TikTok Marketing 101: How to get started

by WarriorForum.com Administrator
1 replies
A new article on Search Engine Journal reports that TikTok marketing can seem intimidating, especially if you're not used to short-form video. To get started, run ads smoothly with this guide.

TikTok has taken the world by storm with its popular social media platform, and there are plenty of opportunities for savvy marketers. TikTok has over a billion monthly users, and in the U.S., users spend approximately 52 minutes a day on the app.

With this level of reach and engagement, TikTok offers plenty of unique ways for businesses to get in front of potential customers. In the original article, the author breaks down the benefits of advertising on TikTok, how to build a business profile on TikTok, how to navigate its ads manager, and what types of ads perform well on the social app.

Pretty useful stuff!

TikTok continues to improve its marketing efficiency and ability to drive revenue. In 2022, approximately 24% of marketers found the app to be effective for their business goals.

The progress is not going to stop any time soon. In 2021, TikTok users spent approximately $2.3 billion dollars on the app compared to $1.3 billion in 2020; that is a 77% increase in revenue!

And since TikTok ads reach so many people, the opportunity to get your product in front of the appropriate audience is fairly easy.

I'm interested. Who here has developed a successful approach to marketing via TikTok? What are your secrets?
#101 #marketing #started #toktok
  • Profile picture of the author Wealthkey
    Perfect, Exactly what I was looking for. Just recently started a tiktok marketing so this is helpful for sure
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