3 replies
What if we had a forum devoted just to sticky threads? You know, the most common and ever so redundant stuff newbies seem to want to know. I'm talking about how to make a certain dollar amount within a specific time period. Does this or that method still work? What's the best product, service, etc.?

Then make it a requirement that new members visit this forum and that they have to click on maybe 25% of the threads there before being allowed to post. The opening post of each of the threads can stress the importance of self sufficiency in doing one's research and using the search function before posting something that has been covered thousands of times in the past.

This might cut down on the recent surge of redundant and often irrelevant posts clogging up the main board. There are very few marketing discussions there these days. It's become a third party tech/customer service venue for fiverr, Clickbank, Amazon, GetResponse and every other hot IM site and the ironic thing is, much of the "info" people receive from well meaning members is totally wrong.
#forum #stickies
  • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
    That is a great idea. It would cut down the number of duplicate threads here for sure.

    Cheers, Laurence.

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  • Profile picture of the author datingworld
    Good suggestion travelinguy
    I think admin needs to look into your suggestion.

    There are very few marketing discussions there these days
    These days most of the threads come from newbies on how to start, how to make $100/ day etc
    Most of the newcomers don't look into search button and open new threads (even if hundreds of similar threads already exist on the forum)
    A forum for newbies to open and read before they are allowed to open new threads will certainly help to reduce the similar questions being asked on daily basis.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alaister
      Great suggestion!

      I like the concept of having a curated section of the best or most useful threads and content. Once new users register, as part of the on-boarding process we can point them to this section.

      I don't want to limit people's ability to ask questions and join conversations. That is what a forum is all about. I don't want to alienate new users.
      We could even have a beginners and advanced curated section in order to provide useful information to both groups of people that visit Warrior Forum.
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