10 Social Media Automation Tools.

28 replies
I just wanted to put together this useful list of Social Media Automation Tools to make your life a lot easier.
  1. Pearltrees.com - Great tool aggregate content and sharing with an amazing visual interface.
  2. RSS Graffiti - Populates RSS feed data into your facebook page automaticalli.
  3. Tweetdeck - Twitter management tool
  4. Hootsuite - Facebook and Twitter management tool.
  5. dlvr.it - Takes a RSS feed, filters content based on rules and publishes to Twitter, Facebook and other social channels
  6. Socialenhancer - In beta: Auto reply to tweets by keyword. Export followers for analysis.
  7. Strawberryjam - See which links your social network shares the most.
  8. Evri- Aggregates social content.
  9. Trapit - Aggregates topical news and leans your preferences with AI.
  10. Socialoomph - Allows you to schedule you facebook and twitter updates.
#automation #media #social #tools

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