Warrior Payments Feedback and Suggestions

262 replies
Please submit your feedback and suggestions here
#feedback #suggestions
  • Profile picture of the author Naveed Peerzade
    Congratulations Alaister!

    The suggestion i would like make is to have an IPN so we can track and integrate this system with ours.

    Another suggestion is the ability to use our own buttons, so we could simply link it to checkout page.


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  • Profile picture of the author emilyshen
    Hi Alaister! I have my own membership system etc.. How would I go about setting it up here?
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  • Profile picture of the author Naveed Peerzade
    emilyshen, you will need IPN so you can integrate that with your membership script/app.. that's what I suggested him in my first reply


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  • Profile picture of the author Kurt
    Will WF payments have an affiliate program for War Room, Kindle and High Voltage video forum?
    Discover the fastest and easiest ways to create your own valuable products.
    Tons of FREE Public Domain content you can use to make your own content, PLR, digital and POD products.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9375475].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author RedHat39
    I like the idea of a self-contained forum and payment system. Really like the ratings/feedback feature but to sway people away from JVZoo and W+ you're really going to have to step up your game. What you showed us on the live call won't be enough.

    You guys have the resources (Jeez, 100's of 1000s of programmers at your disposal) use them.
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  • Profile picture of the author octars
    I agree, Instant Payment Notification is a must have
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    • Profile picture of the author Alaister
      Originally Posted by Naveed Peerzade View Post

      Congratulations Alaister!

      The suggestion i would like make is to have an IPN so we can track and integrate this system with ours.

      Another suggestion is the ability to use our own buttons, so we could simply link it to checkout page.
      Originally Posted by emilyshen View Post

      Hi Alaister! I have my own membership system etc.. How would I go about setting it up here?
      Originally Posted by Naveed Peerzade View Post

      emilyshen, you will need IPN so you can integrate that with your membership script/app.. that's what I suggested him in my first reply
      Originally Posted by octars View Post

      I agree, Instant Payment Notification is a must have

      Thanks for your feedback. We'll be working on this and implementing it shortly.
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  • Profile picture of the author Riz
    Hi Alaister,

    There were many legitimate questions on the initial thread, ie the thread you told everyone to post their questions.

    Is that thread still live or been deleted?

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  • Profile picture of the author iVentureBiz
    Looks good so far, though seems extremely basic for how much it was hyped lol... I mean aside from the lower % how do the features of this stack up to JVzoo and WarriorPlus?

    A few things I'd like to see added...
    • Ability to customize Paypal page. IE use my own product/company banner.
    • Customize the item number used for the product. (does Warrior Payments use random item #'s for each transaction like Warrior Plus?) I need to have the ability to set a fixed item number in Paypal.
    • Paypal IPN support - specifically direct IPN variable passing without special versions of the variables. This will allow me to be able to integrate my existing system without needing additional customization to handle special IPN variables
    • Keygen script support similar to warrior plus.
    • Ability to use variables (such as paypal variables) in the thank you page URL. I often have things where people are redirected to the thank you page with paypal transaction id in GET or POST variables so I can validate the transaction
    • Ability to track total thread bumps
    • Website Development category would be nice with all the WP themes and plugins for sale on WF
    • Interspire Email Marketer support for autoresponder. Perhaps something like an "Other" option where people can enter a POST url and variables to pass to it.
    • The ability to delete a listing is CRUCIAL. Just tried a test listing and now it's there for eternity? lol
    • OTO sales funnel support would be nice... And possible even the ability to downsell

    All in all though this is a very interesting development and I'm eager to see how things progress with it.

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    • Profile picture of the author Alaister
      Originally Posted by iVentureBiz View Post

      Looks good so far, though seems extremely basic for how much it was hyped lol... I mean aside from the lower % how do the features of this stack up to JVzoo and WarriorPlus?

      A few things I'd like to see added...
      • Ability to customize Paypal page. IE use my own product/company banner.
      • Customize the item number used for the product. (does Warrior Payments use random item #'s for each transaction like Warrior Plus?) I need to have the ability to set a fixed item number in Paypal.
      • Paypal IPN support - specifically direct IPN variable passing without special versions of the variables. This will allow me to be able to integrate my existing system without needing additional customization to handle special IPN variables
      • Keygen script support similar to warrior plus.
      • Ability to use variables (such as paypal variables) in the thank you page URL. I often have things where people are redirected to the thank you page with paypal transaction id in GET or POST variables so I can validate the transaction
      • Ability to track total thread bumps
      • Website Development category would be nice with all the WP themes and plugins for sale on WF
      • Interspire Email Marketer support for autoresponder. Perhaps something like an "Other" option where people can enter a POST url and variables to pass to it.
      • The ability to delete a listing is CRUCIAL. Just tried a test listing and now it's there for eternity? lol
      • OTO sales funnel support would be nice... And possible even the ability to downsell

      All in all though this is a very interesting development and I'm eager to see how things progress with it.

      Great suggestions and feedback!
      Thanks for submitting this. We'll be adding these to our roadmap and will be prioritizing.

      We'll be adding option to delete listing. I'll delete your test listing.
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      • Profile picture of the author iVentureBiz
        Originally Posted by Alaister View Post

        Great suggestions and feedback!
        Thanks for submitting this. We'll be adding these to our roadmap and will be prioritizing.

        We'll be adding option to delete listing. I'll delete your test listing.
        Awesome thanks! I'm pretty excited about this

        If I think of anything else I'll be sure to post.
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  • Profile picture of the author azsno
    Along with the ability to add affiliates, it would be nice to have a JV Feature...

    JV's would get paid on every sale, not just affiliate sales...Make it nice to attract JV's to our offers and get their Promotion...

    Adding JV's also makes it very EASY to partner with someone and then "split" the payments equally without any problems...

    Looking forward to Warrior Payments growing and grabbing the market share here...

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    • Profile picture of the author Alaister
      Originally Posted by azsno View Post

      Along with the ability to add affiliates, it would be nice to have a JV Feature...

      JV's would get paid on every sale, not just affiliate sales...Make it nice to attract JV's to our offers and get their Promotion...

      Adding JV's also makes it very EASY to partner with someone and then "split" the payments equally without any problems...

      Looking forward to Warrior Payments growing and grabbing the market share here...

      Great suggestion. This is another feature that we're considering building into the product. Are there are a lot of people that would use a JV feature?
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  • Profile picture of the author GarrieWilson
    You need to add the GetResponse API for AR.

    If you don't already, you need to pass the sales data to the download URL.

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  • Profile picture of the author Donald Truehart
    After you've added the functionality that others have mentioned above, here's a major
    tip that could get Warriors to switch to your platform...

    Don't email vendors' customers with offers. That is what I dislike the most about your competition.

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  • Profile picture of the author stevenjacobs
    Make it so you can be payed out some other way then paypal, that would be good
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  • Profile picture of the author Ben Gordon
    Alaister, does this mean we can no longer use JVZoo, WSO Pro, Clickbank or any other platform to sell our product? Is it a requirement that we use Warrior Payments as a processor to post our WSO?

    If so, I'd like the ability to use other payment processors. Not only that, but I also run free WSOs (which don't seem like they're supported at the moment) and free coaching calls to get people to sign up to my coaching program. In addition, I sell high ticket services; I certainly don't want run those through Warrior Payments as I don't want 2% of my commission being taken away from me.

    Lastly, there is way too much advertising and banners promoting becoming a seller or an affiliate. Now more newbies and beginners that have no idea what they're talking about will try to run their own WSO. People who buy those WSOs will get crappy information in return and won't come back. This will certainly devalue the market. Also, all the banners take away from organic visitors from just VISITING the WSO section which most of us sellers rely on. Instead, it's promoting everyone become a WSO seller or affiliate. This will turn many WSO buyers into sellers... and sellers of crappy products (cause lots newbies don't have a clue about what they're talking about!).

    Right now I'm not happy with the updates. This simple update is a way to kill the WSO section and eliminate profitability and potential for current sellers.

    I think you've heard me out. I might just be missing something... please update me on the situation.
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    • Profile picture of the author Shane N
      Originally Posted by Ben Gordon View Post

      Alaister, does this mean we can no longer use JVZoo, WSO Pro, Clickbank or any other platform to sell our product? Is it a requirement that we use Warrior Payments as a processor to post our WSO?

      If so, I'd like the ability to use other payment processors. Not only that, but I also run free WSOs (which don't seem like they're supported at the moment) and free coaching calls to get people to sign up to my coaching program. In addition, I sell high ticket services; I certainly don't want run those through Warrior Payments as I don't want 2% of my commission being taken away from me.

      Lastly, there is way too much advertising and banners promoting becoming a seller or an affiliate. Now more newbies and beginners that have no idea what they're talking about will try to run their own WSO. People who buy those WSOs will get crappy information in return and won't come back. This will certainly devalue the market. Also, all the banners take away from organic visitors from just VISITING the WSO section which most of us sellers rely on. Instead, it's promoting everyone become a WSO seller or affiliate. This will turn many WSO buyers into sellers... and sellers of crappy products (cause lots newbies don't have a clue about what they're talking about!).

      Right now I'm not happy with the updates. This simple update is a way to kill the WSO section and eliminate profitability and potential for current sellers.

      I think you've heard me out. I might just be missing something... please update me on the situation.
      Alaister answers your first question and touches on another here:

      Warrior Payments Thread

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      • Profile picture of the author Ben Gordon
        Originally Posted by Shane N View Post

        Alaister answers your first question and touches on another here:

        Warrior Payments Thread

        Yes but the way the system is set up right now is it ONLY allows you to implement Warrior Payments when you post a WSO.

        Alaister, PLEASE respond to my concerns in my previous post.

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        • Profile picture of the author Shane N
          Originally Posted by Ben Gordon View Post

          Yes but the way the system is set up right now is it ONLY allows you to implement Warrior Payments when you post a WSO.

          Alaister, PLEASE respond to my concerns in my previous post.

          Actually, you can start a new WSO thread WITHOUT using Warrior Payments
          at this link: http://www.warriorforum.com/newthrea...newthread&f=17

          Alaister links to it himself in this post: Warrior Payments Post #61

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          • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
            Originally Posted by Shane N View Post

            Actually, you can start a new WSO thread WITHOUT using Warrior Payments
            at this link: http://www.warriorforum.com/newthrea...newthread&f=17

            Alaister links to it himself in this post: Warrior Payments Post #61

            What good is that link if it is not an option when you click on the Start a WSO button. This secret link is only posted here and how many will be reading this when they want to launch a WSO.

            Originally Posted by iVentureBiz View Post

            Yes, but...

            1) Clickbank doesn't send your payment via paypal - it's check or direct deposit. Both of which have no fee.
            2) Only paypal transactions on CB are subject to this extra hidden fee. CC payments are just the straight CB fee. With Warrior payment EVERY payment is subject to being hit by paypal fees twice.

            Besides, regardless of how Clickbank and others handle things. I thought the idea here was to provide something that's BETTER than the competition (more than just shaving 1% off the fees). Hows that possible with the standpoint of:

            "Well yeah you're getting screwed with two Paypal fees but OTHER companies do the same thing so that magically makes it acceptable"

            You make a very good point here. I must admit that I'm of two minds about this new feature...

            I can see the potential as a replacements for existing options (because progress on other platforms has been extremely slow) but it's got a long way to go. Maybe this new feature will light a fire other solutions such as warrior plus to pump out new competing features?

            But on the other side I can see the huge amount of problems (and conflict of interest) adding something like this in can bring.

            ...I mean, when WF is making a % on every sale what's to stop there from being preferential treatment to big WSO sellers? What happens to equality for all members?

            Perhaps I'm being a little crazy here but am I the only one that sees this as the first step down a slippery slope? I fear for future "improvements" like...

            • Bidding on WSO placement like Google ads where long term members with higher reputation dominate over new vendors
            • Forcing Warrior Payments as the only option crushing existing businesses that are already have their infrastructure based on other sites like Warrior Plus
            • Warrior Payments starting to do delayed payments to all VENDORS. Freelancer holds all or part of income for several weeks like CB to "combat fraud" yet vendors are still expected to handle support/updates without access to all their funds (thinking of newer vendors especially here).

            I think this is a turning point for WF... I think things with Warrior Payments has to be handled very carefully because it could either turn into something really good that benefits the community or it could be the final nail in the coffin lol
            I've expected that freelancer would do exactly as they have done. It is the only way they can squeeze money out of every square inch of the WF and its members. I really didn't think they would launch such a flat, featureless product though and then attempt to make it the only option available for launching a WSO. This platform has a long way to go before it is really useful as a sales/affiliate/payment platform.

            In addition to all of the suggestions in the posts above, it's going to need to integrate really detailed product sales and affiliate statistics into the marketplace section so that affiliates have something to go on when reviewing products and sellers have something to go on when reviewing affiliates.

            How fast and responsive is freelancer going to be to your needs if you are locked into their system already? This should have been built out before launch rather than after launch, particularly with all the hype saying it was light years ahead of the competition, etc.

            There are very savvy sellers here with high technical requirements for their sales process. I'm not one of them, but most of them are.

            On the topic of the reviews/feedback system proposed: Honestly, I fully expect that people will be buying reviews like crazy to game the system. If Amazon and other sites with reviews can't stop that, either can Freelancer.
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            • Profile picture of the author Shane N
              Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

              What good is that link if it is not an option when you click on the Start a WSO button. This secret link is only posted here and how many will be reading this when they want to launch a WSO...
              The key here is that they are not banning the use of other networks.

              Vendors can still have their OWN PayPal button in their thread if they want,
              or whatever payment processor they use...

              They can also use other platforms, such as WarriorPlus, etc. as well...

              The button/link being hard to find right now is a separate issue and a valid one too...

              I'm just glad that the WSO section is still a free marketplace in the sense that people
              can choose the payment processor they want to use...

              Heck, if someone wants to only accept a Postal Money Order as payment, they should
              be allowed to do so... They are PAYING for an advertisement after all...

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              • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
                Originally Posted by Shane N View Post

                The key here is that they are not banning the use of other networks.

                "At this time" and "During this phase" we can use the other payment options is what Alaister says when asked if we have a choice.

                Translated that means ... they will not allow other options when they are fully ready with a usable platform.

                Of course, there will be nothing to prevent people from just launching on JVZoo, without WF involvement.
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                • Profile picture of the author ddev
                  Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post


                  Translated that means ... they will not allow other options when they are fully ready with a usable platform.
                  But it could be suicide.

                  The WSO section doesn't have the traffic that it used to have some years ago.

                  And if you kill the traffic that other networks (like JVZoo or W+) could give you...
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                  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
                    Originally Posted by ddev View Post

                    But it could be suicide.

                    The WSO section doesn't have the traffic that it used to have some years ago.

                    And if you kill the traffic that other networks (like JVZoo or W+) could give you...
                    You're absolutely right. Instead of taking the holding people hostage route, forcing them to use their payment platform, they should have built the most dynamite, kick ass competitor and let the best man get the most market share, keeping all intact and competing.

                    But that isn't the way freelancer does things.
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9377415].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author BigFunction
                      Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

                      You're absolutely right. Instead of taking the holding people hostage route, forcing them to use their payment platform, they should have built the most dynamite, kick ass competitor and let the best man get the most market share, keeping all intact and competing.

                      But that isn't the way freelancer does things.
                      Could not of said it better.

                      from what I seen it seems a very tiny piece of what is needed here to control the arena again and pushing people away now is suicide.

                      I see no affiliate program around the the warrior payments system it self either which would work in the WF favor, like any new user spends in the system the affiliate that signed the users up gets 1% (sure paypal use that method and many more)

                      Raise The Game And Agree Completely
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                  • Profile picture of the author Jim Phillips
                    I'm sure to boost traffic to the forum you will see freelancer advertising warrior forum online and offline. Pretty soon my guess is they will have an affiliate program set up for Warrior Payments.

                    The knowledge many of us have received from the warrior forum over the years has been invaluable. Why not monetize it...

                    Look at the money that other marketplaces are raking in from their customers and affiliates.

                    Nothing wrong with that. This forum is wide open for growth and profit.

                    Best Regards,


                    "Life is like a merry-go-round. What goes around, comes around."

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                    • Profile picture of the author Joel
                      Where is any information on how you get paid as an affiliate? Mehod, timeframe, etc.

                      "Without data or facts, you are just another person with an opinion"

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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    I'm still catching up on all the threads and wasn't able to attend the live event so some of this may have been addressed elsewhere and I just haven't gotten to it yet but here are a couple things that may interest me:

    1. Make it easy to sell non-IM products to a non-IM crowd through the system.

    2. Cut off, as much as possible, the rampant abuse of free (but probably some paid) WSOs to get email addresses that are then impossible to unsubscribe to because the seller shares the email with others. In many cases the initial email signup is through a trusted provider such as GetResponse or Aweber. But then the email is added to other lists and it's impossible to get off of.

    3. Cut off, as much as possible, affiliate sales through email spam such as #2 above. I get a lot of spam (yes I know the definition, no I didn't sign up for anything) that sell WSOs on the Warrior Forum.

    4. Have other payment processors integrated besides just PayPal.

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    • Profile picture of the author kindsvater
      Originally Posted by Mark Singletary View Post

      2. Cut off, as much as possible, the rampant abuse of free (but probably some paid) WSOs to get email addresses that are then impossible to unsubscribe to because the seller shares the email with others. In many cases the initial email signup is through a trusted provider such as GetResponse or Aweber. But then the email is added to other lists and it's impossible to get off of.
      This is something unclear to me since the forum changed hands about what the policy is and who, if anyone, is enforcing it. Previously, if a seller did this and was reported to Paul Myers (with proof) they were banned for life after the forum confirmed the spam.

      This is a #1 pisser in my book when the WSO seller is selling addresses and recycling emails to new lists after you unsubscribe.

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      • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
        To clarify, in many cases it is the affiliates that are doing the spamming in my experience. Or at least someone sending something under a different name and email address.

        At that point, Paul told me, it becomes a JVZ or W+ issue not a WF issue.

        Now with this integrated system, it becomes a Warrior Payments issue.


        Originally Posted by kindsvater View Post

        This is something unclear to me since the forum changed hands about what the policy is and who, if anyone, is enforcing it. Previously, if a seller did this and was reported to Paul Myers (with proof) they were banned for life after the forum confirmed the spam.

        This is a #1 pisser in my book when the WSO seller is selling addresses and recycling emails to new lists after you unsubscribe.

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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    1. Ability for recurring payments (think membership sites) and recurring commissions to affiliates.

    2. Ability to delay commissions for unknown affiliates to prevent affiliate fraud.

    3. Ability to hook up with any autoresponder service.

    4. Ability to limit the numbers of sales (so if someone advertising only 100 copies will be sold, then the order button is disabled after 100 sales).

    5. 5% commission to me on all sales (a guy can dream, can't he? :-)

    I'll think of more.

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Dolan
    Sounds exciting, but integration with membership plugins and platforms should be top of the agenda. In retrospect might have been better to have worked with those platforms first and then launch this.
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  • Profile picture of the author P.Sharma
    Does it work for Indian PayPal's since PayPal India does not allow
    adaptive payments.

    If it works, this is going to be a beast
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  • Profile picture of the author IM Lover
    This looks great with very fair commissions. My business gets millions of traffic on a monthly basis, I would be interested in promoting products from WF using the new marketplace, however, I would like to see some type of banner that rotates for affiliates showing the best converting offers you have in the marketplace. Something that actually adapts to my website niche as well and shows the visitors targeted products, the same as other services such as Google Adsense does.

    Is this possible guys?

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  • Profile picture of the author superowid
    1. Accept BITCOIN for payment & withdrawal.
    2. Milestone payment system like in freelancer.com for "Warrior for Hire" section.
    3. Product & Service category, sub-category & sub-sub category if needed.


    Hard time to keep promoting business? Don't worry!
    . . . . . Let me help cutting your ad production cost! . . . . .
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  • Profile picture of the author lgibbon
    Originally Posted by Alaister View Post

    Please submit your feedback and suggestions here
    I suggest having one thread in one forum, rather than threads all over the place.
    You could lock the others with links to the main thread.
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  • Profile picture of the author Assignmentwriter
    Again you have announced big offer it is great, please start training for newbies who wants to start earning as affiliate or seller because there are many newbies who does not have idea to get start as sell or affiliate i hope you will support newbies
    Prospring launch offering a 100 Million in Prizes and stacks of benefits each week.

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    • Profile picture of the author Nic Oliver
      The following list, most of which will be familiar to members here, are required features if you want to be a serious competitor with Warrior Plus, JV Zoo etc.

      An Auto-updating "Buy Now" button
      Automatic, secure product delivery
      Autoresponder integration with all main autoresponders
      Track downloads and IP addresses
      Detailed stats on sales, affiliates, products, etc...
      Distribute license keys, passwords, etc..
      Setup dimesales (automatic price changing based on # of sales)
      Blacklist affiliates
      Blacklist buyers
      Sell subscription-based products
      Have affiliates promote your offer
      Affiliates can give bonuses to their buyers (auto-delivered on download page)
      Instant payment split with Affiliates and JV partners
      Pay 2nd tier commissions to JV partners
      1-click instant refunds
      Prelaunch management
      Off-forum (self-hosted) sales
      Unlimited sales funnels (OTOs / Upsells)
      Affiliate contest management
      Multiple sales pages for yourself and/or affiliates
      Split-testing of your salespages
      Create special rules for multi-tiered and/or limited-time affiliate commissions
      Merchant account support via Stripe
      Option to delay payment of affiliate commission

      Hope this helps,

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      • Profile picture of the author mattbarrie
        Originally Posted by Nic Oliver View Post

        The following list, most of which will be familiar to members here, are required features if you want to be a serious competitor with Warrior Plus, JV Zoo etc.

        An Auto-updating "Buy Now" button
        Automatic, secure product delivery
        Autoresponder integration with all main autoresponders
        Track downloads and IP addresses
        Detailed stats on sales, affiliates, products, etc...
        Distribute license keys, passwords, etc..
        Setup dimesales (automatic price changing based on # of sales)
        Blacklist affiliates
        Blacklist buyers
        Sell subscription-based products
        Have affiliates promote your offer
        Affiliates can give bonuses to their buyers (auto-delivered on download page)
        Instant payment split with Affiliates and JV partners
        Pay 2nd tier commissions to JV partners
        1-click instant refunds
        Prelaunch management
        Off-forum (self-hosted) sales
        Unlimited sales funnels (OTOs / Upsells)
        Affiliate contest management
        Multiple sales pages for yourself and/or affiliates
        Split-testing of your salespages
        Create special rules for multi-tiered and/or limited-time affiliate commissions
        Merchant account support via Stripe
        Option to delay payment of affiliate commission

        Hope this helps,

        Great list Nic! How would you prioritize these?
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        • Profile picture of the author Nic Oliver
          Originally Posted by mattbarrie View Post

          Great list Nic! How would you prioritize these?

          I agree with Robinin Texas except I would move:
          1. Sell subscription-based products
          2. Autoresponder integration with all main autoresponders

            From important to dealbreakers.

            I'm a little perturbed that both you and Alaister say this is a good list. Before launching anything, it's a good idea to look at what the competition is offering - the list, except for "Be able to blacklist affiliates" is a straight cut and paste from the Warrior Plus features!

            Kind regards

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      • Profile picture of the author RobinInTexas
        Originally Posted by mattbarrie View Post

        Great list Nic! How would you prioritize these?
        Without the Option to delay payment of affiliate commission for 60 days the system is a recipe for being scammed, it's a thief magnet. Card theft chargebacks are possible even beyond 60 days.

        • Blacklist affiliates
        • Blacklist buyers
        • Unlimited sales funnels (OTOs / Upsells
        • Off-forum (self-hosted) sales
        1. Sell subscription-based products
        2. Autoresponder integration with all main autoresponders
        3. Setup dimesales (automatic price changing based on # of sales)
        4. An Auto-updating "Buy Now" button
        5. Track downloads and IP addresses
        6. Detailed stats on sales, affiliates, products, etc...
        7. Prelaunch management
        8. Multiple sales pages for yourself and/or affiliates
        9. Split-testing of your salespages
        10. Automatic, secure product delivery
        Icing on the cake
        Distribute license keys, passwords, etc..
        Have affiliates promote your offer
        Affiliates can give bonuses to their buyers (auto-delivered on download page)
        Instant payment split with Affiliates and JV partners
        Pay 2nd tier commissions to JV partners
        1-click instant refunds
        Affiliate contest management
        Create special rules for multi-tiered and/or limited-time affiliate commissions
        Merchant account support via Stripe


        ...Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just set there.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9385463].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Alaister
          Originally Posted by RobinInTexas View Post

          Without the Option to delay payment of affiliate commission for 60 days the system is a recipe for being scammed, it's a dead thief magnet. Card theft chargebacks are possible even beyond 60 days.

          • Blacklist affiliates
          • Blacklist buyers
          • Unlimited sales funnels (OTOs / Upsells
          • Off-forum (self-hosted) sales
          1. Sell subscription-based products
          2. Autoresponder integration with all main autoresponders
          3. Setup dimesales (automatic price changing based on # of sales)
          4. An Auto-updating "Buy Now" button
          5. Track downloads and IP addresses
          6. Detailed stats on sales, affiliates, products, etc...
          7. Prelaunch management
          8. Multiple sales pages for yourself and/or affiliates
          9. Split-testing of your salespages
          10. Automatic, secure product delivery
          Icing on the cake
          Distribute license keys, passwords, etc..
          Have affiliates promote your offer
          Affiliates can give bonuses to their buyers (auto-delivered on download page)
          Instant payment split with Affiliates and JV partners
          Pay 2nd tier commissions to JV partners
          1-click instant refunds
          Affiliate contest management
          Create special rules for multi-tiered and/or limited-time affiliate commissions
          Merchant account support via Stripe
          Great priority list Robin.

          Thank you!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9385514].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author aexpress
    Originally Posted by Alaister View Post

    Please submit your feedback and suggestions here
    Hi Alaister,
    Greetings to all Warriors! Great to be here at Warrior Forum. I find the system pretty fluid, flexible and interactive amongst the users. Keep up with the good work.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Taylor
    Has anyone considered this from a potential customer's point of view?

    1. Some form of identity/security/finance check on vendors before being allowed to post an offer
    2. Make it clear who the vendor is... Permit only real names and make contact details mandatory.
    3. Include refund ratio in vendor review and feedback system.

    I'd also like to see sleazy gimmicks such as dime sales being removed but that's just a pet hate. ;-)

    John's Internet Marketing News, Views & Reviews: John Taylor Online
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  • Profile picture of the author Mou
    Mentioned this in another thread

    It appears that the service sections like "Sites for Sell", "Warriors for hire" are not included in this new change?
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Congrats Alaister. Big step for WF. Others have already stated that you need certain other features to make them happy ... IPN, OTO, funnel stuff, etc. I'm sure you'll get to that.

    There's one thing that is critical to me and a lot of others who have been ripped off by affiliates on this forum, and that is delayed payments. Instant Payments is an instant deal breaker for me and a lot of others. I don't care how good anyone says their fraud prevention is ... we don't know that for certain, but we do know for certain, that Instant Payments will bring the credit card theft gang to this payment system in the thousands and they will sign up to be our affiliates. Then they'll buy our products with the stolen credit cards and their own affiliate link. We'll get a big rush of sales and go whoopee ... look at that affiliate. He really can sell. Then that affiliate will empty out his Paypal account and the chargebacks will start rolling in our Paypal accounts. We'll then be charged an additional $25 for each chargeback and there will be no option to at least recoup the commission we paid the "affiliate" because their Paypal account is empty.

    This has happened exactly like this too many times to be funny on this forum and there are many threads about it and the advice is always universally ... don't approve anyone for being an affiliate that you don't know. Well, for most of us, that would be all but a small handful of people, and there will be literally tons of "affiliates" applying that we don't know.

    The one thing that throws a monkey in their wrench is delayed payments. They're going after the commission and if they don't get it instantly, their whole scheme falls apart. They will never be paid once the chargebacks roll in and they know that, so they don't apply to be an affiliate to those who pay delayed payments. Problem solved.

    So please consider Delayed Payments. It's going to be a real mess if you don't, I guarantee it.

    In addition, having the ability to ban (from your own dashboard) buyers who are serial refunders is an excellent feature to have and solves another common problem of fraud on this forum.

    On the ratings system... I do hope that only verified paying buyers can use it. This forum is rife with assmonkeys who use the thread star rating system to leave 1 star to their competitors to make them look bad. It happened to me and MANY others in Warriors for Hire and it will happen in the WSO forum if there's any way possible for them to do it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Juan Jose
    Hey Alaister.

    Great job on this one.

    I'd love to get support for recurring payments (membership sites). This would be golden. And if you can integrate it with Wordpress Membership addons (specificly Paid Memberships Pro) that would be just perfect.

    Best wishes and success,

    - Juan
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    • Profile picture of the author Phil B
      Originally Posted by Juan Jose View Post

      Hey Alaister.

      Great job on this one.

      I'd love to get support for recurring payments (membership sites). This would be golden. And if you can integrate it with Wordpress Membership addons (specificly Paid Memberships Pro) that would be just perfect.

      Best wishes and success,

      - Juan
      I would love to see this feature added. I am using Paid Memberships Pro as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    .... so, I just clicked on Create a WSO button and guess what? No option to use anything but your new system. Well, that's one way to eliminate the competition, except that your payment platform is not ready for prime time and does not have the features that people want and need at this point, so what do you think is going to happen now?

    They will go to JVZoo, which is not dependent on the WF to create a listing and already has the features they need.

    I really don't like not having options.

    A better way to take market share when you launch a product is to blow all the competitors out of the water with features that they don't have, rather than try to take people hostage and force them to use your system. I think that you'll probably lose some customers doing it this way. Just my guess.

    Another thought ... I do not have a refund policy. I sell templates, plugins, themes, software, etc. and the buyer knows exactly what they are getting before buying. I do not want to be involved in a system (like Clickbank for instance) that forces sellers to refund. I make my own judgment on a case by case basis whether or not I will refund a buyer, and I have very few refund requests.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ryan Jericho
    Some if this I sent in reply to your PM, but ive also added more, So ill leave this here.

    Its not mobile friendly. e.g When I get an email saying I have a new affiliate request, I click the link via mobile, Login, and it redirects me back to forum. If i go to warriorpayments, im still not logged in their, and prompts me to login again, thus redirecting me back to forum.

    When I paid for my listing and it went Live, I had an email sent to me, but it was completely blank.

    Delayed affiliate payments is seriously needed. There so much fraud from affiliates in the Industry, That without protection, its really going to hit the fan sooner or later.

    An option to blacklist a buyer or affiliate is also needed.

    Bitcoin Integration - I really think its a good approach to take if your interested. No chargebacks can occur, and It'll make bitcoin stronger as whole and grow further if a decent % of this forum adopted it.

    Recurring payments are also needed desperatley, A lot of people included my self sell membership based products, Without it, You'll be losing alot of money.

    Bonus Option, So that affiliates can upload their own files and when someone buys thru their link, they also get the bonus.

    OTO/Funnel System, that also allows affiliate to apply for one product, and be approved throughout the funnel.

    Affiliate Denial Reasons and Pre-approval text. Basically, when they click 'request' a box should popup with custom text that we want to display to the affiliate before applying, stating the terms in which they will be accepted etc, after they apply, and say we deny them, we should be able to state a reason, to let the affiliate know why he wasnt accepted.

    Affiliate sales stats, when they are on my pending affiliates list, it would be nice to see how many sales they've made, their refund rate etc. Otherwise, Im either going in blind or I'll have to contact every affiliate just to ask basic information that should be displayed automatically.

    Think thats it for now - Ill update this If I think of anything else.
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  • Profile picture of the author iVentureBiz
    Wait a second here......

    Ok it's still first thing in the morning here but just for fun I clicked on a buy button in a WSO using the new warrior payments and it looks like all payment go directly to Freelancer International Pty Ltd instead of the vendor. So I imagine that means payments are then divided out from Freelancer to affiliate and vendors from Freelancers paypal account?

    So, wouldn't that mean the fees associated with using Warrior Payments are much more than the advertised 2% when all things are considered?

    I mean let's break this down...

    • Customer buys product for $20 which is arguable the average price of a WSO. (sends money to Freelancer)
    • Assuming Freelancer qualifies for lower Paypal interest rates of 1.9% + $0.30 that would mean net $19.32 is received by Freelancer
    • Freelancer then keeps 2% (is it of the gross $20 or the net $19.32? Lets assume it's from $19.32) = $0.39 fee
    • Assuming there are no affiliates Freelancer sends the rest to the Vendor which in a worst case scenario is still paying 2.9% +$0.30 to paypal for funds received. So the vendor gets $18.46 net
    So basically vendors are getting dinged by paypal TWICE + Warrior Payments 2% - Is that right or am I missing something here being half asleep lol?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9376727].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
      Originally Posted by iVentureBiz View Post

      Wait a second here......

      Ok it's still first thing in the morning here but just for fun I clicked on a buy button in a WSO using the new warrior payments and it looks like all payment go directly to Freelancer International Pty Ltd instead of the vendor. So I imagine that means payments are then divided out from Freelancer to affiliate and vendors from Freelancers paypal account?

      So, wouldn't that mean the fees associated with using Warrior Payments are much more than the advertised 2% when all things are considered?

      I mean let's break this down...

      • Customer buys product for $20 which is arguable the average price of a WSO. (sends money to Freelancer)
      • Assuming Freelancer qualifies for lower Paypal interest rates of 1.9% + $0.30 that would mean net $19.32 is received by Freelancer
      • Freelancer then keeps 2% (is it of the gross $20 or the net $19.32? Lets assume it's from $19.32) = $0.39 fee
      • Assuming there are no affiliates Freelancer sends the rest to the Vendor which in a worst case scenario is still paying 2.9% +$0.30 to paypal for funds received. So the vendor gets $18.46 net
      So basically vendors are getting dinged by paypal TWICE + Warrior Payments 2% - Is that right or am I missing something here being half asleep lol?
      Are you serious? Payment goes to Freelancer to dole out?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9376759].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author John Taylor
        Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

        Are you serious? Payment goes to Freelancer to dole out?
        Isn't that how ClickBank operates?

        John's Internet Marketing News, Views & Reviews: John Taylor Online
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9376801].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
          Originally Posted by John Taylor View Post

          Isn't that how ClickBank operates?

          I don't and never will use Clickbank. When you use Clickbank, YOUR product becomes their product. If they get a refund request, they refund, irregardless of your refund policy. If WF wants to be another Clickbank and take ownership of OUR products, good luck to them with that.

          All I require and want is to pay a fee for listing my products ... oh ... somewhat like we've always had. I have zero interest in allowing WF to dictate refund policies or dole out MY money. I also have zero interest in affiliates, and that includes having WF being an affiliate at 80% commission, like they suggest.

          You can scream ... you're leaving money on the table if you want to. I don't care. I'm not interested in dealing with affiliate scammers, so I don't need an affiliate platform.... just an advertising platform. I also don't need a platform to manage my payments or product delivery. DLGuard does that quite handily without taking out an additional fee to do it.

          I've tried both W+ and JVZoo. Lost a good amount of money from the JVZoo experience with criminal affiliates. Don't like the inability to pay out in delayed payments with W+, unless they have changed that since I used them. Will never use Clickbank.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9376839].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author iVentureBiz
          Originally Posted by John Taylor View Post

          Isn't that how ClickBank operates?

          Yes, but...

          1) Clickbank doesn't send your payment via paypal - it's check or direct deposit. Both of which have no fee.
          2) Only paypal transactions on CB are subject to this extra hidden fee. CC payments are just the straight CB fee. With Warrior payment EVERY payment is subject to being hit by paypal fees twice.

          Besides, regardless of how Clickbank and others handle things. I thought the idea here was to provide something that's BETTER than the competition (more than just shaving 1% off the fees). Hows that possible with the standpoint of:

          "Well yeah you're getting screwed with two Paypal fees but OTHER companies do the same thing so that magically makes it acceptable"

          Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

          All I require and want is to pay a fee for listing my products ... oh ... somewhat like we've always had. I have zero interest in allowing WF to dictate refund policies or dole out MY money. I also have zero interest in affiliates, and that includes having WF being an affiliate at 80% commission, like they suggest.
          You make a very good point here. I must admit that I'm of two minds about this new feature...

          I can see the potential as a replacements for existing options (because progress on other platforms has been extremely slow) but it's got a long way to go. Maybe this new feature will light a fire other solutions such as warrior plus to pump out new competing features?

          But on the other side I can see the huge amount of problems (and conflict of interest) adding something like this in can bring.

          ...I mean, when WF is making a % on every sale what's to stop there from being preferential treatment to big WSO sellers? What happens to equality for all members?

          Perhaps I'm being a little crazy here but am I the only one that sees this as the first step down a slippery slope? I fear for future "improvements" like...

          • Bidding on WSO placement like Google ads where long term members with higher reputation dominate over new vendors
          • Forcing Warrior Payments as the only option crushing existing businesses that are already have their infrastructure based on other sites like Warrior Plus
          • Warrior Payments starting to do delayed payments to all VENDORS. Freelancer holds all or part of income for several weeks like CB to "combat fraud" yet vendors are still expected to handle support/updates without access to all their funds (thinking of newer vendors especially here).

          I think this is a turning point for WF... I think things with Warrior Payments has to be handled very carefully because it could either turn into something really good that benefits the community or it could be the final nail in the coffin lol
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9377029].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author kindsvater
      Originally Posted by iVentureBiz View Post

      Wait a second here......

      Ok it's still first thing in the morning here but just for fun I clicked on a buy button in a WSO using the new warrior payments and it looks like all payment go directly to Freelancer International Pty Ltd instead of the vendor. So I imagine that means payments are then divided out from Freelancer to affiliate and vendors from Freelancers paypal account?

      Update: I've now had a sale through the new Warrior Payments system and payment from the buyer went straight into my PayPal account, and then from my PayPal account a fee was paid to Freelancer.

      It appears iVentureBiz's early morning imagining was incorrect.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9377171].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author iVentureBiz
        Originally Posted by kindsvater View Post

        Update: I've now had a sale through the new Warrior Payments system and payment from the buyer went straight into my PayPal account, and then from my PayPal account a fee was paid to Freelancer.

        It appears iVentureBiz's early morning imagining was incorrect.

        Well that's good... just weird that when you click on a buy button for any product by any vendor it brings you to a paypal page with Freelancer International Pty Ltd in big bold letters at the top of the page and the Warrior Forum user name as the product title. That seriously needs to be fixed lol
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9377993].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author mattbarrie
          Originally Posted by iVentureBiz View Post

          Well that's good... just weird that when you click on a buy button for any product by any vendor it brings you to a paypal page with Freelancer International Pty Ltd in big bold letters at the top of the page and the Warrior Forum user name as the product title. That seriously needs to be fixed lol
          This was an oversight, will be fixed right away.
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  • Profile picture of the author RobinInTexas
    It's been about 10-15 minutes since I first clicked a link to this thread, and I found another thread about it, but still haven't seen a link to anything describing the Warrior Payments system. I guess I'll find it eventually. Not gonna keep looking, I'll stumble on it eventually... or not.


    ...Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just set there.
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  • Profile picture of the author RobinInTexas
    Originally Posted by lgibbon View Post

    I suggest having one thread in one forum, rather than threads all over the place.
    You could lock the others with links to the main thread.
    I second the motion


    ...Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just set there.
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  • Profile picture of the author mubashir
    Looks great and you made your place in online product marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author MarketingBees
    Surprised no one else has picked up on this:

    You've made a mistake on the Clickbank comparison.

    + 7.5% + $1 per sale"

    It's a one off $47 activation fee and then 7.5% + $1 per sale.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9376851].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mattbarrie
      Originally Posted by MarketingBees View Post

      Surprised no one else has picked up on this:

      You've made a mistake on the Clickbank comparison.

      + 7.5% + $1 per sale"

      It's a one off $47 activation fee and then 7.5% + $1 per sale.
      Nope. $47 per month:

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9378423].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author CyberAlien
        Originally Posted by mattbarrie View Post

        Nope. $47 per month:

        Nope. $49.95 one time.

        The Real Pricing

        What did you guys do? Just Google "clickbank pricing" and choose the first price you saw?

        They pricing that you're quoting for $47/month is for ClickBank Powered Platform. If you want to use that pricing to make yours look better, then you should also be mentioning that Warrior Payments is 2% for every payment + $20 to post a thread + $20 for every bump.

        My point: you shouldn't simply choose the most expensive pricing option for ClickBank and advertise that while only mentioning the absolute lowest costs for Warrior Payments.

        But since you're hear answering questions, maybe you could explain this. If someone were to sell a $10 product and there were no affiliate commissions. Would that vendor receive $9.80 since that's 98% and Freelancer only keeps 2%? Since you're advertising a rate of 2% and don't have it mentioned anywhere in your Terms of Service that PayPal's fees also apply, are we to assume that Freelancer will be covering PayPal's transaction fees?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9380618].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ForumGuru
        Originally Posted by MarketingBees View Post

        Surprised no one else has picked up on this:

        You've made a mistake on the Clickbank comparison.

        + 7.5% + $1 per sale"

        It's a one off $47 activation fee and then 7.5% + $1 per sale.
        Originally Posted by mattbarrie View Post

        Nope. $47 per month:

        I believe the $47 a month is the fee if you are using ClickBank Powered Platform.

        If you are not using the CPP then the activation fee is $49.95 and then 7.5% + $1. I think on subsequent accounts you will be charged a 29.95 activation fee and then 7.5% + $1.

        Activation Charge
        For vendors that want to sell their products through ClickBank, we charge a one-time $49.95 activation charge that must be paid upon approval of your first product. Activation fees do not apply to affiliates. Please note that this amount is only charged once your product is approved, so if ClickBank does not accept it for any reason, you will not pay anything.

        There are no monthly charges, but there is a $2.50 pay period processing charge for every payment that ClickBank issues to you.


        Therefore, on each sale ClickBank effectively keeps 7.5% plus $1


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  • Profile picture of the author videomarketerus
    Congratulations on this one Alaister.. I just have some comments or is it just me noticed this, that every time I clicked on average price column in marketplace to sort it asc or desc, the price will not be sorted out.. maybe it will but not in asc or desc order..
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  • Profile picture of the author Vasuu
    Implement conversion tracking feature for affiliates. Lot of affiliates will promote through different ad networks.
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  • Profile picture of the author ddev
    I celebrate a new alternative but my first impression is that it sounds like you launched...without knowing the market?

    IPN...funnels....where are they? Does it support JV's? 2nd tier affiliates?

    Does it support subscriptions??
    List of features?

    At this moment, the home page only says that you charge less than the rest but nothing else.

    Also consider that today the top platforms give sellers info about affiliates who want to promote a product (you know their sales numbers / conversions / refunds) so you can approve them (or not) with instant/delayed payments.

    Frankly...looks too basic right now (miles away from W+ / JVZoo).

    Maybe it's ok for a quick wso launch but i think that you could go for more (i'm sure you will).

    Best of Luck.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9376896].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Tim Franklin
    One of the things that I would want to see would be an API with "Bullet Proof Callback and init procedures) Paypal drops the ball on this in its offerings.

    So if you are going to do this and do it in a way that provides the most beneficial workflow for professionals you really must have an API

    (that may not be an option right away as its probably a challenge to implement)

    But I can imagine it would save you hundreds of hours of intensive labor and support requests over time.

    Here is an example, I just finished developing a license system where API calls from paypal were made at the time of purchase, but timeouts create a situation where the buyer is penalized for the shortcomings of the paypal system.

    (by the way its not an accident either on the part of paypal)

    They want you to use the Pro version of paypal services where you pay a monthly fee.

    So that is why the Paypal IPN system will always fall short of what you want it to do.

    But for many small vendors its the only alternative,.

    Finding a method of passing customer data to your own server or CRM, now that is worth its weight in Gold...

    Seriously, managing data here is probably your biggest task.

    If you look really hard at the paypal API, you will see exactly where they let you down.

    Identify that weakness and develop a solution in your own API and you will instantly become the most popular payment service in the IM industry.

    Here is what I would see as the best work flow,

    Process payment, confirm payment, submit data to CRM, (private server) or (AWS) or customer choice of passing data to customers digital solution.

    Store the data in case the seller has a technical problem, you could then export the variables, import it to the customers system, either automatically or by CSV in case there is a problem in collecting data.

    That way you would have a two tier, system of data preservation, it would effectively eliminate the tired old sorry our server crashed "we had so many sales" the old we were not prepared for success, story...

    I would seriously consider integrating Payflow, either for professional sellers or as a service for stable sellers.

    Providing a dynamic init callback would be my biggest wish list.
    Bitcoin | Crypto | Blockchain Secrets |
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    • Profile picture of the author therightaward
      Just sent you a reply to your mass email.

      Hi Alaister

      How can I integrate your solution on to my web store hosted by BigCommerce?


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  • Profile picture of the author Najgel
    [Q] Alaister since you responded in the previous thread that custom IPN integration will be comming soon, could you please leave a hint if the "soon" is in a few days, or few months, because this is very important.

    Im on the verge onto a release myself and I still have space to choose the payment method so I look forward to check out the WarriorPayments but only if I'm able to fully protect my membership site and automate the delivery.

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  • Profile picture of the author munstersg01
    Wow really cool to have warrior payments for the warrior forum.

    My feedback or wishlist are as follows:
    1) Variety of buy buttons
    2) Counter or timer for pre launches or time limited offers
    3) Integration with any autoresponder
    4) Integration with any membership system like DLguard or Membersonic etc
    5) System to accommodate refund policies
    6) Encrypt supplied delivery url
    7) ability to add bonuses
    8) ability to allow affiliate to add bonuses
    9) ability to do recurring payments

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9377024].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Alaister
      Originally Posted by munstersg01 View Post

      Wow really cool to have warrior payments for the warrior forum.

      My feedback or wishlist are as follows:
      1) Variety of buy buttons
      2) Counter or timer for pre launches or time limited offers
      3) Integration with any autoresponder
      4) Integration with any membership system like DLguard or Membersonic etc
      5) System to accommodate refund policies
      6) Encrypt supplied delivery url
      7) ability to add bonuses
      8) ability to allow affiliate to add bonuses
      9) ability to do recurring payments

      Great suggestions Danny. I'm adding these to our list which we'll be working on.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    So please consider Delayed Payments. It's going to be a real mess if you don't, I guarantee it.
    I will never use it without this option. You'd have to be brain-dead.
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9377044].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author snginc
    since you are moving free wsos to the warroom are you removing the no forced optins rule on the warroom thread? otherwise you take out an important part of free wsos...building your list!
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  • Profile picture of the author RedHat39
    Well, I thought I'd give the WFP a shot but just found out that all affiliates are approved for instant commissions. Delayed commissions has to be an option for me to use this system. Just way too many ways to get scammed otherwise.
    [Say What?!?] How to market as an affiliate and build a list at the same time - (Video Proof)
    Click Here For FREE Access Now
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9377318].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author JR Lang
      Originally Posted by RedHat39 View Post

      Well, I thought I'd give the WFP a shot but just found out that all affiliates are approved for instant commissions. Delayed commissions has to be an option for me to use this system. Just way too many ways to get scammed otherwise.
      No way will I use this system without delayed commissions either, that is Paypal suicide with all the scammers, no way!

      Originally Posted by mattbarrie View Post

      AWESOME feedback guys! This is great stuff. Would you all be able to give some prioritization to what you think the most important features are to knock off first?

      We want to build the best product possible, designed by WARRIORS for WARRIORS!

      1. OTOs And Sales Funnels
      2. Setting for delayed commissions for affiliates
      3. Add Getresponse
      4. Get rid of the review system
      5. DO NOT take away the choice to place any payment buttons we want, not now, nor in the future ie: JVZoo and Warrior+
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  • Profile picture of the author justkho
    I agree, Instant Payment Notification is a must have
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  • Profile picture of the author allfourrumesci
    Originally Posted by Alaister View Post

    Please submit your feedback and suggestions here
    please how do i get connected to the warrior forrum payment as first steps, thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ethiccash
    If Freelancer took WF over, the main reason is for sure to control the payments made in the WSO section. They would be dumb not to do it. It has been left aside by previous owner and for this reason new services emerged like W+ and then JVZ. It did not make sense for previous owner to let such a business to 3rd party.

    So, in 2 months they managed to launch this, you can be sure that in 3 months or so they would have started to understand what the market want and they will code all the features other platforms never manage to code, being too busy to live off your sales!

    Of course it's clear they have no idea what the market is, and what it is to sell online apart from managing freelancers. But they will just put all other platforms into total and utter shame in just a few months, if at least they follow their guidelines and don't listen to anyone :-)

    In 6 months from now, no one will be resistant anymore to using them for their WSO as it will bring more value to sellers and buyers. W+ will be from the past, JVZ will focus on sales outside of WF and life will go on.

    But since there are more and more people in this forum, more and more sellers and buyers, people will use the system in place. It just takes time for most to accept changes and get used to it. Hopefully the team in charge will stay clear with their roadmap and get real when releasing new features.

    At last, a blog for Internet Marketer and Affiliate Marketer ran by a 7-figures Affiliate Marketer, not a blogger!
    ==>> http://blog.AffiliateProfitMasterclass.com

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  • Profile picture of the author iVentureBiz
    How far along are we on the delete feature? Got a ton of people asking to be an affiliate for my test product linking to test.com. Good to see these affiliates do their due allegiance checking out sales pages of products and not just requesting to be added as affiliate to every product LOL

    If you could delete that listing in the meantime it would be appreciated
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9377632].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Alaister
      Originally Posted by iVentureBiz View Post

      How far along are we on the delete feature? Got a ton of people asking to be an affiliate for my test product linking to test.com. Good to see these affiliates do their due allegiance checking out sales pages of products and not just requesting to be added as affiliate to every product LOL
      This is live right now. You can "Hide From Marketplace".
      To do this go to the My Stats page and click "Edit WSO" and in the advanced options you can hide your offer.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9378434].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author seobro
    I think this is great for us. Do you have a manual on how to use this new resource?
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  • Profile picture of the author Tony Lucas
    Great news! You should add the option of creating funnels.
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  • Profile picture of the author arvind031989
    Originally Posted by Alaister View Post

    Please submit your feedback and suggestions here
    Alaister sir i am not yet understand how to use and how can i add my SEO service and my website details can you please send me email 1 more time
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  • Profile picture of the author JasonParker
    First of all... AWESOME job.

    Here's my wishlist:

    Ability to build out a sales funnel with multiple upsells.

    Ability to approve and disapprove certain affiliates, because it's easy for scammers to take advantage of PayPal API. If you allow everyone to promote, then you put your account in jeopardy.

    GetResponse auto-responder integration.

    Ability to turn off general replies on your WSO thread and only allow reviews from paying customers.

    A built-in HTML editor to create better-looking WSO sales pages... or at least some kind of toolbar that helps you design a better-looking page. Not everyone understands coding or vBulletin codes.

    Every feature WarriorPlus and JVZoo have.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9378403].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author shadowmaxss
    1.) WooCommerce Integration?
    2.) Definitely a mixed commission structure: Flat Affiliate Commission, % Affiliate Commission, Recurring Affiliate Commission % (For Recurring Services), Flat Affiliate Commission for Recurring Services, One-time Flat Affiliate Commission for Recurring Services.
    3.) Client cancellation workflow API, WooCommerce.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9378407].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mattbarrie
    AWESOME feedback guys! This is great stuff. Would you all be able to give some prioritization to what you think the most important features are to knock off first?

    We want to build the best product possible, designed by WARRIORS for WARRIORS!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9378426].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author JasonParker
      Originally Posted by mattbarrie View Post

      AWESOME feedback guys! This is great stuff. Would you all be able to give some prioritization to what you think the most important features are to knock off first?

      We want to build the best product possible, designed by WARRIORS for WARRIORS!

      Delayed payments option seems priority to me. Because of safety issues. And ability to disapprove certain affiliates.

      This was one of the first big issues the other platforms had when they first came along.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9378444].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
      Originally Posted by mattbarrie View Post

      AWESOME feedback guys! This is great stuff. Would you all be able to give some prioritization to what you think the most important features are to knock off first?

      We want to build the best product possible, designed by WARRIORS for WARRIORS!

      An affiliate platform without the ability to put affiliates on Delayed Payments is a deal breaker for many. I'm lucky that I still have my long standing Paypal account after the fraud that occurred by affiliates promoting my product, so that should be at the top of the list.

      Then, many sellers aren't going to touch the platform until they can implement OTOs, upsells, downsells, and an integrated autoresponder like Get Response. They'll lose money using the platform as it is now.

      Another deal breaker for me and others would be no control over refund requests. If you issue refunds on the sellers behalf, rather than leaving that up to the seller, I would never use the platform. I don't have blind copy and sell templates, plugins, software, etc. and the buyer knows exactly what they are buying when they buy, so there are very few occasions that I would issue a refund, and in fact, rarely get a request. But when a platform like Clickbank offers them to everyone who asks for one, it brings the serial refunders out in droves.

      Get rid of the rating system. It's going to be gamed by many and be nothing but harmful for many honest sellers with great products. I've already posted a screenshot of the first two victims of the review system and it's as expected. Then a seller posted his rating on a product. Again, one customer reviews a 5.0 and another one reviews 0.0 who says "I just bought the product and haven't had time to read it yet." Then what the hell is the idiot reviewing the product for?

      IPN function would be high on the list too, since a lot of sellers are using membership sites, and support for recurring subscriptions.

      Forget about eliminating the competition. You'll only anger a lot of good sellers and reduce traffic to the WSO section. Build a better platform and let the customer decide which they want to use.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9379462].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author MarketingBees
    I'm with sbucciarel on this one. I don't appreciate the fact that the Warrior Forum are effectively going to FORCE Warrior Payments onto me if I choose to launch a WSO in the future and believe it will ultimately be the death of the section unfortunately.

    I know at the moment we can choose to run it as we wish (if we know the secret link). But it sounds like the future is going to be warrior payments or get lost.

    The way I see it is I got to Clickbank to process payments and attract affiliates, I go to Paypal to process payments, I got to JVzoo to process payments and attract affiliates, I go to the WARRIOR FORUM for the traffic that's here (when it comes to selling products anyways).
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  • Profile picture of the author ukcharliee
    Please could you allow integration with getresponse autoresponder
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  • Profile picture of the author rizy
    Thank you so much Freelancer team.
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    • Profile picture of the author kindsvater
      I realize enough is being bitten off with forum upgrades and now Warrior Payments, but an issue that has bedeviled me for years is after someone buys a WSO having them redirected to access a membership site.

      A "membership site" is really just a password protected directory on a website. That's it.

      I've tried so many options, hacked workarounds, and I fail to understand this is so difficult, sellers abandon their scripts, or it costs hundreds of dollars and is mostly limited to WordPress.

      That would be an integrated. Providing pdf reports already is. Seems to go hand in hand with offering subscription sales.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9378664].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author GforceSage
    Originally Posted by Alaister View Post

    Please submit your feedback and suggestions here


    There are a lot of inquiries that come up relating to a myriad of topics related to the Warrior Forum and will continue with the new offerings.

    That said, you really need to up everyone's PM count to 100. You have people that get 3 important messages and 1 of them gets bumped because of having no space or you have a seller who realizes that a potential buyer is not monitoring a thread and needs to get a hold of them, only to find that their pm box is full. $100 for improved access is not the answer here.

    If you're going to upgrade the business offerings, you need to upgrade the infrastructure.

    Best of luck!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9378691].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mattbarrie
      Originally Posted by GforceSage View Post


      There are a lot of inquiries that come up relating to a myriad of topics related to the Warrior Forum and will continue with the new offerings.

      That said, you really need to up everyone's PM count to 100. You have people that get 3 important messages and 1 of them gets bumped because of having no space or you have a seller who realizes that a potential buyer is not monitoring a thread and needs to get a hold of them, only to find that their pm box is full. $100 for improved access is not the answer here.

      If you're going to upgrade the business offerings, you need to upgrade the infrastructure.

      Best of luck!
      Normal Registered users are allowed 10
      War room members 500
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9378727].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author GforceSage
        Originally Posted by mattbarrie View Post

        Normal Registered users are allowed 10
        War room members 500

        No kidding. That's what the comment is about. The 10 needs to be 100.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9379223].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author mattbarrie
          Originally Posted by GforceSage View Post

          No kidding. That's what the comment is about. The 10 needs to be 100.
          What does everyone else think about this?
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9379950].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author iVentureBiz
            Originally Posted by mattbarrie View Post

            What does everyone else think about this?
            Back when war room membership was a one off payment and it was a requirement for posting WSO's I would have said "let them pay for a war room membership".

            But now that it's a monthly fee and not required for WSO's allowing a larger PM box seems fair since it will allow more support requests to go through to non war room member vendors and all in all an improvement in user experience.

            I vote to raise PM inbox to 100 for non war room members.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9379992].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author kindsvater
            If you issue refunds on the sellers behalf, rather than leaving that up to the seller, I would never use the platform.
            My understanding of the authorization permission with PayPal is that this is so a seller can initiate a refund through the Warrior Payments system, thereby streamlining the reversal of multiple transactions (payment from the buyer, transaction payment to Freelancer, affiliate payment to an affiliate), while at the same time updating stats in the Warrior Payments system so the refund rate shown for a product is accurate.

            It does not authorize Freelancer to on its own withdraw funds from your account with a US financial institution like PayPal by initiating a refund request.

            Warrior Plus was initiating refund requests on its own without obtaining permission from the product seller and was immediately met with a cease and desist.

            If I'm wrong, and Freelancer did do this then I would expect the blowback to be severe.

            ClickBank can issue refunds because contractually product creators are wholesalers to ClickBank which acts as the retailer who is directly paid by the buyer, and is thus responsible for refunds, plus taxes, etc.

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          • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
            Originally Posted by mattbarrie View Post

            What does everyone else think about this?
            When the War Room was $20/yr, I'd say let them pay it to get more pms. Now that it is $97/yr and out of reach to all these new people, I think 10 pms is unworkable and a paltry number to give out. I'd increase it to 50.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9380014].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Highway55
            Originally Posted by mattbarrie View Post

            What does everyone else think about this?
            It should be more, since you raised the price of the war room. Checks and balances...

            $1 'Set-it And Forget-it' IM Email Series
            With A Multiple Sales Conversion Guarantee!

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  • Profile picture of the author LiftMyRank
    I too fear that in the nearby future we're all going to be forced to use warrior payments or nothing else as Alaister was quoted as saying "We're not banning the use of any network at this point",

    I've been a WSO seller for several years and my current WSO has over 159,000 views and I have no desire (or margin) for affiliates and therefore use my own paypal button nor do I have any desire to be doubled dipped on, if this changes I will have to jump ship unfortunately...

    Edit: nor do I want somebody else controlling my refunds, my service costs me money to run so refunds hurt a lot, buyers quickly catch drift of this and abuse the heck out of it, this is why I'll never deal on clickbank and i know a lot of other IMers won't either due to this reason, the same product controlled by me gets 2% refund rate but on clickbank gets 17% refund rate, hurts everybody except the dodgy buyer, plus I hope my buyers won't automatically be signed up to get blasted with "deal of the day" affiliate links like W+ does..

    To be honest I'm failing to see the benefits to WSO sellers who've driven a LOT of traffic to this forum over the years, but the immediate benefits to freelancer are clear as day
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  • Profile picture of the author Yogini
    I am glad this is being implanted and also would be interested to see if there can be a way to not have instant affiliate payments if someone has a refund policy so this doesn't cause confusions.

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  • Profile picture of the author ScrooG
    Sign up at https://www.warriorforum.com/register.php not working for me.
    When I try to sign up I get down to the part where it says Verify Image but there is no image that appears, neither in Firefox nor Chrome.
    So then when I answer the other verify question like "what is the middle letter of the word "new"?", and submit the form, it says I failed to answer the question about the image.

    How can I if I can't see the image?
    Either there is something wrong with your page, not showing the image, or there's something wrong with my browsers/computer. I suspect it's your page because I have no problem answering image questions and seeing the images on other sites.

    "Live and let live".

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9378768].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JR Lang
    • Full sales funnel with upsells and downsells
    • Ability to offer both delayed and instant commissions to affiliates
    • GetResponse must be added to autoresponder choices
    • DO NOT take away the choice to place any payment buttons we want, not now, nor in the future ie: JVZoo and Warrior+
    • Get rid of the rating system, it is flawed and when idiots who leave a 0 rating when they think a WSO should be free, or those that have tech problems, which has already happened on a WSO that's live now, it will totally warp an accurate rating of the product itself and hinder sales.
    • If there MUST BE a rating system it should only be accessible to verified buyers and all reviews should be moderated to eliminate lame ratings that have nothing to do with the product itself. Technical glitches in set up should not reflect badly on the seller or their product.
    • Let sellers reply to reviews like eBay does AND sellers should be able to review buyers so the retards that troll threads just to be negative can be called out.
    • Instant payments direct to seller's Paypal and to affiliates is a must.
    • Refund requests must be verified with seller, the system now is set up where we have to give you Paypal authorization to process refunds, that's not cool if refunds will be randomly handed out at the whim of Freelancer. My products are PLR and have a limit on when a refund is given, no exceptions.
    • Lastly, there should be a complete FAQ with all the rules and details on the system, right now, there are too many unanswered questions and no way to understand exactly how it works or the rules.
    Highest Quality PLR - Content You Will Be Proud To Share With Your Audience - Sign Up For My Email List And Get A Ton Of FREEBIES - https://internetslayers.com

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9378850].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author abdul786
    I am one of the first few warriors to jump on the new system yesterday.

    From integration of WarriorPayments in existing threads, approval of affiliates, WSO stats to the first product sale today using this new system, it has been a great experience so far.

    I agree with all others who suggested some nice features which we must see implemented soon. Congratulations to Freelancer team on introducing WarriorPayments and hey, nothing is perfect on its initial launch. What matters is how this team will improve and make this the best affiliate marketplace just as we know WarriorForum as the best Internet Marketing forum since over a decade.


    Seems like everyone suggested what I thought of initially but here's one:

    -> Ability to add multiple payment buttons in a thread as many of us run "services" as WSO threads with different packages/plans.


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9379060].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Alaister
      Originally Posted by abdul786 View Post


      Seems like everyone suggested what I thought of initially but here's one:

      -> Ability to add multiple payment buttons in a thread as many of us run "services" as WSO threads with different packages/plans.


      The best way to do this right now is to Create new offers or products and take the embed button code and place them on the same sales page.

      Let me know if you need help with this.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9379118].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author larrya
        Originally Posted by Alaister View Post

        The best way to do this right now is to Create new offers or products and take the embed button code and place them on the same sales page.

        Let me know if you need help with this.

        In this scenario, do you have to approve each affiliate for each product?
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  • Profile picture of the author chepitosv
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  • Profile picture of the author Michelle Stevens
    Definitely needs a profit share feature for vendors that work in partnership

    Otherwise it will be less than useless to some
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  • Profile picture of the author Net66
    Suggestion: Make it so it works.

    I connected Aweber and when I select it I get an error page.

    What I do - And How I do it. My Personal Blog...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9379506].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mattbarrie
      Originally Posted by GforceSage View Post

      No kidding. That's what the comment is about. The 10 needs to be 100.
      Originally Posted by Net66 View Post

      Suggestion: Make it so it works.

      I connected Aweber and when I select it I get an error page.

      I just forwarded to the team. Can you post a screenshot?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9379956].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Tommy Afrialdi
    Awesome features, addict members will try this platform. Good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author Ryan Jericho
    Can you seriously implement getresponse asap. . . Its bugging me, that im going to have to manually add all customers to the list. Also, No export feature - Going to be doubly annoying. . .
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9380135].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Alaister
      Originally Posted by Ryan Jericho View Post

      Can you seriously implement getresponse asap. . . Its bugging me, that im going to have to manually add all customers to the list. Also, No export feature - Going to be doubly annoying. . .
      Hi Ryan,

      Yeh we're looking to do this. The only reason we haven't integrated this is because of the developer approval process we're going through. Once that is done we'll be adding GetResponse as an option.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9381183].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
        You sure that's a current requirement, versus an old policy where product delivery was outside the forum - that hasn't been thought about in the context of the new payments system?
        It's still listed in the rules, just as I wrote it. Whether that will continue to be the case is something you'd have to ask Alaister or Matt about.

        The recent changes will probably require a rewrite. Policy stuff like that may need to be adjusted or eliminated, depending on how they handle some things. Notably, the rest of the questions you asked.

        Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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  • Profile picture of the author themikerogers
    It looks good but I see no way to link a OTO as an upsell or as a downsell and have separate affiliate commissions for each.

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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
    I think increasing the number of PMs is a good idea. Keep in mind, though, that sellers are currently required to have a support/contact system that is independent of the forum. The idea behind that is, if someone gets banned, or the forum is down, or the PM system is borked, that shouldn't keep customers from contacting a seller.

    If you plan to do away with that rule, increasing the PM counts is a "must." If not, it's still a good idea, as a lot of people prefer to keep everything forum-related on the forum.

    Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9380292].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author kindsvater
      Originally Posted by Paul Myers View Post

      I think increasing the number of PMs is a good idea. Keep in mind, though, that sellers are currently required to have a support/contact system that is independent of the forum. The idea behind that is, if someone gets banned, or the forum is down, or the PM system is borked, that shouldn't keep customers from contacting a seller.
      You sure that's a current requirement, versus an old policy where product delivery was outside the forum - that hasn't been thought about in the context of the new payments system? It's one thing to be banned but have product delivery outside the forum. Not any more. At least with PDF files the forum is delivering the product.

      Now, if a seller is banned what happens? Does the forum stop delivering product? Do payment buttons automatically stop working? What if a buyer wants a refund?

      What if a seller is banned and as a result cannot deliver product, or issue refunds, and loses their PayPal account as a result?

      What happens with affiliates? Are they notified? Links re-routed?

      Can buyers still rate a banned seller? What if the ban turns out to be a mistake?

      What if a buyer is banned? Does that mean their download link no longer works? What about upcoming subscription payments?

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9380355].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GforceSage
      Originally Posted by Paul Myers View Post

      I think increasing the number of PMs is a good idea. Keep in mind, though, that sellers are currently required to have a support/contact system that is independent of the forum. The idea behind that is, if someone gets banned, or the forum is down, or the PM system is borked, that shouldn't keep customers from contacting a seller.

      If you plan to do away with that rule, increasing the PM counts is a "must." If not, it's still a good idea, as a lot of people prefer to keep everything forum-related on the forum.

      Eventhough an independent system is required, it is convenient to quickly pm someone, even if the seller responds by asking you to continue the conversation by email or text. That said, it is very important to have space in ones pm box to receive such a request if the seller does not have your info yet. Thanks for the input!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9381342].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers

        Good points.

        Another reason I forgot to mention is that increasing the PM box limits may encourage more people to ask certain types of question (like, "How does this compare to [competitor's product]?" privately.

        I've seen a lot of questions that should be asked privately and get aired on a thread instead, creating negative impressions needlessly.

        Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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  • Profile picture of the author ASUService
    I'm seriously confused ... I know, situation normal! lol

    I decided to give it a try and after going live four hours ago I have nothing to send affiliates. I wrote support and was told there is no real link to send affiliates so they can sign up. Instead I was told to wait until it shows in the marketplace and then affiliates can sign up. It was stated this would take "some hours"

    IMHO, this is REALLY bad and I just can't get my head around why it would be setup this way. I believe it should be instantaneous like the other platforms are.

    Just my two cents.

    Best Regards,
    Mike Allton
    ASU Service, Inc.
    The LAST SMS Platform You'll Ever Need! Easy Money!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9380366].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mattbarrie
      Originally Posted by ASUService View Post

      I'm seriously confused ... I know, situation normal! lol

      I decided to give it a try and after going live four hours ago I have nothing to send affiliates. I wrote support and was told there is no real link to send affiliates so they can sign up. Instead I was told to wait until it shows in the marketplace and then affiliates can sign up. It was stated this would take "some hours"

      IMHO, this is REALLY bad and I just can't get my head around why it would be setup this way. I believe it should be instantaneous like the other platforms are.

      Just my two cents.
      We're fixing this right away!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9384422].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Chris Dolan
    Isn't the challenge for the WF more about making WSO's more commercially viable. Most marketers are leaning towards launching off of the forum because of trolls. A new platform like this might or might not work. It reaches out towards off WF sellers, but with the limited features in this initial release its not so attractive yet.

    Fee's are important, but if you get good value for your $ then something has to offer more value than simply less cost and therefore less value.

    Just my $0.02

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  • Profile picture of the author Brandon Tanner
    Congrats on the new payment platform, guys. I'm sure it will be great once it matures a bit and more features are added.

    I, as well as many others I'm sure, would like to see other payment/affiliate platforms always be allowed to be used here. But I am also realistic and understand, from a business owner's perspective, why Freelancer would want to keep the entire "pie" to themselves. With that in mind, I would like to make a suggestion.

    IF Freelancer's goal is at some point to ban all other affiliate platforms from being used here (I really hope not, but IF...), then I strongly suggest that they wait to do so until 1) the feature set of Warrior Payments is comparable to that of JVZoo, ClickBank, etc., and 2) they've had enough time to build up a strong affiliate base.

    People don't like to have their choices taken away (especially when they have been using something that works great for them for a long time). So IF you're going to take away the choice of which affiliate platform may be used here, then please at least wait until the product becomes as desirable as the choices that you are taking away. If you don't do that, then I think there is a very high risk that it could backfire... BIG TIME.

    If you wait until the product is as good or better than the competition, then you won't have to use strong-arm tactics to get people to use it. They will flock to it in droves, naturally.

    My 2 cents.

    And again... congrats on the launch, guys.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mormo
    My feedback is if you are going to delete threads please at least PM a reason.
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  • Profile picture of the author LisaAnne2014
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      Hi jacking a thread is not good forum etiquette - you have posted the same complaints multiple times today in multiple threads.
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
      what it is instead of what you think it should be.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9380965].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mike Hersh
    Hi Alaister,

    The highest price point right now is $1000. What about those
    who sell high ticket products & services?

    It would be nice to have an option to add my services to the
    system without the $1k limit. I'm sure that more people are interested
    in this.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9381883].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kurt
    There's a number of good suggestions for features listed above. However, in my mind it comes down to two simple points:

    1. Security and the ability to protect my Paypal account, which means approving/disapproving affiliates, using delayed payments, etc.

    2. How many affiliates will I get and how much money will they make me? All those other features are nice, but it really comes down to making sales and will the affiliates from Warrior Payments make me more money than the affiliates from the other affiliate platforms? The WF has a huge pool of potential affiliates...How is this best leveraged?

    For example, PayGear probably has the best feature set of any of the platforms. But they don't have the pool of affiliates the others have.
    Discover the fastest and easiest ways to create your own valuable products.
    Tons of FREE Public Domain content you can use to make your own content, PLR, digital and POD products.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9382386].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Simeon Tuitt
    Not sure if this has been asked yet but is there any direct affiliate links to sellers products that can be given out to people when announcing their product releases to JVs and Affiliates.

    Right now I am looking for a straight affiliate link to my products and I can't find any, it seems self contained as though you need to be logged into the WP system to go to the affiliate area and scroll through looking for the product.

    Direct affiliate signup links that can be given out to my products is a must, also currently getting a 404 error whenever going to any of the view stats pages, so can these can get sorted .a.s.a.p.


    Simeon Tuitt Is A Digital Product Creator And Publisher Since 2006. Search Simeon Tuitt In The Alexa Skills Store To Listen On Your Echo, Echo Dot Or Watch On Your Echo Show Or Echo Spot Device. http://www.Simeon-Tuitt.co.uk

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9382431].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mattbarrie
      Originally Posted by Simeon Tuitt View Post

      Not sure if this has been asked yet but is there any direct affiliate links to sellers products that can be given out to people when announcing their product releases to JVs and Affiliates.

      Right now I am looking for a straight affiliate link to my products and I can't find any, it seems self contained as though you need to be logged into the WP system to go to the affiliate area and scroll through looking for the product.

      Direct affiliate signup links that can be given out to my products is a must, also currently getting a 404 error whenever going to any of the view stats pages, so can these can get sorted .a.s.a.p.

      A very good point, we're going to implement this immediately.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9384423].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Simeon Tuitt
        Originally Posted by mattbarrie View Post

        A very good point, we're going to implement this immediately.
        Thanks can you drop me a message or update the thread once direct links that can be given out to affiliates is added matt.

        One more thing that needs sorting immediately is when a product is edited, if I delete a product I have uploaded for download by my customer and decide I want to add my own page or link now for customers to go to for their download, the option for the url isn't appearing once the download file has been removed.

        So right now the only way to get the option of the url for adding a link would be to create a new offer and remove the old one, so the url field needs to reappear once a download has been removed in the edit / setup offer section.


        Simeon Tuitt Is A Digital Product Creator And Publisher Since 2006. Search Simeon Tuitt In The Alexa Skills Store To Listen On Your Echo, Echo Dot Or Watch On Your Echo Show Or Echo Spot Device. http://www.Simeon-Tuitt.co.uk

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9386476].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kancha
    Thank You for the updated changes to WF. This will help me stop wasting money.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9382749].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author MYDCOM
    I really like warriorplus. I think freelancer should've just bought them out too

    Anyways, I agree with the others, a lot of features are still missing.
    For one, I hope you get GetResponse setup soon.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9384083].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Donald Truehart
    Cmon, where's the direct link to run a WSO without this payments system.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9384676].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Paleochora
    Pretty amazing scrolling through all of these posts.....

    Al lot of advice & helpful suggestions are coming from people who have never even run a WSO, let alone tested this new platform

    Personally, I wish you every success with it. I tested with a WSO (yes, I have actually used it) and all I can say is I *may* consider using the platform again when it has been developed properly to where it is at least i) out of beta and ii) a viable alternative to what is already out there and already works just great.

    You don't need feedback from wannabe WSO vendors. Just head over to JVZoo. There is the benchmark you have to make this platform live up to. Until then, why would anyone willingly use something inferior?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9386153].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Net66
    if Warrior Payments is an example of the code quality you get when you outsource on Freelancer then it's one big nail in the coffin for outsourcing.

    What I do - And How I do it. My Personal Blog...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9386161].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Howlerckc
      Originally Posted by Net66 View Post

      if Warrior Payments is an example of the code quality you get when you outsource on Freelancer then it's one big nail in the coffin for outsourcing.

      Andy, I saw you had a WSO up the other day using WP. How would you rate it overall and your experiences so far? Please don't hold back!

      Thanks in advance!!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9386179].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author snginc
        I wasnt able to find his wso in the wp affiliate marketplace even after being live for 2 days. Talk about piss poor service!

        Originally Posted by Howlerckc View Post

        Andy, I saw you had a WSO up the other day using WP. How would you rate it overall and your experiences so far? Please don't hold back!

        Thanks in advance!!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9386216].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Net66
        Originally Posted by Howlerckc View Post

        Andy, I saw you had a WSO up the other day using WP. How would you rate it overall and your experiences so far? Please don't hold back!

        Thanks in advance!!
        I have to hold back, I don't think you can use the kind of language needed.... but I'll try;

        Bottom line is I don't think this wasn't even alpha tested never mind beta tested. Aweber integration does not work, products never showed in marketplace (I did two WSO's with this but switched one to JVZoo when no sales came after 24 hours... and on JVZoo it sold), The price of my cheap test wso was $1.90 but the button read $1.89 and still charged them $1.90. The dime sale feature changed itself to "every hour" from "every sale" with no warning.

        It's just frustrating that something so shoddy has been released, it misses LOADS of features that WSO sellers want and need and the features it does have don't work properly!

        I think the formula is something like:

        (infinite monkeys + infinite typewriters + infinite time) = works of Shakespeare

        (cheap outsoured coder + IBM 386 PC + 2 days) = warrior payments

        What I do - And How I do it. My Personal Blog...
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9386249].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Paleochora
          Originally Posted by Net66 View Post

          I think the formula is something like:

          (infinite monkeys + infinite typewriters + infinite time) = works of Shakespeare

          (cheap outsourced coder + IBM 386 PC + 2 days) = warrior payments

          Hahahaha LMAO. Funny.

          But I think the message is pretty clear.. As I said on my previous post. Don't ask for feedback like this. Educate yourself on your marketplace. Take a look around and (as every failed WSO seller knows to his or her cost) don't launch something half-assed.

          Otherwise you run the risk of looking a bit foolish.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9386256].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Ryan Jericho
          Originally Posted by Net66 View Post

          I have to hold back, I don't think you can use the kind of language needed.... but I'll try;

          Bottom line is I don't think this wasn't even alpha tested never mind beta tested. Aweber integration does not work, products never showed in marketplace (I did two WSO's with this but switched one to JVZoo when no sales came after 24 hours... and on JVZoo it sold), The price of my cheap test wso was $1.90 but the button read $1.89 and still charged them $1.90. The dime sale feature changed itself to "every hour" from "every sale" with no warning.

          It's just frustrating that something so shoddy has been released, it misses LOADS of features that WSO sellers want and need and the features it does have don't work properly!

          I think the formula is something like:

          (infinite monkeys + infinite typewriters + infinite time) = works of Shakespeare

          (cheap outsoured coder + IBM 386 PC + 2 days) = warrior payments

          Hmm, Strange. Ive had 200 odd sales, and 99% went smoothly. The only issues I faced was having to send download links manually to a few people. The rest of the system functioned perfectly. [it was on a dime sale btw, going up on every sale]

          I think when they implement all what we have suggested, it'll be perfect and a very welcome addition to the forum.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9386314].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Net66
            Originally Posted by Ryan Jericho View Post

            Hmm, Strange. Ive had 200 odd sales, and 99% went smoothly.

            I think when they implement all what we have suggested, it'll be perfect and a very welcome addition to the forum.
            1) I expect your listing appearing in the marketplace like it should helped :-)

            2) Yes WHEN they do I'm sure that will be the case.

            What I do - And How I do it. My Personal Blog...
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9386947].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Jimmy Reilly
          Originally Posted by Net66 View Post

          I think the formula is something like:

          (infinite monkeys + infinite typewriters + infinite time) = works of Shakespeare

          (cheap outsoured coder + IBM 386 PC + 2 days) = warrior payments

          Actually laughed out loud when I read that.


          If the warrior payments system will only allow products to be listed on forum threads I would like more control on crafting my letters, especially video. Allowing us to embed different video hosts (Wistia for example) and have the videos auto-play.

          Would like to see a split testing system built in, and tracking ID's for both vendors and affiliates are a must.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9387527].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author barbling
    From a buyers perspective:

    Is there a Customer Portal? I just bought a product from WP and have the direct download page within WP for that product but cannot locate the general,

    Here are the product(s) barbling has bought.

    My email shows the direct download WP page as well.

    What happens if I misplace my email? Where do I go to find my product?

    Email is also sent from


    Ummm, not very trust-building.

    support@warriorforum.com perhaps?

    Also, the 3 digit price shows as 2 digits - ie, $4.1 instead of $4.10

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9386704].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Alan1234
    I posted a WSO and was told "Success" after I linked to PayPal, but I was never given the opportunity to enter a description and I don't see the product "The Monster on Top of the Bed - Kindle edition showing up.

    Help, please.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9388162].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Simeon Tuitt
    Any idea how long until the glitch I mentioned yesterday can be sorted so I can edit my product and remove download to use the url field to add my own page for the download. Right now when a product is edited and the download removed it doesn't then give the option for the url for product delivery like when you set up and I want to update all my products with a url now instead of the download option.

    Thanks in advance.

    Simeon Tuitt Is A Digital Product Creator And Publisher Since 2006. Search Simeon Tuitt In The Alexa Skills Store To Listen On Your Echo, Echo Dot Or Watch On Your Echo Show Or Echo Spot Device. http://www.Simeon-Tuitt.co.uk

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9388737].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kishor Mhaskar
    Want to see ability to put free Front end product with paid OTO option.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9396632].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author dchestnut
    Can we create a free WSO with this system? If so, how?. When I put $0.00 as the price, it continues to ask for a valid price. Without getting through this step, I can't move forward to create the WSO thread. I'm I missing something here??
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9397122].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
      Originally Posted by dchestnut View Post

      Can we create a free WSO with this system? If so, how?. When I put $0.00 as the price, it continues to ask for a valid price. Without getting through this step, I can't move forward to create the WSO thread. I'm I missing something here??
      You can create a WSO without using Warrior Payments here

      As to whether or not they will now approve free WSOs, don't have a clue.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9397176].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Just clicked on the Deal of the Day email I received about the White Label Print Biz and got this:


    You don't have permission to access /dipwf/ on this server.

    Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9397473].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Simeon Tuitt
      Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

      Just clicked on the Deal of the Day email I received about the White Label Print Biz and got this:


      You don't have permission to access /dipwf/ on this server.

      Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
      Hi Suzanne,

      I just checked my copy of the e-mail after reading your message and the site loaded up fine, is it still failing when you try?

      All the best,

      Simeon Tuitt Is A Digital Product Creator And Publisher Since 2006. Search Simeon Tuitt In The Alexa Skills Store To Listen On Your Echo, Echo Dot Or Watch On Your Echo Show Or Echo Spot Device. http://www.Simeon-Tuitt.co.uk

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9397513].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
        Originally Posted by Simeon Tuitt View Post

        Hi Suzanne,

        I just checked my copy of the e-mail after reading your message and the site loaded up fine, is it still failing when you try?

        All the best,
        It's quite possible that it's on my end. I use Ghostery and NoScript for anti-tracking purposes and whatever redirection they're using might get caught in that. Before freelancer bought the site, I could see the top banner, but now I don't see it any longer or the bottom banner. I've never seen that.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9397784].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author robsalexander
    Originally Posted by Alaister View Post

    Please submit your feedback and suggestions here
    Hi Alaister,

    I'm Rob Alexander, i've worked in IT for many years and am finally submitting my first WSO...

    Now I'm pretty good with web 2.0 etc but for even someone like me, the new Create A WSO page is very confusing and doesn't explain anything at all.

    I've got some feedback here that could make a big difference to it's success.

    I noticed down further at the affiliate section you've got a 'hover' explanation section that pops up to explain it. But there's nothing higher up at the submit files / web address WSO file section, nor down below to tell you what you need to do and when???

    What WSO files am I uploading? My sales page? My product? Both?? What format? How long will it take to review?
    How do I set which page the customer goes to after they pay?
    How do I integrate my mail-list provider (GetResponse) to your button?
    How do I use my page i've already got in HTML on the WSO page instead of the WIndows 3.1 style text interface??

    See what I mean?

    And the Help link is as helpful as a crashed hard-drive as it just goes to the Freelancer site, which has no help nor references to the warrior forum.

    I'm not offering to rewrite the page or something (although I could, I am a landing page copywriter after all), what I am saying though is that if a seasoned IT person like me can't understand how to use what is otherwise a beautiful interface, how do the newbie's do it?

    At $20 per WSO, i'm asserting that you'd be losing a LOT of people at that page because no one knows what to do there.


    Pop-up detail boxes to explain what each thing is / what it's for / what to do and secondly,
    Explain the process below the page in simple step-by-step form so that people know what to do.

    And if you can do that, i'll start putting through 2 to 3 WSO's per week, every week.

    Many thanks in advance,

    Rob Alexander
    Pro Copywriter & Awarded WSO Launcher
    27 Secrets To Crafting A Kickass Landing Page
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9398569].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Alaister
      Originally Posted by robsalexander View Post

      I've got some feedback here that could make a big difference to it's success.
      Thank you for your feedback Rob. We'll be working on making the entire process much clearer. We're also working on creating training videos to help people through the process.

      To answer your questions:
      1) You upload your final product. You can either upload your product file or you can specify a delivery URL.

      2) The customer will either go to a Warrior Payments checkout page after they purchase where they can download the file you uploaded or they will get sent to your delivery URL.

      3) We're in the process of adding Get Response integration. Right now we have aweber, constant contant, mailchimp and gotowebinar. This is in the Advanced options under Autoresponder Integration.

      You'll be provided with an editor on the next page after you click "Get Button Now" where you can specify what your sales page will be or create a new thread with your sales page.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9398674].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Simeon Tuitt
        Originally Posted by Alaister View Post

        Thank you for your feedback Rob. We'll be working on making the entire process much clearer. We're also working on creating training videos to help people through the process.

        To answer your questions:
        1) You upload your final product. You can either upload your product file or you can specify a delivery URL.

        2) The customer will either go to a Warrior Payments checkout page after they purchase where they can download the file you uploaded or they will get sent to your delivery URL.

        3) We're in the process of adding Get Response integration. Right now we have aweber, constant contant, mailchimp and gotowebinar. This is in the Advanced options under Autoresponder Integration.

        You'll be provided with an editor on the next page after you click "Get Button Now" where you can specify what your sales page will be or create a new thread with your sales page.
        Hi Alaister, can you guys get 1shoppingcart integrated to the auto responders please and add an export buyers details feature to download buyers of products or when sellers sell a lot they will have to manually go into each product and copy and paste their buyers name and e-mail addresses to add them to a list if their auto responder isn't integrated with the current warrior payments list.

        Also I was reading another thread on my mobile which I believe you said that affiliates do not earn on all of a sellers products if they make a referral, only on the one they referred, is this correct?

        So for example, I have several products and I create my own sales funnel for those products on warrior payments for my affiliates to earn more per sale referral, so an affiliate sends a customer my way and the afiliates accepted on all my products in warrior payments.

        Will they earn referral commission if the buyer they send buys some of the upsells or will the affiliate only earn from the first product?

        If this is the case this is something that needs sorting out more than anything else and I would personally be in favor of any accepted affiliates by default being auto accepted to earn commission on all of a sellers products to earn from one referral link no matter which product they promoted with.

        I want my affiliates to make as much per sale and that is what real affiliates want, so it isn't right if an affiliate drives traffic to a cheap front end product of say $5, $7, $10, doesn't make much on that sale and then loses out on any upsells I have put in place for them because they are not credited for the referral.

        To get the real affiliates on board with warrior payments to promote, they need to know they can make money from the products offered with upsells.


        Simeon Tuitt Is A Digital Product Creator And Publisher Since 2006. Search Simeon Tuitt In The Alexa Skills Store To Listen On Your Echo, Echo Dot Or Watch On Your Echo Show Or Echo Spot Device. http://www.Simeon-Tuitt.co.uk

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9405874].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Newbieee
          1. Put all the rules of the banner ads BEFORE a check out is made. I find it ridiculous to have to make a payment AND THEN tell me the rules.

          2. And after I did not agree to comply with them, I asked for a refund, and it took 1 MONTH !. You may want to step up your admin process. Because even after 1 month, the refund is not done by your end, it was done on paypal's end. Because you took so long to process it, it went "expired" and paypal pushed the funds back to me thankfully.

          I emailed your tech support, submit tickets here, and pmed you if you rmb. All of this point of contacts say the refund is done, I should receive it. Bla bla bla..

          End of the day, I got refunded because you didn't even accept the payment in the 1st place.
          You could have canceled it but you left it as it as, leaving it to paypal to push it once it expired.
          It cannot be your team is that busy until you are not in time to process that batch of payments within the stipulated time. Because if lets say I complied with rules and changed my banners, it would have went live online, and you still would not have accepted the payment, resulting in paypal returning me the money, so in the end I get to advertise free of charge? I don't think so right?
          So I would venture to say, your team deliberately left it as it is.

          If this is my 1st time using the forum or freelancer, there goes your brand to me. I will classify it as a lousy company.

          But because I know both this entities, I just blame it on bad administration work.
          Pain is a perception, so is defeat & happiness!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9409998].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Newbieee
            Okay another not so negative suggestion.

            For threads that require approval, you may want to send the original copy over to the users email.
            Because not everyone has the habit of saving it.

            Because if its not approved, at least we can tweak it and make corrections rather than writing the whole thing from scratch again.

            And if possible, if you would be so kind, to put a reason there as well.
            Since I personally experienced before, after reading all the rules, I still cant seem to get some WSOs approved or JV threads approved.

            And sometimes after 1 week, when I typed the exact same thing, it was approved.

            So there is no clear reason and explanation for me to know why my thread was not approved or whether it was even looked through or it was simply missed out.
            Pain is a perception, so is defeat & happiness!
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9410049].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author GlenH
          Originally Posted by Simeon Tuitt View Post

          Hi Alaister, can you guys get 1shoppingcart integrated to the auto responders please and add an export buyers details feature to download buyers of products or when sellers sell a lot they will have to manually go into each product and copy and paste their buyers name and e-mail addresses to add them to a list if their auto responder isn't integrated with the current warrior payments list.

          I would also like integration with 1shoppingcart.com
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9448423].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Rus Sells
    I have a question about the affiliate page here: https://payments.warriorforum.com/affiliate-marketplace

    It sorta does relate to the payments system I think but maybe not, so if you consider it off topic feel free to remove the post.

    Upon looking at the stats for the last 30 days I see a small number
    of offers with a few hundred sales so I'm assuming these numbers
    are due to the mails Alaister is sending?

    On another note I noticed that one WSO that's using the Warrior Payments system has some refund request's and the vendor is dependent upon the WP team to process the refund.

    I think it's a good idea to allow the vendor to process or initiate the refund process so it's done in a more timely manner instead of having to be dependent upon some one else to process refunds for their own product.

    It's making the vendor look bad when the customer has to wait for some one else to do it yet the customer did business with the vendor not the WF and the vendor's hands are tied forcing them to be dependent upon some one else to satisfy the refund. Make sense?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9402738].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Ryan Jericho
      Originally Posted by Rus Sells View Post

      I have a question about the affiliate page here: https://payments.warriorforum.com/affiliate-marketplace

      It sorta does relate to the payments system I think but maybe not, so if you consider it off topic feel free to remove the post.

      Upon looking at the stats for the last 30 days I see a small number
      of offers with a few hundred sales so I'm assuming these numbers
      are due to the mails Alaister is sending?

      On another note I noticed that one WSO that's using the Warrior Payments system has some refund request's and the vendor is dependent upon the WP team to process the refund.

      I think it's a good idea to allow the vendor to process or initiate the refund process so it's done in a more timely manner instead of having to be dependent upon some one else to process refunds for their own product.

      It's making the vendor look bad when the customer has to wait for some one else to do it yet the customer did business with the vendor not the WF and the vendor's hands are tied forcing them to be dependent upon some one else to satisfy the refund. Make sense?
      Vendors do process their own refunds. The only issue ive had so far, Is people not bothering to contact me for a refund, They've just gone straight in and Disputed...as they don't know that all refunds need to go through the WarriorPayments system. [To refund affiliate Commission etc]
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9402819].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Rus Sells
        Interesting, one of the wso's vendors that's using the WP system stated on their thread that WP has to process the refund.

        Also going straight to disputing is a BAD thing for vendors if it's not clear how buyers need to initiate a request for a refund. Not good at all!

        Originally Posted by Ryan Jericho View Post

        Vendors do process their own refunds. The only issue ive had so far, Is people not bothering to contact me for a refund, They've just gone straight in and Disputed...as they don't know that all refunds need to go through the WarriorPayments system. [To refund affiliate Commission etc]
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9402878].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Ryan Jericho
          Originally Posted by Rus Sells View Post

          Interesting, one of the wso's vendors that's using the WP system stated on their thread that WP has to process the refund.

          Also going straight to disputing is a BAD thing for vendors if it's not clear how buyers need to initiate a request for a refund. Not good at all!
          Perhaps they meant that all refunds must be Processed through the WarriorPayment System. Instead of directly.

          Also, Yes, Paypal are now asking me a ton of questions due to a few disputes. . . Hopefully It will be ressolved soon...
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9402884].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Simeon Tuitt
            Originally Posted by Ryan Jericho View Post

            Perhaps they meant that all refunds must be Processed through the WarriorPayment System. Instead of directly.

            Also, Yes, Paypal are now asking me a ton of questions due to a few disputes. . . Hopefully It will be ressolved soon...
            Hi Ryan,

            That sucks about the disputes, if anything make sure your customers have a hassle free way to reach you if they require a refund, if you sold from a thread include your refund policy or contact details within the download because by default the email address for digital delivery is noreply@........ so any buyers trying to hit reply for a refund will just keep getting bounced messages.

            Feedback for WF, please add the option to add a contact email address or url within our product setup for customer support and have these injected via a mail merge into any digital delivery receipts sent to buyers so if they have any issues they can get right back to the seller through their contact details instead of becoming confused and opening up PP disputes.


            Simeon Tuitt Is A Digital Product Creator And Publisher Since 2006. Search Simeon Tuitt In The Alexa Skills Store To Listen On Your Echo, Echo Dot Or Watch On Your Echo Show Or Echo Spot Device. http://www.Simeon-Tuitt.co.uk

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9402945].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Rus Sells
              Very reasonable request, I'm not against the WP system I just think it wasn't completely thought through enough before it was launched.

              Originally Posted by Simeon Tuitt View Post

              Hi Ryan,

              That sucks about the disputes, if anything make sure your customers have a hassle free way to reach you if they require a refund, if you sold from a thread include your refund policy or contact details within the download because by default the email address for digital delivery is noreply@........ so any buyers trying to hit reply for a refund will just keep getting bounced messages.

              Feedback for WF, please add the option to add a contact email address or url within our product setup for customer support and have these injected via a mail merge into any digital delivery receipts sent to buyers so if they have any issues they can get right back to the seller through their contact details instead of becoming confused and opening up PP disputes.

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9403057].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author excloc
        I think you have no right to complain here when people emailed or pm you nicely for refunds and you ignored them totally.

        Originally Posted by Ryan Jericho View Post

        Vendors do process their own refunds. The only issue ive had so far, Is people not bothering to contact me for a refund, They've just gone straight in and Disputed...as they don't know that all refunds need to go through the WarriorPayments system. [To refund affiliate Commission etc]
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9489864].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Simeon Tuitt
      Originally Posted by Rus Sells View Post

      I have a question about the affiliate page here: https://payments.warriorforum.com/affiliate-marketplace

      It sorta does relate to the payments system I think but maybe not, so if you consider it off topic feel free to remove the post.

      Upon looking at the stats for the last 30 days I see a small number
      of offers with a few hundred sales so I'm assuming these numbers
      are due to the mails Alaister is sending?

      On another note I noticed that one WSO that's using the Warrior Payments system has some refund request's and the vendor is dependent upon the WP team to process the refund.

      I think it's a good idea to allow the vendor to process or initiate the refund process so it's done in a more timely manner instead of having to be dependent upon some one else to process refunds for their own product.

      It's making the vendor look bad when the customer has to wait for some one else to do it yet the customer did business with the vendor not the WF and the vendor's hands are tied forcing them to be dependent upon some one else to satisfy the refund. Make sense?
      Hi Rus,

      We are able to process our own refunds as one of the first things we do when we create our first product is set up permissions in PayPal to our payment email so that we are able to instantly refund any buyers through our WARRIOR PAYMENTS management area by simply hitting refund.

      The only thing we would have to wait for regarding a refund is an affiliate refunding the split payment from their end and it is why it is very important to ONLY allow affiliates you already know and trust because they are getting an instant split commission.

      So for the wf programmers who want our feedback it is why we keep asking for the delayed commission payout ability so we can pay affiliates after our refund period has elapsed to avoid situations where someone opens up a dispute and also the ability to auto accept or reject affiliates.

      It is becoming a very long winded task right now having to delete affiliate requests from newbies who have visited the forum, noticed the affiliate sign up link and joined that day with no experience of affiliate marketing and then having to log into the affiliate request emails to get the link for each product they have applied for to be promoted and reject them.

      I wish to add urls for the delivery of all my products instead of the download option but until it is fixed I can not update my existing products and would need to deactivate them and start again and since I have accepted affiliates on them I do not want to go through that lengthy process when it is a quick coding fix to have the url field reappear when the download has been removed.

      We still need affiliate links we can give to people to apply for our products directly instead of saying go to this link search my name, apply for my product ..... Very long process and we may only want affiliates accepted for specific products and not applying for everything we have in the marketplace, especially not until they have promoted one item and proved they do in fact promote, instead of accepting them for everything.


      Simeon Tuitt Is A Digital Product Creator And Publisher Since 2006. Search Simeon Tuitt In The Alexa Skills Store To Listen On Your Echo, Echo Dot Or Watch On Your Echo Show Or Echo Spot Device. http://www.Simeon-Tuitt.co.uk

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9402910].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Rus Sells
        Ah, perhaps this particular vendor is confused about the refund process as they stated they were waiting on the WP people to process it. Thanks!

        Originally Posted by Simeon Tuitt View Post

        Hi Rus,

        We are able to process our own refunds as one of the first things we do when we create our first product is set up permissions in PayPal to our payment email so that we are able to instantly refund any buyers through our WARRIOR PAYMENTS management area by simply hitting refund.

        The only thing we would have to wait for regarding a refund is an affiliate refunding the split payment from their end and it is why it is very important to ONLY allow affiliates you already know and trust because they are getting an instant split commission.

        So for the wf programmers who want our feedback it is why we keep asking for the delayed commission payout ability so we can pay affiliates after our refund period has elapsed to avoid situations where someone opens up a dispute and also the ability to auto accept or reject affiliates.

        It is becoming a very long winded task right now having to delete affiliate requests from newbies who have visited the forum, noticed the affiliate sign up link and joined that day with no experience of affiliate marketing and then having to log into the affiliate request emails to get the link for each product they have applied for to be promoted and reject them.

        I wish to add urls for the delivery of all my products instead of the download option but until it is fixed I can not update my existing products and would need to deactivate them and start again and since I have accepted affiliates on them I do not want to go through that lengthy process when it is a quick coding fix to have the url field reappear when the download has been removed.

        We still need affiliate links we can give to people to apply for our products directly instead of saying go to this link search my name, apply for my product ..... Very long process and we may only want affiliates accepted for specific products and not applying for everything we have in the marketplace, especially not until they have promoted one item and proved they do in fact promote, instead of accepting them for everything.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9403052].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author brendgard
    I have spent the last 20 minutes trying to gain access to a purchase. That's not a good thing. I click on the link sent to me in email, and it's basicaly blank, no way to download presented. It does not work because it requires JavaScript to be turned on. Before you go into the normal dribble of how easy it is to turn it on, yes, I know how easy it is. I'm the one that turned it off to begin with. I turned it off for security purposes, and I will NOT be turning it back on.My suggestion is this: either make the system more accessable to those of us who refuse to allow JavaScript to run on our boxes, or stop sending us emails trying to get us to use the system.Another suggestion is to work on the recaptcha system. Part of those 20 minutes were spent trying to read the damn characters, and getting told to try it again.These kind of things will push paying customers away. I know, I just paid, and I'm not feeling all warm and fuzzy inside over this whole incident.I have already contacted the seller telling them that I can not access my purchase through this system, and asked that they either send it to me via email, or refund me. Replying to this will probably be a useless act, as I'm so disgusted and irritated by the incident that I doubt I will stick around in here today to wait for replies. You have a decent concept started here, and I like it. But these 2 things really sucked, which brought down the overall experience. Just a suggestion, for whatever it's worth.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9403515].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Rus Sells
      Truth is once payment is made there should be NO barriers for the buyer to have to jump through to receive their product and I believe certain things some sellers make buyers jump through before getting what they purchased are against Paypal Terms of Service.

      I'm a seller and a buyer and one thing that I can't stand is "AFTER" paying for something I have to jump through hoops to get what I paid fore. It's unconscionable!

      Having to enter a captcha to receive something you paid for? That's ludicrous!

      Originally Posted by brendgard View Post

      I have spent the last 20 minutes trying to gain access to a purchase. That's not a good thing. I click on the link sent to me in email, and it's basicaly blank, no way to download presented. It does not work because it requires JavaScript to be turned on. Before you go into the normal dribble of how easy it is to turn it on, yes, I know how easy it is. I'm the one that turned it off to begin with. I turned it off for security purposes, and I will NOT be turning it back on.My suggestion is this: either make the system more accessable to those of us who refuse to allow JavaScript to run on our boxes, or stop sending us emails trying to get us to use the system.Another suggestion is to work on the recaptcha system. Part of those 20 minutes were spent trying to read the damn characters, and getting told to try it again.These kind of things will push paying customers away. I know, I just paid, and I'm not feeling all warm and fuzzy inside over this whole incident.I have already contacted the seller telling them that I can not access my purchase through this system, and asked that they either send it to me via email, or refund me. Replying to this will probably be a useless act, as I'm so disgusted and irritated by the incident that I doubt I will stick around in here today to wait for replies. You have a decent concept started here, and I like it. But these 2 things really sucked, which brought down the overall experience. Just a suggestion, for whatever it's worth.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9403574].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author brendgard
    No, just to be clear, I did not have to enter a captcha to claim the merchandise. It never got that far. I clicked on the link in the email to go download it, and the page was almost blank. It had a red bar across the top, no text in it, and a link to the feedback and suggestions forum. That was it. There was no captcha. There was no nothing, except the link to this thread. It required me to enter a captcha in order to log on(in order to post to this thread), which I couldn't read many times, and then to reset my password because it no longer worked(something about all passwords having been made invalid and requiring everybody to choose new ones). I can see the need for a captcha, because so many out there will set up spam bots. But if they ain't readable by us mere mortals, they are too strong. That part wasn't my main complaint though. I STILL have not been able to get what I paid for, because it requires JavaScript to work on my box, and the seller has not responded. I think they are on the far side of the planet, so they are probably asleep lol.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9403873].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author evilsaigon
    I like the direct search url function that was recently added. Makes things a lot easier to direct prospective affiliates.

    It'd be nice if there's a function to mass message or announce to all your affiliates in one go.

    Also, I'm using the dimesale function to make my price rise by 7 cents. It worked well the first time, but the second time it rose, it rose by 6 cents instead. It's minor and I don't really mind the 1 cent discrepency, but I hope there won't be major discrepencies accumulating later on. Can someone tell me their experience with the dimesale feature? Thanks!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9430600].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Alaister
      Originally Posted by evilsaigon View Post

      I like the direct search url function that was recently added. Makes things a lot easier to direct prospective affiliates.

      It'd be nice if there's a function to mass message or announce to all your affiliates in one go.

      Also, I'm using the dimesale function to make my price rise by 7 cents. It worked well the first time, but the second time it rose, it rose by 6 cents instead. It's minor and I don't really mind the 1 cent discrepency, but I hope there won't be major discrepencies accumulating later on. Can someone tell me their experience with the dimesale feature? Thanks!
      Hi there,

      We're looking into this issue now. It's strange the price increase would be different.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9431959].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Simeon Tuitt
        Originally Posted by Alaister View Post

        Hi there,

        We're looking into this issue now. It's strange the price increase would be different.
        Hi Alaister, I have noticed that my payment button on a dimesale doesn't change to reflect the price of the product, but it updates on the order page, my price is $170.01 now but it only shows $170 on the button.

        Also I think the buttons need a slight rewording because they all say Only 1 Left which is rather misleading and could get sellers into trouble if someone buys because they think there is only one item left and what is really meant is there's ONLY 1 LEFT AT THIS PRICE or ONLY 1 AT PRICE BELOW.

        I second the affiliate mailing option though that would be great to have a system whereby all accepted affiliates could be mailed to let them know we have added new products for them to promote or swipe.

        At the moment the only way to reach affiliates would be to PM them and with the current forum PM timer that makes people wait around a minute between sending PMs it would take a very long time to message 50 or 100 affiliates and probably result in the seller triggering some spam safeguards in the process.

        If anything add an e-mail address and name field to the affiliate request form that ads those applying to be affiliates to a sellers Affiliate Mailing List, that way sellers can mail their affiliates using their auto responder.

        Option to remove accepted affiliates needs adding or is it currently available and I have missed it?


        Simeon Tuitt Is A Digital Product Creator And Publisher Since 2006. Search Simeon Tuitt In The Alexa Skills Store To Listen On Your Echo, Echo Dot Or Watch On Your Echo Show Or Echo Spot Device. http://www.Simeon-Tuitt.co.uk

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9433037].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Simeon Tuitt
        Originally Posted by Alaister View Post

        Hi there,

        We're looking into this issue now. It's strange the price increase would be different.
        Hi Alaister,

        Has WF ran any test transactions using the IPN in the advanced section to check the variables are being sent to that section we are meant to use for our own custom scripts?

        I have been testing it out a few days now and I am not getting any variables from it, I even had my programmer add my e-mail address to the Instant Payment Notification script I had made to check if anything was being sent to it and for me I have received no variables.

        So were any test purchases made to test it is working and if not can you get the techies to test it out and if they get the same no variables being sent situation, can you let me know and then get it fixed please.

        I've spent a few days tearing apart software trying different things only to discover the WF variables for WSO_CUSTOMER_NAME, WSO_CUSTOMER_EMAIL and other variables mentioned at https://payments.warriorforum.com/faq/key_gen are not being sent for me.

        Also still awaiting an update on the Thank You URL field not reappearing after a download is removed in product set up, mentioned above.


        Simeon Tuitt Is A Digital Product Creator And Publisher Since 2006. Search Simeon Tuitt In The Alexa Skills Store To Listen On Your Echo, Echo Dot Or Watch On Your Echo Show Or Echo Spot Device. http://www.Simeon-Tuitt.co.uk

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9441942].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author GlenH
          Originally Posted by Simeon Tuitt View Post

          Hi Alaister,

          Has WF ran any test transactions using the IPN in the advanced section to check the variables are being sent to that section we are meant to use for our own custom scripts?

          I have been testing it out a few days now and I am not getting any variables from it, I even had my programmer add my e-mail address to the Instant Payment Notification script I had made to check if anything was being sent to it and for me I have received no variables.

          So were any test purchases made to test it is working and if not can you get the techies to test it out and if they get the same no variables being sent situation, can you let me know and then get it fixed please.

          I've spent a few days tearing apart software trying different things only to discover the WF variables for WSO_CUSTOMER_NAME, WSO_CUSTOMER_EMAIL and other variables mentioned at https://payments.warriorforum.com/faq/key_gen are not being sent for me.

          Also still awaiting an update on the Thank You URL field not reappearing after a download is removed in product set up, mentioned above.


          I am also still waiting for an update /solution to this issue.

          I can't sell my software products through the Warrior Payments platform until this is rectified.

          Also you need to have your programmers produce written integration instructions to to do with the IPN so that people like me who hire programmers to build our software products know EXACTLY the full details of the integration process
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9448417].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Alaister
            Originally Posted by GlenH View Post

            I am also still waiting for an update /solution to this issue.

            I can't sell my software products through the Warrior Payments platform until this is rectified.

            Also you need to have your programmers produce written integration instructions to to do with the IPN so that people like me who hire programmers to build our software products know EXACTLY the full details of the integration process
            Hi Glen,

            Here is the IPN integration documentation:


            Let me know if you have more questions or need more clarification
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9457230].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author GlenH
              Originally Posted by Alaister View Post

              Hi Glen,

              Here is the IPN integration documentation:


              Let me know if you have more questions or need more clarification
              Thanks Alaister,

              I'll pass this documentation on to my programmer.

              If any questions come up, I'll certainly be in back in contact.

              If it's ok....I'll PM you rather than post it here

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9457515].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Alaister
                Originally Posted by GlenH View Post

                Thanks Alaister,

                I'll pass this documentation on to my programmer.

                If any questions come up, I'll certainly be in back in contact.

                If it's ok....I'll PM you rather than post it here

                Yeh no worries Glen. Feel free to PM me or send me an email. I have sent you my direct email.

                Thank you
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9459177].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author skistrail
    I have tried twice to get help getting into the program. I have gotten no responce. If I don't get a responce to this thread, I will ask for my money back.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9436191].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Simeon Tuitt
    Hi WF,

    It's been a while since someone addressed the comments on this thread, can someone get back to them so we all know where things are currently. I have asked a few times about the issue with the Thank You URL field not reappearing after a download is removed to choose url for delivery and I have been waiting for someone to comment or fix that issue for over 2 weeks.

    The other main issue is the IPN question, has it been tested by the forum to verify the values are in deed being sent to it because all my tests using it have failed to receive any values which means I can not finish my software until this is sorted and a reply to the thread to let myself and others looking at using the IPN will really help.

    Thanks in advance.

    Simeon Tuitt Is A Digital Product Creator And Publisher Since 2006. Search Simeon Tuitt In The Alexa Skills Store To Listen On Your Echo, Echo Dot Or Watch On Your Echo Show Or Echo Spot Device. http://www.Simeon-Tuitt.co.uk

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9453448].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GlenH
      Originally Posted by Simeon Tuitt View Post

      Hi WF,

      The other main issue is the IPN question, has it been tested by the forum to verify the values are in deed being sent to it because all my tests using it have failed to receive any values which means I can not finish my software until this is sorted and a reply to the thread to let myself and others looking at using the IPN will really help.

      Thanks in advance.
      I second that Sim.

      They are way too slow solving this issue.

      If they want members to use Warrior Payments then solving this issue has to take priority until it's finally rectified.

      And can someone please come here and regularly and give us updates.

      The silence is deafening!!

      I know there are other threads all over the forum about all these different issues, but I would have thought focusing here would take priority
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9453556].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Alaister
      Originally Posted by Simeon Tuitt View Post

      Hi WF,

      It's been a while since someone addressed the comments on this thread, can someone get back to them so we all know where things are currently. I have asked a few times about the issue with the Thank You URL field not reappearing after a download is removed to choose url for delivery and I have been waiting for someone to comment or fix that issue for over 2 weeks.

      The other main issue is the IPN question, has it been tested by the forum to verify the values are in deed being sent to it because all my tests using it have failed to receive any values which means I can not finish my software until this is sorted and a reply to the thread to let myself and others looking at using the IPN will really help.

      Thanks in advance.
      Hi Simeon,

      We've spent some time looking at the IPN and we are passing information to you. I've sent you an email separately with what we are passing to you. Let me know if you have issues with that.

      We're working on the Thank you URL field and will be pushing it live shortly. Once it is live I will email you to let you know.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9457227].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Simeon Tuitt
        Originally Posted by Alaister View Post

        Hi Simeon,

        We've spent some time looking at the IPN and we are passing information to you. I've sent you an email separately with what we are passing to you. Let me know if you have issues with that.

        We're working on the Thank you URL field and will be pushing it live shortly. Once it is live I will email you to let you know.
        Hi Alaister, the IPN values are not making it to the advanced part of the seller account, has the Thank You URL issue been resolved yet, I did write to you on August 25th and still awaiting a reply to the e-mail.

        Does the wf plan on changing the landing page for warrior payments from payments.warriorforum.com to https://payments.warriorforum.com/marketplace at some point for people who clickthrough from the main warriorforum.com page?

        Right now the marketplace section is really tiny on the navigation bar at the top of the current landing page people see when they click any of the banners on the main page, so people are not making it to the marketplace where the great products are.

        There is some fantastic products being added to the marketplace but they are not selling due to a lack of traffic and it's causing some sellers to underprice their quality products in the belief its a pricing problem when its really a traffic problem.

        So if people were dropped straight onto the marketplace after clicking a banner on the main forum page they would be able to navigate through the products, but the more steps someone has to go through to get to the marketplace, the less people will make it there.

        For anyone new hitting the forum, most will not be ready or even looking to sell a product right away, they want information, the sort provided in the products in the marketplace, so there shouldn't be any obstacles to them accessing the marketplace easily.

        I look forward to a reply as I did include all the above and more in my e-mail on the 25th.

        Thanks in advance for the reply.

        Simeon Tuitt Is A Digital Product Creator And Publisher Since 2006. Search Simeon Tuitt In The Alexa Skills Store To Listen On Your Echo, Echo Dot Or Watch On Your Echo Show Or Echo Spot Device. http://www.Simeon-Tuitt.co.uk

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9486484].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Scott Woodside
    not able to create a product to sell. The click here bar is not working. Thank you.

    Scott Woodside

    The number 1 Choice for Audio Production!
    Member, Screen Actor's Guild

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9485080].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Alaister
      Originally Posted by Scott Woodside View Post

      not able to create a product to sell. The click here bar is not working. Thank you.
      Hi Scott,

      What "Click Here" bar are you referring to?

      You can start creating a product from this page:
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9486167].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Alaister ... there's a WSO, with the title make money online, seller financze, it says the price is $99, but the WSO just goes to Want To Work From Home – No Idea Where To Start?, no payment button ... nothing but a blog with articles and an email signup form. There's two of them actually.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9488182].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Simeon Tuitt
      Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

      Alaister ... there's a WSO, with the title make money online, seller financze, it says the price is $99, but the WSO just goes to Want To Work From Home – No Idea Where To Start?, no payment button ... nothing but a blog with articles and an email signup form. There's two of them actually.

      That happens a bit, people listing things just to steel traffic and it usually takes most the day before anyone who can remove the ads catches them, this is why warrior payments need to verify there is a payment button on sales pages.

      Thanks for letting the forum know though sbucciarel, lets see how long it takes to get removed.

      Simeon Tuitt Is A Digital Product Creator And Publisher Since 2006. Search Simeon Tuitt In The Alexa Skills Store To Listen On Your Echo, Echo Dot Or Watch On Your Echo Show Or Echo Spot Device. http://www.Simeon-Tuitt.co.uk

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9488197].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ForumGuru
        It seems that the WSO forum is not filled with nearly as many true Warrior Special Offers anymore ---> as we now see a lot of regular priced stuff that is nothing more than a link to the the seller's website page where the product or service is listed at the same price. These listings should be classified ads. Similarly, many of these "WSO" listings use the exact same payment button for the exact same deal that is available on the vendor's webpage which should also be a classified ad. When you add in the traffic driving ads to blog pages like Suzanne mentioned the section is becoming not much more than a glorified classified ad section. These "bogus" WSO listings are not exclusive to the Warrior Payments system.

        Add to that the abundance of WSOs due to the cheap price of WSO listings and no War Room requirement, and then throw all of free WSOs into the mix and I am seriously considering taking my future launches off-forum. It seems in the past the admins/moderators did not allow as many WSO shenanigans be posted to and/or remain in the section, and they were almost always fairly quickly moved to the classified section when reported.


        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9489775].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Simeon Tuitt
          Originally Posted by ForumGuru View Post

          It seems that the WSO forum is not filled with nearly as many true Warrior Special Offers anymore ---> as we now see a lot of regular priced stuff that is nothing more than a link to the the seller's website page where the product or service is listed at the same price. These listings should be classified ads. Similarly, many of these "WSO" listings use the exact same payment button for the exact same deal that is available on the vendor's webpage which should also be a classified ad. When you add in the traffic driving ads to blog pages like Suzzanne mentioned the section is becoming not much more than a glorified classified ad section. These "bogus" WSO listings are not exclusive to the Warrior Payments system.

          Add to that the abundance of WSOs due to the cheap price of WSO listings and no War Room requirement, and then throw all of free WSOs into the mix and I am seriously considering taking my future launches off-forum. It seems in the past the admins/moderators did not allow as many WSO shenanigans be posted to and/or remain in the section, and they were almost always fairly quickly moved to the classified section when reported.


          You've got some good points there Don, I think the mods really need to be keeping an eye on the new marketplace so ads that have no warrior payments button don't slip through to steal traffic without contributing.

          The add that was mentioned on sept 1st is still running which means days and no admins are even looking at the section and follow up to issues being raised like those raised is far to slow as it involves one of us jumping on here to raise the issue and then waiting around days for someone to catch the thread and look into it and reply.

          a FLAG WSO feature would be much better or even a mod who just checked what was listed daily since there is only a handful of items to check or the simpler solution which has been requested of the system checking a warrior payments button is on the site to send it live.

          I like how the rest of the forum is changing, but there is not enough communication on where things are with the new marketplace, any time scale on the new features that will be added and what has happened to the daily deals sellers are ment to be able to aim for, they haven't ran in a couple of weeks.

          As a seller I want to be able to aim for the daily deal, but if they are not running or being offered to sellers when they've qualified for them which a number of people have, then it removes one of the main reasons for me personally using the new platform over other more established feature rich marketplaces to release things. :-(

          I am feeling quite let down by the forum right now with the slowness in keeping us updated and I am still waiting for an email reply back Alaister since the 25th covering these issues and more. I have around 30 products in the marketplace and I am still waiting on the update to fix the very simple Thank You field reappearing after a download is removed from set up (been asking for that correction for weeks) and the IPN issue.

          Simeon Tuitt Is A Digital Product Creator And Publisher Since 2006. Search Simeon Tuitt In The Alexa Skills Store To Listen On Your Echo, Echo Dot Or Watch On Your Echo Show Or Echo Spot Device. http://www.Simeon-Tuitt.co.uk

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9493853].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author GlenH
            Originally Posted by Simeon Tuitt View Post

            You've got some good points there Don, I think the mods really need to be keeping an eye on the new marketplace so ads that have no warrior payments button don't slip through to steal traffic without contributing.

            The add that was mentioned on sept 1st is still running which means days and no admins are even looking at the section and follow up to issues being raised like those raised is far to slow as it involves one of us jumping on here to raise the issue and then waiting around days for someone to catch the thread and look into it and reply.

            a FLAG WSO feature would be much better or even a mod who just checked what was listed daily since there is only a handful of items to check or the simpler solution which has been requested of the system checking a warrior payments button is on the site to send it live.

            I like how the rest of the forum is changing, but there is not enough communication on where things are with the new marketplace, any time scale on the new features that will be added and what has happened to the daily deals sellers are ment to be able to aim for, they haven't ran in a couple of weeks.

            As a seller I want to be able to aim for the daily deal, but if they are not running or being offered to sellers when they've qualified for them which a number of people have, then it removes one of the main reasons for me personally using the new platform over other more established feature rich marketplaces to release things. :-(

            I am feeling quite let down by the forum right now with the slowness in keeping us updated and I am still waiting for an email reply back Alaister since the 25th covering these issues and more. I have around 30 products in the marketplace and I am still waiting on the update to fix the very simple Thank You field reappearing after a download is removed from set up (been asking for that correction for weeks) and the IPN issue.
            I totally agree Simeon,

            The communication as to the updates happening is really lousy.

            I get sick of asking the same questions, but getting no response ..or action on the issue.

            Until they get a whole lot better at communicating about updates, I'm not inclined to bring anything to the marketplace
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9493869].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Alaister
              Hi Simeon and Glen,

              Thank you for your feedback.

              We are getting a dedicated moderator who will be going through all of the offers on the Warrior Payments marketplace to ensure they at least have the Warrior Payments button. The will be going through all the new WSOs that get listed each day. We're spending time working on a process to keep the quality at a high standard.

              Simeon, I'm talking to the engineers and will be resolving your issues. I'm sending you an email now.

              We're working on improving our communication overall in regards to all our updates.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9493891].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author ForumGuru
                Originally Posted by Alaister View Post

                Hi Simeon and Glen,

                Thank you for your feedback.

                We are getting a dedicated moderator who will be going through all of the offers on the Warrior Payments marketplace to ensure they at least have the Warrior Payments button. The will be going through all the new WSOs that get listed each day. We're spending time working on a process to keep the quality at a high standard.

                Simeon, I'm talking to the engineers and will be resolving your issues. I'm sending you an email now.

                We're working on improving our communication overall in regards to all our updates.
                In this process to keep a high standard I assume the dedicated mod (and others I hope) will be going through all of the other listings as well, and not just the Warrior Payments WSO listings? Not much point in just going through the Warrior Payments listings if the same things are occurring with the other listings in the WSO section. Or are you only worrying about WP & Daily Deal stuff, and not the overall quality of the section?

                High standard? As I mentioned above, I believe you automatically lowered the standard when you eliminated the War Room requirement and cut the cost of the listings --> and I think many others agree.

                Secondarily, are you going to eventually move the free WSO listings out of that section? Or are those list builders going to clog up the pages of the Warrior Special Offers section forever? IMO the free WSOs used to be of higher quality and they were much less frequent when the cost was $40 to list and $40 to bump --> after you had paid to become a War Room member.

                I sure hope communication does get better, especially on WSOs...including the WSOs that you make the Warrior Daily Deal that include pirated material.

                Taking 1 or 2 weeks or longer to do something about piracy does no good other than making you guys a larger percentage of the bogus profits. We all know that "usually" a large percentage of the sales on these offers come in early.

                I sure hope the quality gets a lot better because IMO it has dropped significantly. The mods used to have a pretty good handle on bogus WSOs and pirated material when reported, but I don't believe that is the case at this time.

                Sure I believe some mods are working hard and are dedicated to keeping the forum standards high...but apparently you have a deficiency somewhere.

                Over the years I have purchased more than 125 WSOs, and I am sitting on hundreds of thousands of original stock images and graphics that I can sell on this forum, so I sure hope the quality control and communication turns around soon.

                And seriously, competing with the massive amount of free WSOs in the section for exposure does not give me a ton of incentive to bump a lot of listings as it provides little advantage over self hosted. Sure my deals are awesome, but it's quite easy to get lost in the sea of free.

                I had been selling off forum for more 10 years before I joined here (and still am), and it's no big deal to use the Zoo to do future launches off forum if the WSO section is not actually filled with real Special Offers. Yeah, I know, plenty of fish in the warrior ocean besides me...and those free list building $20 thread purchases make you a bunch of money.

                Lastly, I reported several listings in the WSO section that are the exact same deals that are offered off-site and nothing was done about them. When are you going to have someone manning the little red triangle that can actually do something with the listings that belong in the classified section?

                I don't mean to be overly critical here, but I purchased my first domain back in 1996 and have been selling online full-time since 2002. Do I pretend to know the ins and outs of internet marketing? Nope. Do I want to launch my packages in a conducive environment? Damn skippy I do...


                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9493963].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Alaister
                  Thanks for your feedback Don.

                  Yes, we'll be completely rewriting the WSO rules and cleaning the actual section up. We're working on increasing curation and the approval process of the listings so the lower cost and requirements to post a WSO won't impact quality like it has.

                  As part of the rewrite of the rules we'll be stopping free offers in the WSO section. These will be moved to the classifieds section or a new free offer section in itself.

                  Originally Posted by ForumGuru View Post

                  In this process to keep a high standard I assume the dedicated mod (and others I hope) will be going through all of the other listings as well, and not just the Warrior Payments WSO listings? Not much point in just going through the Warrior Payments listings if the same things are occurring with the other listings in the WSO section. Or are you only worrying about WP & Daily Deal stuff, and not the overall quality of the section?

                  High standard? As I mentioned above, I believe you automatically lowered the standard when you eliminated the War Room requirement and cut the cost of the listings --> and I think many others agree.

                  Secondarily, are you going to eventually move the free WSO listings out of that section? Or are those list builders going to clog up the pages of the Warrior Special Offers section forever? IMO the free WSOs used to be of higher quality and they were much less frequent when the cost was $40 to list and $40 to bump --> after you had paid to become a War Room member.

                  I sure hope communication does get better, especially on WSOs...including the WSOs that you make the Warrior Daily Deal that include pirated material.

                  Taking 1 or 2 weeks or longer to do something about piracy does no good other than making you guys a larger percentage of the bogus profits. We all know that "usually" a large percentage of the sales on these offers come in early.

                  I sure hope the quality gets a lot better because IMO it has dropped significantly. The mods used to have a pretty good handle on bogus WSOs and pirated material when reported, but I don't believe that is the case at this time.

                  Sure I believe some mods are working hard and are dedicated to keeping the forum standards high...but apparently you have a deficiency somewhere.

                  Over the years I have purchased more than 125 WSOs, and I am sitting on hundreds of thousands of original stock images and graphics that I can sell on this forum, so I sure hope the quality control and communication turns around soon.

                  And seriously, competing with the massive amount of free WSOs in the section for exposure does not give me a ton of incentive to bump a lot of listings as it provides little advantage over self hosted. Sure my deals are awesome, but it's quite easy to get lost in the sea of free.

                  I had been selling off forum for more 10 years before I joined here (and still am), and it's no big deal to use the Zoo to do future launches off forum if the WSO section is not actually filled with real Special Offers. Yeah, I know, plenty of fish in the warrior ocean besides me...and those free list building $20 thread purchases make you a bunch of money.

                  Lastly, I reported several listings in the WSO section that are the exact same deals that are offered off-site and nothing was done about them. When are you going to have someone manning the little red triangle that can actually do something with the listings that belong in the classified section?

                  I don't mean to be overly critical here, but I purchased my first domain back in 1996 and have been selling online full-time since 2002. Do I pretend to know the ins and outs of internet marketing? Nope. Do I want to launch my packages in a conducive environment? Damn skippy I do...


                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9494168].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author GlenH
                    Originally Posted by Alaister View Post

                    Thanks for your feedback Don.

                    As part of the rewrite of the rules we'll be stopping free offers in the WSO section. These will be moved to the classifieds section or a new free offer section in itself.
                    I think that is a very good move Alaister.

                    So what will happen....

                    ....if someone posts a Free WSO for approval, will admin approve it, but in the WSO acceptance PM, you'll advise the OP it will automatically be placed in the 'Classified' section.

                    Or will you just NOT approve the WSO, and advise the OP to place a listing in the Classifieds section (or in the Free WSO section if there ends up being one)
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9496254].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author Simeon Tuitt
                      Originally Posted by GlenH View Post

                      I think that is a very good move Alaister.

                      So what will happen....

                      ....if someone posts a Free WSO for approval, will admin approve it, but in the WSO acceptance PM, you'll advise the OP it will automatically be placed in the 'Classified' section.

                      Or will you just NOT approve the WSO, and advise the OP to place a listing in the Classifieds section (or in the Free WSO section if there ends up being one)
                      Hi Glen and Alaister,

                      The removal of FREE WSOs will certainly upset the forum, I am all for them not appearing in the new warrior payments marketplace but excluding them from the WSO section I am split on, simply because it is how things have always been there and people having been growing lists there for years and stopping people offering something of value for an email address could really have a lot of people walk from the forum upset.

                      My problem with FREE offers being moved to the classified section would be that right now for me personally I find the classified section offers better value for money than the WSO section, a $20 classified will stay on page one for the best part of a week, a wso depending on the time of day listed gets around 12 hours or so.

                      So if removing FREE offers lead to longer exposure on page one I would be all for it, but if it just removed FREE offers for just as many paid WSOs and the duration on page one just as short as current, then the value of ad spend wouldn't be better.

                      So right now I wouldn't want all the FREE offers chucked into the classified section which I personally find I get better value from because it would just turn the classified section into another section with short exposure.

                      The pricing of WSOs is good at $20 but there also needs to be better ad packages for wso sellers now, currently there is the $200 sticky post which will keep your post top of page one for the day, but since an average WSO gets 12 hours page one, it is cheaper to bump the thread and just spend $40 for a days exposure or even bump daily and only spend $140.

                      I would be more for discounts on booking WSOs in blocks, like 3 days, 5 days or 7 days where you save money for booking your wsos bumps in advance.

                      So I would be more in favour of an actual FREE section for the site for offers that are currently being ran in the WSO section for an optin.

                      The only problem with that would be it wouldn't be a highly trafficed section and so those who currently place free wsos wouldn't be happy with the results there.

                      So it is probably an idea to open a thread on the removal of FREE WSOs to hear from the forum rather than instantly pulling FREE offers.


                      Simeon Tuitt Is A Digital Product Creator And Publisher Since 2006. Search Simeon Tuitt In The Alexa Skills Store To Listen On Your Echo, Echo Dot Or Watch On Your Echo Show Or Echo Spot Device. http://www.Simeon-Tuitt.co.uk

                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9496289].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author GlenH
                        Originally Posted by Simeon Tuitt View Post

                        Hi Glen and Alaister,

                        The removal of FREE WSOs will certainly upset the forum, I am all for them not appearing in the new warrior payments marketplace but excluding them from the WSO section I am split on, simply because it is how things have always been there and people having been growing lists there for years and stopping people offering something of value for an email address could really have a lot of people walk from the forum upset.

                        My problem with FREE offers being moved to the classified section would be that right now for me personally I find the classified section offers better value for money than the WSO section, a $20 classified will stay on page one for the best part of a week, a wso depending on the time of day listed gets around 12 hours or so.

                        So if removing FREE offers lead to longer exposure on page one I would be all for it, but if it just removed FREE offers for just as many paid WSOs and the duration on page one just as short as current, then the value of ad spend wouldn't be better.

                        So right now I wouldn't want all the FREE offers chucked into the classified section which I personally find I get better value from because it would just turn the classified section into another section with short exposure.

                        The pricing of WSOs is good at $20 but there also needs to be better ad packages for wso sellers now, currently there is the $200 sticky post which will keep your post top of page one for the day, but since an average WSO gets 12 hours page one, it is cheaper to bump the thread and just spend $40 for a days exposure or even bump daily and only spend $140.

                        I would be more for discounts on booking WSOs in blocks, like 3 days, 5 days or 7 days where you save money for booking your wsos bumps in advance.

                        So I would be more in favour of an actual FREE section for the site for offers that are currently being ran in the WSO section for an optin.

                        The only problem with that would be it wouldn't be a highly trafficed section and so those who currently place free wsos wouldn't be happy with the results there.

                        So it is probably an idea to open a thread on the removal of FREE WSOs to hear from the forum rather than instantly pulling FREE offers.

                        You're right Simeon

                        A special section for FREE WSO is definately preferred rather than clogging up the 'Classified' section.

                        And as you say, with any new Free WSO section, it would be a lot less trafficked.

                        Just thinking out aloud....Maybe the WSO's in this 'Free WSO' section could be priced cheaper, say $10
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9496467].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Simeon Tuitt
                Originally Posted by Alaister View Post

                Hi Simeon and Glen,

                Thank you for your feedback.

                We are getting a dedicated moderator who will be going through all of the offers on the Warrior Payments marketplace to ensure they at least have the Warrior Payments button. The will be going through all the new WSOs that get listed each day. We're spending time working on a process to keep the quality at a high standard.

                Simeon, I'm talking to the engineers and will be resolving your issues. I'm sending you an email now.

                We're working on improving our communication overall in regards to all our updates.
                Hi Alaister,

                I haven't received an e-mail, was it sent?


                Simeon Tuitt Is A Digital Product Creator And Publisher Since 2006. Search Simeon Tuitt In The Alexa Skills Store To Listen On Your Echo, Echo Dot Or Watch On Your Echo Show Or Echo Spot Device. http://www.Simeon-Tuitt.co.uk

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9496214].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Simeon Tuitt
                Originally Posted by Alaister View Post

                Hi Simeon and Glen,

                Thank you for your feedback.

                We are getting a dedicated moderator who will be going through all of the offers on the Warrior Payments marketplace to ensure they at least have the Warrior Payments button. The will be going through all the new WSOs that get listed each day. We're spending time working on a process to keep the quality at a high standard.

                Simeon, I'm talking to the engineers and will be resolving your issues. I'm sending you an email now.

                We're working on improving our communication overall in regards to all our updates.
                Still awaiting a reply to the e-mail and update on the account issues Alaister.

                Simeon Tuitt Is A Digital Product Creator And Publisher Since 2006. Search Simeon Tuitt In The Alexa Skills Store To Listen On Your Echo, Echo Dot Or Watch On Your Echo Show Or Echo Spot Device. http://www.Simeon-Tuitt.co.uk

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9498504].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Alaister
        Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

        Alaister ... there's a WSO, with the title make money online, seller financze, it says the price is $99, but the WSO just goes to Want To Work From Home - No Idea Where To Start?, no payment button ... nothing but a blog with articles and an email signup form. There's two of them actually.

        Originally Posted by Simeon Tuitt View Post

        That happens a bit, people listing things just to steel traffic and it usually takes most the day before anyone who can remove the ads catches them, this is why warrior payments need to verify there is a payment button on sales pages.

        Thanks for letting the forum know though sbucciarel, lets see how long it takes to get removed.
        Thanks Suzanne and Simeon.

        I forgot to reply here. This has been removed. As I mentioned, we're improving this process and are excited to be cleaning everything up.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9496567].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Alaister
          Thanks for your thoughts Glen and Simeon.

          Yeh it seems like a free section for free WSOs make sense. This section will be less trafficked however if people are interested in this the section will build up.

          Just in the process of rewriting the rules. Once we release the new rules we'll create the new free section also.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9496578].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jkennedy
    I'm sure this has come up more than once in this thread but I want to throw in my 2 cents.

    I've been selling WSOs on the forum for a few years now. I've made a lot of money in the process and am grateful to WF for it.

    I truly applaud many of the changes to the forum that the Freelancer group has brought along.

    However, one that I am deeply discouraged with is the limitation to using Warrior Payments on a WSO, essentially making one dig around to find a way to use a separate payment system this early in the game when Warrior Payments is still extremely limited in basic functionality.

    Basic functionality that actually prevents us from utilizing fundamental tools that increase profits and secure our products.

    As a business owner and marketer, I do understand why Warrior Forum would make this move to make things proprietary, but this move was made way too early.

    The people on this forum who actually give a flip, who've been here a while and continue to be bigger sellers on here, the guys who you should REALLY be listening to, have very specific reasons for using the 3rd party services that we do.

    Those services are prime elements in our businesses. We have been using them since the beginning and we are VERY dedicated to those systems. Taking them out of the picture is a serious no-no if you want to keep the good guys around.

    I understand that you may think you'll make more money with your own. Very reasonable, and I hope you do. However in reality you might find that you'll lose more than you gain because guys like me, and some of the biggest sellers on this forum who I've talked to about this issue are looking to move away from this forum as it is no longer a profitable means of sales for us. You are talking about a massive chunk of your business here.

    If you want to have Warrior Payments in the limelight and at the same time increase your profits even more.. give back the ability to easily use 3rd party payment processors and tack on an extra fee to use them (we would be more than willing to pay that).

    A simple "Click here to use 3rd party for $5 more" would be pretty darn powerful and would make a lot of your devoted customers happy.

    One more beef I have to make (and then I'm done)...

    As you've seen numerous times on this thread.. the changes to WSO/membership prices has violently flushed the WSO marketplace straight down the toilet.

    This may have seemed like a good decision in the beginning but there is no doubt and obviously apparent that it was a very bad move. You've opened up the doors to pure garbage.

    There is rarely anything of value to be found there anymore. Many of the big name marketers who used to call this home won't even come near the Warrior Forum lately because in our circles it is now being talked about as a total crap shoot and IM junkyard.

    I went through the WSO section today just to see and I most of the WSOs I saw didn't even have a buy button (you killed that one by limiting to WPayments). In addition they were just junk in the first place.

    Right now you are seriously hurting the image of this forum and marketplace. Its quickly being looked at as the "has been" and marketing ghetto of the internet. It really breaks my heart to see this.

    If you want to get that reputation and image back, first off, you need to RAISE prices (which you should have done to begin with). Raise them to even higher than they were before you bought this place. That keeps the garbage out and quality in and you will get much more traffic and make a lot more profit. (This is marketing 101 guys, always raise prices, don't lower them, perceived value, etc)

    And #2, get a handle on the junk coming through the WSO section. Put more moderators in there to filter out the trash. PLEASE, please, please clean this place up.

    OK, I'll get off my soap box. It's still early and you have time to turn things around so I look forward to seeing your next few moves.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9498258].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Simeon Tuitt
      Originally Posted by jkennedy View Post

      I'm sure this has come up more than once in this thread but I want to throw in my 2 cents.

      I've been selling WSOs on the forum for a few years now. I've made a lot of money in the process and am grateful to WF for it.

      I truly applaud many of the changes to the forum that the Freelancer group has brought along.

      However, one that I am deeply discouraged with is the limitation to using Warrior Payments on a WSO, essentially making one dig around to find a way to use a separate payment system this early in the game when Warrior Payments is still extremely limited in basic functionality.

      Basic functionality that actually prevents us from utilizing fundamental tools that increase profits and secure our products.

      As a business owner and marketer, I do understand why Warrior Forum would make this move to make things proprietary, but this move was made way too early.

      The people on this forum who actually give a flip, who've been here a while and continue to be bigger sellers on here, the guys who you should REALLY be listening to, have very specific reasons for using the 3rd party services that we do.

      Those services are prime elements in our businesses. We have been using them since the beginning and we are VERY dedicated to those systems. Taking them out of the picture is a serious no-no if you want to keep the good guys around.

      I understand that you may think you'll make more money with your own. Very reasonable, and I hope you do. However in reality you might find that you'll lose more than you gain because guys like me, and some of the biggest sellers on this forum who I've talked to about this issue are looking to move away from this forum as it is no longer a profitable means of sales for us. You are talking about a massive chunk of your business here.

      If you want to have Warrior Payments in the limelight and at the same time increase your profits even more.. give back the ability to easily use 3rd party payment processors and tack on an extra fee to use them (we would be more than willing to pay that).

      A simple "Click here to use 3rd party for $5 more" would be pretty darn powerful and would make a lot of your devoted customers happy.

      One more beef I have to make (and then I'm done)...

      As you've seen numerous times on this thread.. the changes to WSO/membership prices has violently flushed the WSO marketplace straight down the toilet.

      This may have seemed like a good decision in the beginning but there is no doubt and obviously apparent that it was a very bad move. You've opened up the doors to pure garbage.

      There is rarely anything of value to be found there anymore. Many of the big name marketers who used to call this home won't even come near the Warrior Forum lately because in our circles it is now being talked about as a total crap shoot and IM junkyard.

      I went through the WSO section today just to see and I most of the WSOs I saw didn't even have a buy button (you killed that one by limiting to WPayments). In addition they were just junk in the first place.

      Right now you are seriously hurting the image of this forum and marketplace. Its quickly being looked at as the "has been" and marketing ghetto of the internet. It really breaks my heart to see this.

      If you want to get that reputation and image back, first off, you need to RAISE prices (which you should have done to begin with). Raise them to even higher than they were before you bought this place. That keeps the garbage out and quality in and you will get much more traffic and make a lot more profit. (This is marketing 101 guys, always raise prices, don't lower them, perceived value, etc)

      And #2, get a handle on the junk coming through the WSO section. Put more moderators in there to filter out the trash. PLEASE, please, please clean this place up.

      OK, I'll get off my soap box. It's still early and you have time to turn things around so I look forward to seeing your next few moves.
      Hi JKennedy,

      Wow that was more like a dollar than 2cents, lol. Well put over though, I agree with some points but not with others like raising the price of WSOs past what they have been previously, I have been using wsos for years also and when they went up to $40 it put me off using them, I still did but I didn't feel they were true value for cash at that price, freelancer dropping them to $20 got me back.

      Right now raising the price would stop people using them especially if they were raised past what they have been as you suggested.

      With the forum excluding other systems by default for normal wsos in favour of warrior payments its forced the other systems to adapt and now JVZoo has their own section Latest Launches which is also $20, so now those people who got unhappy with not being able to list a wso on wf are using Latest Launches.

      So if WF put prices up for WSOs then people would simply jump to the cheaper competitors.

      WSOs can still be placed with our own payment links by using the following link:

      I placed a wso above Today but chose to use my own merchant account to process payments as I am getting really frustrated with not hearing back in response to my questions on this thread and since wf has stopped running the daily deal right now I do not see the point or incentive in my continued support of the new payment system if the forums not backing the sellers for their effort and use of the system.

      Alaister I am still awaiting the e-mail reply back which I have been waiting since August 25th for and which you said you replying to a few days ago.


      Simeon Tuitt Is A Digital Product Creator And Publisher Since 2006. Search Simeon Tuitt In The Alexa Skills Store To Listen On Your Echo, Echo Dot Or Watch On Your Echo Show Or Echo Spot Device. http://www.Simeon-Tuitt.co.uk

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9498417].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
        Originally Posted by Simeon Tuitt View Post

        I agree with some points but not with others like raising the price of WSOs past what they have been previously, I have been using wsos for years also and when they went up to $40 it put me off using them, I still did but I didn't feel they were true value for cash at that price, freelancer dropping them to $20 got me back.
        I've always felt that anyone who couldn't recoup that $40 plus more had no business creating products teaching others how to make money.

        Originally Posted by Simeon Tuitt View Post

        Right now raising the price would stop people using them especially if they were raised past what they have been as you suggested.

        With the forum excluding other systems by default for normal wsos in favour of warrior payments its forced the other systems to adapt and now JVZoo has their own section Latest Launches which is also $20, so now those people who got unhappy with not being able to list a wso on wf are using Latest Launches.

        So if WF put prices up for WSOs then people would simply jump to the cheaper competitors.
        WF was popular because you could find deals ... great products at great prices that you could find nowhere else. Just because there are cheap competitors, does not mean that the quality of the products being sold there are something to brag about. I feel that the removal of the requirement to be a war room member and the reduction in price of WSOs has degraded the WSO section, making it full of people with zero history and credibility here posting whatever they're posting and everything that a WSO was supposed to be, no longer applies. Does it still have to be a unique product created by the seller or for the seller only? Does it still have to be a special deal found only on WF? I doubt it. I think "IM Junkyard" was an apt description. Recently, I broke my habit of buying only from those I know and trust on the WF and wasn't the least bit shocked to find that the product was pure garbage. I was embarrassed for the seller that he put that out for the public to see, although I doubt that the seller was the least bit embarrassed.

        I'd prefer WF to raise the price back up to $40 and let those who don't produce products that more than give the sellers their money back go elsewhere ... to the "cheap competitors." [/QUOTE]
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9498622].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author jkennedy
          Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

          I've always felt that anyone who couldn't recoup that $40 plus more had no business creating products teaching others how to make money.

          WF was popular because you could find deals ... great products at great prices that you could find nowhere else. Just because there are cheap competitors, does not mean that the quality of the products being sold there are something to brag about. I feel that the removal of the requirement to be a war room member and the reduction in price of WSOs has degraded the WSO section, making it full of people with zero history and credibility here posting whatever they're posting and everything that a WSO was supposed to be, no longer applies. Does it still have to be a unique product created by the seller or for the seller only? Does it still have to be a special deal found only on WF? I doubt it. I think "IM Junkyard" was an apt description. Recently, I broke my habit of buying only from those I know and trust on the WF and wasn't the least bit shocked to find that the product was pure garbage. I was embarrassed for the seller that he put that out for the public to see, although I doubt that the seller was the least bit embarrassed.

          I'd prefer WF to raise the price back up to $40 and let those who don't produce products that more than give the sellers their money back go elsewhere ... to the "cheap competitors."

          Exactly. If a vendor isn't willing to shell out $40 to sell their quality product, it's probably of no value in the first place (which we have seen is the case so far).

          We've basically gone back to the Wild Wild West where anything goes.
          And it's no surprise that honest vendors who DO provide real value are packing their bags and moving on because quite frankly, who would want their products associated with such garbage?

          I'll definitely be moving on soon if it continues down the same road. I surely hope that won't be the case. Perhaps the guys at Freelancer will realize what is happening here.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9498748].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Simeon Tuitt
            Originally Posted by jkennedy
            Exactly. If a vendor isn't willing to shell out $40 to sell their quality product, it's probably of no value in the first place (which we have seen is the case so far).

            We've basically gone back to the Wild Wild West where anything goes.
            And it's no surprise that honest vendors who DO provide real value are packing their bags and moving on because quite frankly, who would want their products associated with such garbage?

            I'll definitely be moving on soon if it continues down the same road. I surely hope that won't be the case. Perhaps the guys at Freelancer will realize what is happening here.[/QUOTE]

            All our feedback helps drive the change of the forum and it is all noted, so I look forward to see the new WSO rules and the clean up of the marketplace.

            I would really like to know where things are though with the feedback we have given so far on the warrior payments system with a timeline for any changes that are going to be introduced, right now as someone whose used the marketplace since it went live I am completely in the dark and until some lights shed on things I am on pause with using it further.


            Simeon Tuitt Is A Digital Product Creator And Publisher Since 2006. Search Simeon Tuitt In The Alexa Skills Store To Listen On Your Echo, Echo Dot Or Watch On Your Echo Show Or Echo Spot Device. http://www.Simeon-Tuitt.co.uk

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9498791].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author ForumGuru
              Originally Posted by Simeon Tuitt View Post

              You only have to look at the new marketplace with some great products in that are not selling to see how even the $20 WSOs now are not performing, so a higher price would be the worse way to go for sellers.
              With respect, I disagree. Getting rid of a lot of the cheap garbage that people post because it's only $20 to list will allow other offers more exposure. Putting the price at $40 or higher should weed a bunch of the trash out. Couple that with the removal of all of the $20 "free" offers in the section --> the really good offers should start drawing some forum traffic.

              With regards to good offers (not) making organic sales it's pretty easy for a good offer to get lost in the crowd with all of the free junk and $20 trash offers.

              I doubt Alaster is thinking about upping the price, or reinstating the War Room requirement, but I think it should be considered.


              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9499038].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Simeon Tuitt
                Originally Posted by ForumGuru View Post

                With respect, I disagree. Getting rid of a lot of the cheap garbage that people post because it's only $20 to list will allow other offers more exposure. Putting the price at $40 or higher should weed a bunch of the trash out. Couple that with the removal of all of the $20 "free" offers in the section --> the really good offers should start drawing some forum traffic.

                With regards to good offers (not) making organic sales it's pretty easy for a good offer to get lost in the crowd with all of the free junk and $20 trash offers.

                I doubt Alaster is thinking about upping the price, or reinstating the War Room requirement, but I think it should be considered.


                Hi Don,
                I am all for anything that gets us more exposure and bang for our buck, what really needs to happen though is launches again using threads, every launch brings traffic to the forum and everyone benefits as a result, so for me to use threads I would want the ability to embed videos from more sources than just YouTube.

                The forum benefits more when traffic is kept within the wf eco system and on threads and there is discussion on them, when it goes off platform that is lost.

                One thing that needs to happen to really weed out the junk and stop devaluing the marketplace and potentially damaging it big time is the offers that get accepted, so the mods need educating more.

                I just took a quick look at whats recently been added and this sent chills down my spine this got approved...

                "The Ultimate Facebook Harvester - Get Penny Clicks On Facebook Audiences Of Millions!"

                Anything with the words HARVESTER should be a red flag to any moderator and this has been up since the 4th.

                Simeon Tuitt Is A Digital Product Creator And Publisher Since 2006. Search Simeon Tuitt In The Alexa Skills Store To Listen On Your Echo, Echo Dot Or Watch On Your Echo Show Or Echo Spot Device. http://www.Simeon-Tuitt.co.uk

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9499061].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author ForumGuru
                  Originally Posted by Simeon Tuitt View Post

                  Hi Don,

                  One thing that needs to happen to really weed out the junk and stop devaluing the marketplace and potentially damaging it big time is the offers that get accepted, so the mods need educating more.

                  I just took a quick look at whats recently been added and this sent chills down my spine this got approved... Anything with the words HARVESTER should immediately be banned but the fact the software on sale HARVESTS from the worlds largest social network which is a BIG NO NO and has landed many in trouble scares the hell out of me that this got approved.
                  In the past I have reported many people that were selling scrapers, spam tools, pirated images, pirated videos and pirated software etc. and those threads were usually quickly shutdown (and many times the users banned), but that is just not happening very often anymore.

                  Early yesterday I reported a WSO that clearly shows pirated material on the sales page. I contacted the actual creator of the graphics, he also reported the thread and nothing has been done about it yet.

                  Yesterday I also reported a banned user (he's been banned multiple times) that is back posting WSOs under his third or fourth username (or a shill is posting for him) and nothing has been done about him either.

                  The sad thing is that guy actually sold a forum email address scraper that scraped the email address from forum members here. Obviously he has contributed greatly to the amount of affiliate offer and other spam that we members receive.

                  The super sad thing is I also mentioned this to Paul Myers as he knows the intimate details of who this guy is, and what he does, and he also reported the thread --> but as of tonight this guy still has an offer and a pre-launch offer open.

                  Good grief!

                  On top of that I have reported many, many "special" offers that are not special at all --> same buy button on website page, or same offer on the website page and nothing was done about those offers at all. Previously when I would report those non-special offers they would be quickly moved to the classified section.

                  Obviously the forum has let a lot of greyhat and blackhat tools to be listed, and they are almost unresponsive when it comes to dealing with them when reported.

                  Heck, even cookie stuffers are getting approved on here now! The stuffer I saw was open for a sold week or two before someone finally shut it down.

                  I am afraid this forum may turn into WarriorBlackhatForum if someone does not take control relatively soon.

                  I mentioned it before --> but many of the mods looking at the little red triangle reports must not care, or must not have a lot of power, because stuff that used to get taken care of in short order, is often times not taken care of at all now.


                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9499108].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author GlenH
                  Originally Posted by Simeon Tuitt View Post

                  Hi Don,
                  I am all for anything that gets us more exposure and bang for our buck, what really needs to happen though is launches again using threads, every launch brings traffic to the forum and everyone benefits as a result, so for me to use threads I would want the ability to embed videos from more sources than just YouTube.

                  Only being allow to embed YouTube Videos is frustrating

                  Because you can't really upload sales videos to YouTube (well you can, but the YT mods. remove them) it limits the type of video you can have as part of your WSO.

                  I for one, would like the ability to be able to display a sales video in a WSO
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9499112].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author Simeon Tuitt
                    Originally Posted by GlenH View Post

                    Only being allow to embed YouTube Videos is frustrating

                    Because you can't really upload sales videos to YouTube (well you can, but the YT mods. remove them) it limits the type of video you can have as part of your WSO.

                    I for one, would like the ability to be able to display a sales video in a WSO
                    Yes Glen it is why I want the ability to embed mp4, self hosted and easy video suite videos into threads. I've not used YT for hosting videos in years and it messes up a thread when someones reading a thread for the details but has to jump to my external site to see the sales video.

                    I want a streamlined sales process so I need to be able to embed my videos to threads otherwise I will have to keep self hosting.

                    One problem that needs sorting is the ability to have a payment button on thread and self hosted site that tracks the same products sales.

                    So in instances where I do have a self hosted site with my sales video people can buy straight from that page or they have to go back to the thread.

                    Simeon Tuitt Is A Digital Product Creator And Publisher Since 2006. Search Simeon Tuitt In The Alexa Skills Store To Listen On Your Echo, Echo Dot Or Watch On Your Echo Show Or Echo Spot Device. http://www.Simeon-Tuitt.co.uk

                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9499123].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author ForumGuru
                  Originally Posted by Simeon Tuitt View Post

                  I just took a quick look at whats recently been added and this sent chills down my spine this got approved...

                  "The Ultimate Facebook Harvester - Get Penny Clicks On Facebook Audiences Of Millions!"

                  Anything with the words HARVESTER should be a red flag to any moderator and this has been up since the 4th.
                  This is straying off-topic a bit...but it's funny you should mention that user selling the FB email and UID harvester. In the War Room this same guy is giving away a software with a VirusTotal result of 13/55 which might be the worst of any software that I have downloaded here on Warrior Forum. Yeah, he says they are all uBot false positives. If they are all false positives, why doesn't he submit the file to at the AV companies so they can update their definitions files if the software is actually clean?

                  The software is here::



                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9499166].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author Simeon Tuitt
                    Originally Posted by ForumGuru View Post

                    This straying off-topic a bit...but it's funny you should mention that user selling the FB email and UID harvester. In the War Room this guy is giving away a software with a VirusTotal result of 13/55 which might be the worst of any software that I have downloaded here on Warrior Forum. Yeah, he says they are all uBot false positives. If they are all false positives, why doesn't he submit the file to at the AV companies so they can update their definitions files if the software is actually clean?

                    The software is here::



                    Oh dear, I just took a look at the link you gave thinking it was another example of harvesting software and its the same dude, so if the free stuff is riddled with viruses that's scary since its FREE and people may be jumping on it to download it.

                    It's stuff like that which will have search engines black listing the forum if the mods don't start being careful about what they accept and clean this up.

                    Simeon Tuitt Is A Digital Product Creator And Publisher Since 2006. Search Simeon Tuitt In The Alexa Skills Store To Listen On Your Echo, Echo Dot Or Watch On Your Echo Show Or Echo Spot Device. http://www.Simeon-Tuitt.co.uk

                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9499251].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author GlenH
                Originally Posted by ForumGuru View Post

                With respect, I disagree. Getting rid of a lot of the cheap garbage that people post because it's only $20 to list will allow other offers more exposure. Putting the price at $40 or higher should weed a bunch of the trash out. Couple that with the removal of all of the $20 "free" offers in the section --> the really good offers should start drawing some forum traffic.

                With regards to good offers (not) making organic sales it's pretty easy for a good offer to get lost in the crowd with all of the free junk and $20 trash offers.

                I doubt Alaster is thinking about upping the price, or reinstating the War Room requirement, but I think it should be considered.


                I agree with you for sure Don...

                The really 'good' WSO products are getting lost amongst the "cheap garbage" and 'free' stuff. Personally I think prospects are giving up looking because they have to troll so much rubbish.

                And the 'Free' WSO's really have to be shifted to another sub-forum of their own.

                At one point in time not so long ago, I had a look at page 1 in the WSO section and I calculated that just over 20% of the offers listed were 'free' WSO's.

                It's no wonder WSO's only stay on page 1 for a a couple of hours at best.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9499106].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Simeon Tuitt
                  Originally Posted by GlenH View Post

                  I agree with you for sure Don...

                  The really 'good' WSO products are getting lost amongst the "cheap garbage" and 'free' stuff. Personally I think prospects are giving up looking because they have to troll so much rubbish.

                  And the 'Free' WSO's really have to be shifted to another sub-forum of their own.

                  At one point in time not so long ago, I had a look at page 1 in the WSO section and I calculated that just over 20% of the offers listed were 'free' WSO's.

                  It's no wonder WSO's only stay on page 1 for a a couple of hours at best.
                  Glen, there is going to be a free section added, I think Alaister mentioned it above somewhere, so that will clear the WSO section although not sure how that will be implemented with thousands of threads, maybe it will be on new threads submitted and any bumped threads or maybe the new WSO rules will tell people before bumping if it is a FREE offer that it needs listing in the FREE Thread section.

                  Simeon Tuitt Is A Digital Product Creator And Publisher Since 2006. Search Simeon Tuitt In The Alexa Skills Store To Listen On Your Echo, Echo Dot Or Watch On Your Echo Show Or Echo Spot Device. http://www.Simeon-Tuitt.co.uk

                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9499116].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Simeon Tuitt
          Removed by Sim to keep this thread on point of feedback about features to improve warrior payments, we can open up a separate thread or inbox about the other issues.

          Simeon Tuitt Is A Digital Product Creator And Publisher Since 2006. Search Simeon Tuitt In The Alexa Skills Store To Listen On Your Echo, Echo Dot Or Watch On Your Echo Show Or Echo Spot Device. http://www.Simeon-Tuitt.co.uk

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9498769].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author barbling
          Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

          I've always felt that anyone who couldn't recoup that $40 plus more had no business creating products teaching others how to make money....
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9499297].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jasonthewebmaster
    STRIPE integrations is NOT just icing on the cake. am i the only one SICK AND TIRED OF USING PAYPAL???

    we should have all stopped using them a long time ago for the crap they have pulled over the years...

    anyway STRIPE is much better integration and should be STANDARD for anything built after 2013.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9499837].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jasonthewebmaster
    i am also not going to be launching any new WSOs using the new WSO system until PAYPAL IS NO LONGER THE ONLY OPTION.

    I suspect I am not the only one who feels this way as many people are still doing WSO's with warriorplus who does offer more options than just paypal.

    Since freelancer.com now owns WF, i assumed offering more payment platform integration would have been top of the list!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9499841].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Alaister
      Originally Posted by jasonthewebmaster View Post

      i am also not going to be launching any new WSOs using the new WSO system until PAYPAL IS NO LONGER THE ONLY OPTION.

      I suspect I am not the only one who feels this way as many people are still doing WSO's with warriorplus who does offer more options than just paypal.

      Since freelancer.com now owns WF, i assumed offering more payment platform integration would have been top of the list!
      Hi Jason,

      Thank you for your feedback. We are looking at integrating more payment methods like stripe.
      Which ones do you prefer?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9503301].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Simeon Tuitt
        Hi Alaister,

        I have not received a reply to the email I sent you on August 25th, above you said you was sending a reply back and that was last week and I haven't had any e-mail.

        My questions remain unanswered still and I have no idea where things are with warrior payments, whether the issues with the IPN and Thank You URL have been addressed or not.


        Simeon Tuitt Is A Digital Product Creator And Publisher Since 2006. Search Simeon Tuitt In The Alexa Skills Store To Listen On Your Echo, Echo Dot Or Watch On Your Echo Show Or Echo Spot Device. http://www.Simeon-Tuitt.co.uk

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9503583].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Alaister
          Originally Posted by Simeon Tuitt View Post

          Hi Alaister,

          I have not received a reply to the email I sent you on August 25th, above you said you was sending a reply back and that was last week and I haven't had any e-mail.

          My questions remain unanswered still and I have no idea where things are with warrior payments, whether the issues with the IPN and Thank You URL have been addressed or not.

          Hi Simeon,

          You should have the email now. Sorry for the delay.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9505818].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author jasonthewebmaster
        Originally Posted by Alaister View Post

        Hi Jason,

        Thank you for your feedback. We are looking at integrating more payment methods like stripe.
        Which ones do you prefer?
        Stripe is definitely my favorite but i could see authorize.net being used widely as well. Anything but paypal.

        Did you guys see the news about Stripe being chosen to work with Apple and Twitter to integrate payments?

        Stripe is quickly shaping up to be the fastest growing and most technology advanced payment processor.

        With features like taking payments securely in 139 currencies, no hassles (like freezing or banning you like paypal does for any reason under the sun) and 2-day deposits, the lowest processing fees around, and the most advanced API, this company is changing the game for good! (finally someone who knows what the masses want!)

        See here: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-0...-payments.html

        ...oh and one final note... WarriorPlus has Stripe integration... if they can do it I am sure WF can!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9512704].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author swordmaster
    Hi Alaister, some hickup is happening with WSO download button on your end and customers were not redirected to download page, although I have checked on my end and all links are integrated correctly in paypal. It keeps opening sales page graphics images instead!!
    I have sent you a ticket and PM, hope you are there to see and address it urgently.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9543467].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Alaister
      Originally Posted by swordmaster View Post

      Hi Alaister, some hickup is happening with WSO download button on your end and customers were not redirected to download page, although I have checked on my end and all links are integrated correctly in paypal. It keeps opening sales page graphics images instead!!
      I have sent you a ticket and PM, hope you are there to see and address it urgently.

      Hi there,

      I've sent you a PM addressing your issues.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9546675].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JoelTrog
    Hi there!

    I'm trying to do some banner ads here on Warrior Forum but the "advertise with us" button is just leading me to a pitch page for warrior payments.

    Feel free to shoot me an e-mail at sem.traugott at gmail with details on where I can get that information.


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9544856].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Peterc201
    Hi Alaister,
    i seem to be having the same issue as swordmaster. I purchased an item last night. Here are the details:
    Thank you for your purchase.

    Product Name: FINALLY...A method newbies can use to suck in hard cold cash online...
    Seller: Ean Stark
    Transaction ID: 5EV680101E562312A
    Price: $11.00


    Please note that you should only leave a review after your have used the product. You can return to the above link and review your product at anytime.

    After I purchased this last night, every time i clicked on the download WSO link, it kept bringing me to the sellers sales/optin page for a different product.
    I also sent an email to the seller about this last night,.

    And today when I click on the link to the access page, it is blank. Can you please help me with this?
    Is this the sellers problem or a problem with the WSO purchase downloads?

    Thank you in advance for your answer and help.


    PeterC - here to help

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9564980].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Alaister
      Hi Peter,

      I'm sending you a PM in order to resolve your issue.

      Originally Posted by Peterc201 View Post

      Hi Alaister,
      i seem to be having the same issue as swordmaster. I purchased an item last night. Here are the details:
      Thank you for your purchase.

      Product Name: FINALLY...A method newbies can use to suck in hard cold cash online...
      Seller: Ean Stark
      Transaction ID: 5EV680101E562312A
      Price: $11.00


      Please note that you should only leave a review after your have used the product. You can return to the above link and review your product at anytime.

      After I purchased this last night, every time i clicked on the download WSO link, it kept bringing me to the sellers sales/optin page for a different product.
      I also sent an email to the seller about this last night,.

      And today when I click on the link to the access page, it is blank. Can you please help me with this?
      Is this the sellers problem or a problem with the WSO purchase downloads?

      Thank you in advance for your answer and help.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9566245].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sparrow
    Warrior payments needs to have some feedback for knowing if a customer received their download links

    I continue to get complaints from customers of never receiving their download links

    In addition know if someone has downloaded their products and if not a way to resend their download link
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10882952].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author vedremo
      Originally Posted by sparrow View Post

      Warrior payments needs to have some feedback for knowing if a customer received their download links

      I continue to get complaints from customers of never receiving their download links

      In addition know if someone has downloaded their products and if not a way to resend their download link
      Nor is there a way to see previous purchases, something you would think would be rolled out given over 2 years.

      Looks like previous purchases are being removed as well. Yesterday I tried to access previous purchase I made 12 months ago by clicking the download email link and found it has now disappeared from my account.

      But great there's been time to change the graphics.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10883383].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author MYDCOM
    I made a purchase the other day with warriorpayments. Where can I access my downloads?

    I looked in dashboard and I don't see it.

    Definitely need to make it easier for people to access downloads.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10916929].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author danwan
    The Aweber API Integration doesn't work when I create a new WSO. Getting an error there. Could you guys please test that?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10948142].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Bryan Mc
    Hi guys,

    I submitted a WSO for approval on Saturday and paid for it. I still have not heard anything. I couldnt find a support email, and WF PM's are not being replied to. Thank you for looking into this.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10951236].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author michdubs
    I live in an unsupported country [zimbabwe], so I was thinking you may intergrate into your system other payment options like PAYONEER, PAYEER or spectrocoin so that the warriors from my country may receive payments, promoting the great stuff here
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10953319].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Cloudsair
    Allow us to purchase and sell using bitcoins please!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10965200].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author luisc110
    if i sell a product, which are the payment days? where can i see more information about payments in the dashboard?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10986415].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Marcus W K Wong
      Hi Luisc110,

      As a Vendor, your should have entered your PayPal information prior to posting the WSO (we won't let you post a WSO if you don't let us pay you ). All sales are instant.

      As an affiliate, you should have received instant commissions on your sales made via the affiliate link. Same with refunds too, if a buyer using your affiliate link has requested a refund from the vendor and the refund was made, the value will be automatically deducted from your PayPal as well (based on the commissioned % you would have earned initially).
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10986729].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author George122
    Hey how can i sale or join a program? That has to do with selling things?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11019950].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author debmedia
    Hello, I am new to create my first WSO. But I get a message that I need to confirm my email. But how to get that email?? I already confirmed my subscription and I am a War room member. So what I need to do please help.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11067768].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author pauloadaoag
      Originally Posted by debmedia View Post

      Hello, I am new to create my first WSO. But I get a message that I need to confirm my email. But how to get that email?? I already confirmed my subscription and I am a War room member. So what I need to do please help.
      Can you give us more details on what happened?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11070708].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author japlon
    Hello, payment button code not appearing as an image after integrating the code on my sales page.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11074359].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author pauloadaoag
      Originally Posted by japlon View Post

      Hello, payment button code not appearing as an image after integrating the code on my sales page.
      Can we look at your sales page?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11075724].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author shopmunity

      I want to create an offer, but there are two things that are not working:

      1) I cannot configure a Salespage. When I click on "publish offer" it always tells me I need to create a funnel first - there is no "save button". When I try to create a funnel, I cannot select my offers, but need to select "create new one". This leads me to the same problem.
      This seems to be a recent problem, because I could create a product a few weeks ago...

      2) For my existing product, I used a custom delivery url. I can configure that, but when doing a test purchase and trying to click the "download" link as a buyer, it does not take me to my checkout URL. The link is not "clickable" / nothing happens.

      Any help?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11083589].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Isabella
        Originally Posted by shopmunity View Post


        I want to create an offer, but there are two things that are not working:

        1) I cannot configure a Salespage. When I click on "publish offer" it always tells me I need to create a funnel first - there is no "save button". When I try to create a funnel, I cannot select my offers, but need to select "create new one". This leads me to the same problem.
        This seems to be a recent problem, because I could create a product a few weeks ago...

        2) For my existing product, I used a custom delivery url. I can configure that, but when doing a test purchase and trying to click the "download" link as a buyer, it does not take me to my checkout URL. The link is not "clickable" / nothing happens.

        Any help?
        By "configure" you mean edit an existing sales page? There's a save and continue button at the first part of the sales page when you edit an existing sales page.

        Can you provide screencaptures or screenshots of your WSO settings? Send it via PM though.

        Message me about WarriorForum!

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11083597].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author shopmunity
      I cannot send files via pm. So look here. (this is just for the first problem).
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11083620].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sparrow
    I keep getting complaints from customers not getting their download links

    checking your payment system and there is no way to support a paying customer and send them their download links within warrior payments

    just about every other marketplace out there the seller has the ability to resend the download link to their customers

    I have no way of knowing if the customer ever received their products
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11088206].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author pauloadaoag
      Originally Posted by sparrow View Post

      I keep getting complaints from customers not getting their download links

      checking your payment system and there is no way to support a paying customer and send them their download links within warrior payments

      just about every other marketplace out there the seller has the ability to resend the download link to their customers

      I have no way of knowing if the customer ever received their products
      I have sent you a PM
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11089835].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author MYDCOM
    Just created my 1st offer use warriorpayment. Seems to be pretty easy. One BIG problem though, where do I enter in my product salespage URL?

    When I create the funnel, I was able to add in the URL for the upsells, but not the url for main product.

    Also I see errors with the payment button. Can you check: http://www.warriorforum.com/showthre...0#post11109400

    Thank you
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11109897].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author pauloadaoag
      Originally Posted by MYDCOM View Post

      Just created my 1st offer use warriorpayment. Seems to be pretty easy. One BIG problem though, where do I enter in my product salespage URL?

      When I create the funnel, I was able to add in the URL for the upsells, but not the url for main product.

      Also I see errors with the payment button.

      Thank you
      Errors in the payment button should be fixed already.

      To edit the sales page url for the main product,

      1. go to https://payments.warriorforum.com/my-products
      2. select your product
      3. click on "publish your offer" at the top
      4. scroll down and click "add your button to your own site"

      you should then see the options for adding in your sales page.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11110865].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author MrProfit

    I have feedback about the Buy Button.
    When I set my product to be dime sale, the code that generate the buy button say "Only 1 Left".

    Buy button that claims "Only 1 left" should read "Only 1 left at this Price" to avoid misleading. When people read "Only 1 left", they think that only 1 copy is still available for sale. However, the truth is that only 1 copy left before the price will increase.

    Hope you got my point.
    I hope if you make this change to the Buy Button so that it reads "Only 1 left at this Price" instead of "Only 1 left".

    I've got this suggestion from one of my customers. He think I was misleading him.

    Success is a CHOICE, not a CHANCE!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11123406].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author pauloadaoag
      Originally Posted by MrProfit View Post


      I have feedback about the Buy Button.
      When I set my product to be dime sale, the code that generate the buy button say "Only 1 Left".

      Buy button that claims "Only 1 left" should read "Only 1 left at this Price" to avoid misleading. When people read "Only 1 left", they think that only 1 copy is still available for sale. However, the truth is that only 1 copy left before the price will increase.

      Hope you got my point.
      I hope if you make this change to the Buy Button so that it reads "Only 1 left at this Price" instead of "Only 1 left".

      I've got this suggestion from one of my customers. He think I was misleading him.

      Great point. We may be doing this soon once we get some stuff out of the way. Thanks for the suggestion!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11160135].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author James_w
    No save draft? I am in the middle of creating a wso and there is no save draft button I wanted to save before I go out so i can submit later didn't there used to be a save button for wso posts?

    Ready To Go DropShip Websites

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11154780].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author pauloadaoag
      Originally Posted by James_w View Post

      No save draft? I am in the middle of creating a wso and there is no save draft button I wanted to save before I go out so i can submit later didn't there used to be a save button for wso posts?

      Hey James where did you previously see this "save draft" for wsos?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11160134].message }}

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