Can someone please tell me what is wrong with Facebook lately?

Profile picture of RoniShwartz
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
6 replies
Hi everyone,

Lately, I've been paying attention to something that is very strange (and somewhat bothering too)...

I have 4 FB fan pages: 2 smaller, with approx 1,500 fans each - all "organic" + 2 bigger pages, with approx 5,000 - 6,000 fans each (most of whom are NOT "organic - They joined as a result of page-promotions in Facebook).

Many of the posts that I posted on the "bigger" pages were boosted, while almost all the posts that I posted on the "smaller" pages were NOT boosted...

In the last few weeks I started to notice that "non-boosted posts" on my bigger pages are hardly seen by anyone... I'm not talking about likes / shares / comments, but about reach (people saw this post)... Some of my posts reach only 1% - 2% of my fans!!! :confused:

I started to think to myself: Is it possible that Facebook DELIBERATELY reduces the exposure of non-boosted posts of those pages that spent some money on promotion in the past? Is it possible that this is some kind of a new method to force page owners to keep on spend money on boosts, over and over again??? :confused:

I did not change the posting times, so I can't find any logical explanation to this severe drop in exposure (and, as mentioned, the posts in my smaller / more "organic" pages, seem to get the same exposure like before...)

Can any of you tell me what the heck is going on ???

Thanks, Roni
#boosted #facebook #facebook marketing #facebook pages #fan pages #wrong
  • Profile picture of the author MartinPlatt
    Profile picture of MartinPlatt
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Could those inlined adverts be bumping your posts down the rankings a little?

    Not massively knowledgeable about Facebook, but thought I'd suggest it since you got no responses...

    Martin Platt

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  • Profile picture of the author davidmcsweeney
    Profile picture of davidmcsweeney
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I think facebook is definitely pushing non promoted posts from pages down the timeline. At the end of the day they are a business and are monetised through their advertising, so it is only logical for them to do this.

    I would echo what you are seeing too that smaller pages seem to reach more fans as a percentage of total for non promoted posts, although this might have to do with better engagement with a smaller audience (i.e. if you have 200 fans and get 5 likes for a post, as opposed to 2,000 fans and 10 likes).
    • Profile picture of the author jeskola
      Profile picture of jeskola
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      How is the engagement on your posts on the bigger Facebook pages?

      FB will expose your posts to more people depending on the post engagement of previous posts.

      Example you have 2 pages with the same size audience. You make a post on each. On one page you get lots of likes and comments on your post, on the other no one likes it or leaves a comment.

      The next time you make a post on the two accounts it will be more exposed to the first page. They are measuring your engagement value and promoting content/people/pages with more value to thei audience.

      I've found this useful , if I have a product launch i will do two or three posts in advance that I know will get lots of likes. I've found this naturally exposes my launch post to a bigger % of my fans.

      Don't look to MAKE money - look to HELP people and you will make all the money you can ever want.

  • Profile picture of the author heavyjay
    Profile picture of heavyjay
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It has to do with the engagement on your page. The typical FB user likes a page and never goes back to it. FB will stop showing your updates to those fans and only show them to fans who are engaging with your page (commenting, sharing, liking).
    My New Blog - isn't much on it and your critique is more than welcome!
    • Profile picture of the author Venturetothetop
      Profile picture of Venturetothetop
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by heavyjay View Post

      It has to do with the engagement on your page.
      Not true

      Facebook has long has an issue with businesses using Facebook pages but not giving them money, so they have been shifting for some time to a 'pay per message' model. Doing it all at once would hav been outrage, so they are doing it slowly, pretending that your engaged audience is the only ones that will see all posts... not true and I have stats and comments on my Gaming Fan Page to prove it.

      What I have found is that if someone likes a post then it is shown to a wider audience so we really try to give content that is likes and commented upon.

      That is why you sometimes see posts that are weeks old suddenly appear in your timeline - Facebook is changing the way you see posts and when you see them all in an effort to make businesses pay for them... think about it, why would businesses pay to boost their post if their most engaged visitors were always seeing it.... they would be doing the useful segmenting for us, but that sadly is not what is happening.
  • Profile picture of the author m5smiley
    Profile picture of m5smiley
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I know that a while back people stopped seeing a lot of what the pages were posting. In order to see it again, fans needed to select from the drop down menu on the page "receive notifications", "follow", "subscribe," or "Show in News Feed." (Check your page out for yourself to see which one). What a lot of people did was send out messages or statuses instructing their fans to do this.

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