??? Facebook content. Photos vs Text???

by trnz
27 replies
I believed from what I have seen from well known bloggers that Photos completely outperform Text in Status Updates. Recently I have seen bloggers saying that this is no longer true. That Texts were now getting more attention. On checking my metrics I found that my Texts were getting double and even more attention than my photos
Has anybody any explanation? Info? Advice?
#content #facebook #photos #text
  • Profile picture of the author brutecky
    In my experience its best to use a combination of Photos and Text. I like to do around 60%-40% , 60% photos and 40% text. Also text inside of photos works well. For example: A black box with the words "Click like if you want hundreds of free targeted leads" in white text would work will.
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    • Profile picture of the author amcg
      In my experience its best to use a combination of Photos and Text.
      That's why I do and it works for me. Think about the feeds on these networks, they're usually dominated by a mix of photos and text. It's clear we don't want all text, nor do we want all images.
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  • Profile picture of the author windrider07
    Photos 100%. Use text with the photos so that the photos will have a description. You can also post links with the photos. Facebook's algorithm puts more weight on images so you will always have more reach on images than plain text.
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  • photos use text so it will have a description on what the photos trying to impart.. and text uses photos to add more info and widen knowledge.
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  • Profile picture of the author AJMontoya
    I get way more responses when I post photos or videos to my FB pages than I do when I post text. Plus if it's an inspiring photo or includes a touching story, it is easier to make your post go viral.
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  • Profile picture of the author ronaldperks
    I think booth of them are good as long as they are original and unique.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gusani
    Content and photos have its own value for posting in any social media website but photo sharing is more effective then text.
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  • Profile picture of the author bookluver321
    Thanks for the advice everyone... I was confused on this topic as well. I am going with a mix of both photos and texts.
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  • Profile picture of the author fastservicespk
    dear according to the facebook edge rank the text is more suitable to increase the reach you would see the text status has more "people saw it" than the images and even if your text is small the number of people saw increases.
    on the other hand images are viral more people love to share images rather than text so when you want to your users to share your message then you have to create images.
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  • Profile picture of the author Hrkjds
    Always use both both photos and texts in your status. Photos attracts and texts engage people on status.
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  • Profile picture of the author rizy
    Links never work. Text never work. Photos with text works.
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  • Profile picture of the author vinness
    I always use both. When I add a photo, I create a good caption.
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  • Profile picture of the author datingworld
    recently I did some testing and used more photos than texts and my likes were growing more...I think photos work better than texts but it doesnt mean that one should ignore texts,,, there should be a good combination of both.
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  • Profile picture of the author dash0205
    Think about this... isn't it you can "look" faster than "read"?... and realistically, photos are faster to get attention compared to text. In my experience, I get more engaged fans when I post photos and it can also be easily shared!
    I am bent to provide more value to the marketplace. Connect with me via my Blog YOU CAN CLICK HERE
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  • Profile picture of the author hck1
    I like to add images having messages. I use Photoshop for editing my images. People love to like images.
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  • Profile picture of the author neonerd
    Here's the brilliant thing about photos:
    1)They look great in the newsfeed and drive eyeballs
    2) You can always change the accompanying text. No more status updates that you muffed the grammar or spelling but you can't delete because there's good activity.
    Photo's you change the text in a pinch.

    I've created a technology, called Crowdjammer, that posts images always and the links convert like crazy into the database.

    Check it here with the Jazz group Weather Report:


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  • Profile picture of the author jenny37
    you are going to have more engagement if you post an image with text, and preferably a call to action.
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  • Profile picture of the author StuartMcMinigal
    A photo can tell a story. If you have a funny photo it can be shared hundreds or thousands of times.

    I am 110% behind photo's over text. Who wants to read.

    Also try to incorporate great thumbnails for blog articles and websites you share as this will increase your clickthrough when posting a link.
    Digital Content and Social PR Consultant
    Freelance Writer | Freelance Blogger | Freelance Social Media Strategist & Manager
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  • Profile picture of the author ReferralCandy
    Hi trnz,

    I think it really depends on the kind of content that you are publishing. For most kinds of posts, the graphics/photos/pictures might be able to convey the idea much faster and quicker, and it might be able to allow people to relate to it instantaneously. In these instances, the visual medium would triumph text.

    But as the complexity of the content increases, such visual mediums might not be able to convey all of the information, and they become more of a supporting/guiding role, in accompanying the text to help readers visualise.

    Which then leads to the now popular usage of infographics: which are visual graphic representations of information that help to convey the idea in a clearer sense. The usage of infographics helps to combine both text (information) and visuals seamlessly to tell a coherent story.

    Check out the following infographic on Facebook privacy (by Top Web Design Schools | Web Design Degree Rankings):

    Note how easy and fun it is to read the whole thing, even though there is quite a lot of information there. This is an increasingly popular medium to merge text and visual graphics into something very appealing and interesting.


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  • Profile picture of the author jessiem
    Photos of course. If you want to combine photos and texts then better try making an infographic, that's text + graphics.
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  • Profile picture of the author VivekThakur
    Both Photo and text caught attention, but photo have a little bit more possibility on the other hand quality matters.

    Enjoy Life.

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  • Profile picture of the author RobHardie
    It's got to be a combination of both. Obviously, it depends on your niche and topic as to how well text will perform. But a mixture of both would be my preferred way.

    Why was your signature file linking to a domain owned by someone else?

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  • Profile picture of the author karan1991
    I think text reaches more people but if you have to grab readers attention you have to use photos.
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  • Profile picture of the author MarcusJohnson
    Texts are just more of 'black and white' though when used properly it becomes attractive photos are colorful and I think when you go both you won't go wrong
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  • Profile picture of the author Justin Long
    I think text creates more attention in the eyes of Google but not so much for a human being. I prefer using photos with text rather than just using text alone.
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