Can someone please tell me what is wrong with Facebook lately?
Lately, I've been paying attention to something that is very strange (and somewhat bothering too)...

I have 4 FB fan pages: 2 smaller, with approx 1,500 fans each - all "organic" + 2 bigger pages, with approx 5,000 - 6,000 fans each (most of whom are NOT "organic - They joined as a result of page-promotions in Facebook).
Many of the posts that I posted on the "bigger" pages were boosted, while almost all the posts that I posted on the "smaller" pages were NOT boosted...
In the last few weeks I started to notice that "non-boosted posts" on my bigger pages are hardly seen by anyone... I'm not talking about likes / shares / comments, but about reach (people saw this post)... Some of my posts reach only 1% - 2% of my fans!!! :confused:
I started to think to myself: Is it possible that Facebook DELIBERATELY reduces the exposure of non-boosted posts of those pages that spent some money on promotion in the past? Is it possible that this is some kind of a new method to force page owners to keep on spend money on boosts, over and over again??? :confused:
I did not change the posting times, so I can't find any logical explanation to this severe drop in exposure (and, as mentioned, the posts in my smaller / more "organic" pages, seem to get the same exposure like before...)
Can any of you tell me what the heck is going on ???
Thanks, Roni
Martin Platt
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