Any value to Warrior Reciprocal Links - Buy - Sell - Swap section?

by GGpaul
3 replies

With all the algorithms and updates happening, do you guys think the Reciprocal Links section brings any value whatsoever? Recently I posted a thread as far as buying links, but all of them were nothing but crap. The same goes with people selling their links. I look at the overall sites PA, and it's just not that great. Are we wasting our $$ in that section?

Unless there are a few gems out there, and even if there are gems did they help you out whatsoever?

Just a thought.
#buy #links #reciprocal #section #sell #swap #warrior
  • Profile picture of the author waterotter

    You have been a member here since 2011. Why are you posting this in the "Suggestion Forum"? This forum is for suggestions to improve the WF.
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  • Profile picture of the author Richard King
    I've ranked sites just by buying links in that section. Just like any other place, you have to weed out the crap to get the best.


    New niche marketing site launching soon..... ;)

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  • Profile picture of the author 1234nasir
    Sure, few trustable sellers are also present there.

    Originally Posted by GGpaul View Post


    With all the algorithms and updates happening, do you guys think the Reciprocal Links section brings any value whatsoever? Recently I posted a thread as far as buying links, but all of them were nothing but crap. The same goes with people selling their links. I look at the overall sites PA, and it's just not that great. Are we wasting our $$ in that section?

    Unless there are a few gems out there, and even if there are gems did they help you out whatsoever?

    Just a thought.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9241549].message }}

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