Managing Social Media, Blogs, Email & Text Msg Campagins from 1 Client?
A commuter-illiterate friend of mine had sent me a link to an all-in-one social media program he wanted to use for his tree trimming business called Social Zing that covers social media, email campaigns, point and click squeeze pages/lead generation pages (for facebook too), and even text messaging.
While I know there are many ways to accomplish these same tasks I still took a look at it because surely I didn't have time to help guide him through the social media promotion space, what I found surprised me.
After logging into my buddies SocialZing account I immediately realized that I needed an account of my own to setup for my own promotional needs. The ability to make quick and easy lead generation pages that are tied into their email or text messaging system is incredible (even while being a web developer, having a super simple point and click system is gold and saves loads of time on quick campaigns); they got me... I sign up for an account due to this new idea I now have brewing in my head.
As I already own and operate a carpet installation lead generation site Free Carpet Estimates for your Next Flooring Installation I decided to launch a Floor Care site that I will have this SocialZing promoting socially to collect the leads. Once I have the lead I plan to promote my affiliate offers and other promotions via email and text. Whether I choose to cover carpet, hardwood, vinyl, or even tile flooring I have many topics to touch on such any kind of cleaning, repair, or installation tips.
All of the offers and advertisements will be existing affiliates or other lead gen efforts like flooring products and vaccums and such. I also plan on using the thank you page from my existing Carpet Installation site to start sending qualified traffic to my lead gen forms.
And the real kicker with this program? there's a badasssssssss affiliate program attached to it... does anyone have any experience with it? seems like a rather new program??
(I will be posting my experiences with my project as I continue work)