in the news for paying lobbyist to launch a smear campaign against Tik Tok.

    Blaming Tik Tok for Dangerous trends to young people like The Lick Challenge when it was revealed they originated on Meta.

    What the Zuck.

    A sure sign who is winning that race.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11705445].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Anayadwyn
    Meta is considered ot be one of the most groundbreaking ecosystems these days. Without a doubt there is a huge problem with leaked data, which affected the reputation of the company in a very negative way, but I believe Meta will be the company which provide humanity with the access to metaverse and gradually will implement various technologically new things in this metaverse.
    Actually, it's doing it right now and the desktop application is quite an old feature. Many social networks and social media have already made desktop apps, like Telegram for example. Maybe there will be something new, but I am not sure.
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