HELP ME: Dark Posts :confused:

4 replies
I've been creating dark posts from following examples found on Youtube videos. I don't understand what makes them go or not go.

What I mean is this...

I'll create a dark post and sometimes it will gain reach and other times it will not.

Is there a secret to these things or am I doing something that is keeping them from getting seen?

Your help is greatly appreciated.

-Evan Bang-
#confused #dark #posts
  • Profile picture of the author banwork
    Getting your dark posts seen depends on the bids, the targeting, and the placement. If you want them to get seen, sometimes you need to raise the optimized CPM bids cost per action in the power editor using the manual bidding option. The default is $5/action which sometimes is not enough for a dark post to run at all depending on your targeting.

    Thank you to the 400+ warriors that chose to buy my Facebook WSO granting lifetime access to my Udemy course!

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  • Profile picture of the author JCorp
    From your post, it seems to me that it isn't necessarily the dark post that's the problem... but could be your targetting.

    Dark posts, Page Posts, Link posts, etc. are just a type of ad. What determines the success of a particular ad is your targetting and bidding, for the most part.

    So look into your targetting first and foremost... also look at the product/service and landing page to see if it appeals to your target audiences.
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  • Profile picture of the author edempsey3
    I am having a similar problem. I ran several unpublished posts as click to website ads. They are active, but are not getting any reach, as in the reach still says 0. I put the cpc bid at slightly above what was suggested by FB, but still nothing. I think it was around .16 cents on average. My targeting is not the problem since I did a thorough job with that. So maybe I have to pay considerably more for clicks?
    I'll experiment with that today and post results.
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    • Profile picture of the author Rhiannon Beckham
      If you're already bidding high and know your targeting is legit, then it could be what you're directing traffic to that's the problem.

      I've heard a lot that sometimes FB will just ignore some ads - they won't disapprove them but they won't show them either.

      If you think this could be your issue, then try redirecting your link one time and see if it gets approved.

      *They're cracking down on affiliate networks and Teespring etc

      **I don't always make it back to check on threads, so if you'd like me to elaborate feel free to PM me, I try to make sure to check my inbox regularly and am happy to help..

      I wouldn't have pulled a $9k week w/Teespring etc without the help of others, so it's time to pay it forward.
      I can make a little room in my life for that. ;)

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