Getting more organic facebook likes
1. Commenting on a facebook feeds of large communities of 5000 to 500,000 works really well for me almost 1 like for every comment, but again this is not a great use of time, so I look forward to better ways.
2. Posting comments on other people's fan pages. This is probably not bad to do a couple of times per week, but not much more often, so I need better ideas than this.
3. Getting some photos shared 2 to 70 times works well also get get more likes, but most get shared about 5+ times so it's not quick enough. This will be the #1 method once I hit about 20,000 fans or so.
4. Buy likes on facebook. I want to just buy likes from English speaking people right now I have USA, Canada, UK, Australia and all English Speaking
I want to buy the likes very cheap how about 3 to 5 cents each? Right now it looks like it charges per click not per like.
I see lots of ideas to put on printed material or put a widget on a website, or button on your website, or a link on twitter, but I mean I want ways where I can generate 300 inexpensive likes PER DAY. I will put in a little work as I really believe in the subscribers for my current project. I will have 100's of others I work with that will also look for a replicatable model so it has to be easy and work daily.
Any other ideas, getting 30 is really easy without effort, could do 50 easily today, and I suppose with some advertising commenting and sharing and advertising I could do 100 per day.
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