Why Use Pinterest For Marketing

12 replies
Some believe Pinterest is for pinning recipes and women's fashions. Though you can find them on Pinterest, it is also great for marketing and promoting your online business.

The members have above average income and spend twice as much as members on Facebook.

It is visual, so visitors can see an image of your product, as compared to text like Twitter.

You can link your boards directly to your website. They have a page rank of 8, so Google loves Pinterest, and what is better than free organic traffic from the #1 search engine.

To gain more traffic, use keywords in your board title and board description.

You can place all of your products on Pinterest including the price, which can be shown directly on the board.

Pinterest is another marketing tool to get more exposure for your online business.
#facebook #google #marketing #pins #pinterest
  • Profile picture of the author geekcodecreative
    This is a VERY true statement! I posted "portfolio" images to my Pinterest page. Within a day I was contacted by a company who liked my work. I am now designing directly for them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Laurn
    Pinterest works just amazing for me . 90% of my blog visits are from pinterest and I get over 10K visits a day .
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  • Profile picture of the author jungalous
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    • Profile picture of the author ReferralCandy
      The cool thing about Pinterest users is that they're already primed for shopping- so even if the engagement rates look lower than, say, Facebook, they are still probably more likely to buy.

      The whole Pinterest experience is pretty much akin to window-shopping and wishlist-making, anyway. Great for selling consumer products!


      Measure, manage and incentivize customer referrals with ReferralCandy.

      PS: Looking to get more repeat customers for a physical store? Check out CandyBar's digital loyalty cards!

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  • Profile picture of the author xpesos
    True pinterest can really help you grow your website
    The best feature of pinterest that i love is Pinterest group board feature

    You just need to make a board of any category most likely of your niche invite couple of pinners to pin and you will see gradually that your community will start growing resulting in lot of traffic
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  • Profile picture of the author Magicalidea
    I don't know why but since the first launched days I saw that Pinterest has somethings very feminine !
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Originally Posted by Magicalidea View Post

      I don't know why but since the first launched days I saw that Pinterest has somethings very feminine !
      I can tell you why.... its traffic is 80% female!
      Success is an ACT not an idea
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    • Profile picture of the author Jeffery Moss
      Originally Posted by Magicalidea View Post

      I don't know why but since the first launched days I saw that Pinterest has somethings very feminine !
      A good majority of the Pinterest users are and were female however, that shoudln't stop anyone from using the site. The more internet marketers that use the site for good purpose, the more it will become associated with ecommerce and not just hobbies, recipes and fashion.
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  • Profile picture of the author big tymer
    good advice on pinterest
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  • Profile picture of the author Roy Jones
    Pinterest is a good source to generate traffic. If used efficiently, this site helps in link building and providing backlinks.
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  • Profile picture of the author ARIFgsm
    can any one to say how to use this iam new bie of this forum but this forum r so nice rules & so nice designing
    Please anyone can sujjest me how to plzz plzz
    See Its My Favoured Blog
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  • Profile picture of the author arianna143
    Pinterest work fine if do work properly. It also increase the website traffic with good bounce rate if you are following the right people who is looking for the same products that you are selling.
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