Controversy creates madness - but it's AWESOME

Justin Says
Profile picture of Justin Says
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
2 replies
I've talked about this before, but seriously.. controversy is really great.

Look at this post I just made yesterday

2.2k likes, 1.1k shares, 1.5k comments

Yes I have a large audience but even so I usually receive around 500 likes per post.

Toss in controversy and BOOM.
#awesome #controversy #creates #madness
  • Profile picture of the author Adam Curry
    Adam Curry
    Profile picture of Adam Curry
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    That's awesome Justin. Did you create that image yourself?

    I'm somewhat of a gaming fan and I found it hard not to comment on that image.

    P.S. Iron man would totally win that fight lol
    "All Achievements, All Earned Riches Have Their Beginning in an Idea"
    Napolean Hill
  • Profile picture of the author dimlicht
    Profile picture of dimlicht
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I can't see myself commenting on that picture as I have NO clue of either Chief or Iron Man, but I know a few hardcore games who would definitly join the argument. The strategy behind this reminds me a bit of this page called.. 'hot boys during studying' where always two 'really hot' guys are being compared. Usually with a little story of those two guys falling in love with a random girl. And you have to help her make her decision. Or something. I get spammed to death with things like that, but honestly never saw this is in the gaming niche. EYE OPENING STUFF. haha nice page too by the way!

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