Outsourcing Youtube Video Uploading

by 3 replies
Can someone direct me to the best outsourcing person or organization to use to upload my video files to Youtube?

I already know about going on fiverr.com and looking and going to odesk etc. etc. etc. but do you know someone specific and can you share a link to their service and share about why you like them please?

Stay away from Traffic Geyser because Youtube seems to now be rejecting Youtube videos that are uploaded through their system. At least that is what someone told me.

#social media #outsourcing #uploading #video #youtube
  • May I ask why you want to outsource the uploading process?

    I can't recommend anyone offhand but what I would do is if you really want to
    outsource the process is find someone on oDesk, put together a short tutorial on how you want them uploaded and away we go.
  • Profile picture of the author John Jonas Phil VA
    Do you need someone to just upload your videos or someone to manage and promote a youtube channel? Why not just hire a virtual assistant to do all that?
  • Why Youtube videos rejects videos that are uploaded through their system.?

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    Can someone direct me to the best outsourcing person or organization to use to upload my video files to Youtube? I already know about going on fiverr.com and looking and going to odesk etc. etc. etc. but do you know someone specific and can you share a link to their service and share about why you like them please?