For those who need clicks, optins and even SALES today!
Uncle Dimitry 1 year ago

For those who need clicks, optins and even SALES today!

Udimi Solo Ad Network: GUARANTEED Safety, GUARANTEED Quality, And GUARANTEED Clicks (& FREE)

Udimi Solo Ad Network Is THE NEXT Level Of Safety, Quality, and Click Value... ALL of Which Are Absolutely Guaranteed With Our System.

Take A Few Minutes Now To Learn WHY Udimi Is Quite Possibly The Safest,
Most Secure, and Highest Quality Solo Ad Network To Date (and a Few

Ever since the beginning of Online Marketing, Solo Ads have been a hugely successful type of marketing, and there's a reason for it... at their best, they can be a very good way to garner clicks to any offer you might want to promote, quickly, easily, and usually cheaply as well.

However, while the upside to Solo Ads has been well-known to every Internet Marketer who
knows this business, the downsides have always been a glaring reminder that sometimes, you don't always get what you pay for... perhaps moreso in this business than in most others.

What kinds of problems do we run into when trying to make money with Solo Ads?
  • Scammers - some people don't have good intentions, and literally TRY to take your money by offering either little or nothing in return. These people have been drawn to this industry, because before now, scamming people through Solo Ads has been relatively easy to do.
  • Arguments Over Click Quality - Some people sell clicks, but simply don't have very loyal subscribers, so simply think that they're subscribers are more loyal than they are, and so the buyer of the solo ad just doesn't get what he or she paid for.
  • Difficulty Finding The Right Buyers or Sellers - No matter how good your list is, or how much you're willing to pay for solid clicks... if you can't find the people who're a good match for you, then it's all for not.
Solo Ad Networks charging people too much to sign up, or too high a commission for each transaction. Now Exists To Prevent All These Problems Entirely, As the Next Generation In Ad Networking…

I don't want to oversell anything here, because quite frankly, I don't have to... so I'm just going to give you the FACTS and let you decide for yourself whether or not Udimi is right for you.
We know that security and safety when conducting business on Solo Ads sites is extremely important to everyone involved, so we've really taken the steps to go the "extra mile" to make sure that you have the absolute safest experience you can have when using Udimi (likely more than on any other Solo Ad network to date). I know that's a bold claim, so let me explain to how we do it:

  • First of all, we've gained access to THE most powerful click fraud detection system IN THE WORLD... NO ONE has this level of click fraud security outside of major search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. This means that click fraud will be nearly IMPOSSIBLE to perform on Udimi... so people who're looking to profit from click fraud, are going to have to go somewhere else.

  • A built in Escrow system protects both buyers and sellers for every single transaction. Rather than buying clicks and placing money directly into the hands of the seller (risking all of your money up-front) Udimi will hold the money for you in an Escrow account, and the funds aren't released to the seller until you get ALL the clicks you paid for. The seller will get paid immediately after, and, if there's any issues, Udimi will be able to moderate This feature in and of itself protects you from ever having your money stolen.

  • Extremely deep and thorough statistics to rival even most Premium Click Counters. It's like having a high quality, paid Click Counter built right into the software for you, to be able to use anytime you want for your mailings.

  • With most solo ad networks, you usually had to check up on click quality yourself, and make sure that every single click was quality and useful, but, now with Udimi, all your low quality clicks will be filtered out without you ever even seeing them (and of course, this means you won't be paying for them either)

  • On just about every other Solo Ad Network, people can easily come in and create new accounts... this leads to them having the ability to engage in click fraud over and over again, and perhaps even duping the same people over and over, without getting permanently banned. On Udimi, every account is tied to a Credit/Debit Card or PayPal account... meaning creating false accounts is FAR more difficult. Once someone's banned for ripping off our users, they will NOT have an easy time coming back.
There are also countless other benefits to using Udimi, but to mention just a couple more:
  • We make it effortless for you to connect with the right buyers, or the right sellers using the most powerful elements of Social Networking sites, so you can easily find people who want to work with you, as well as keep track of them for a continued business relationship.

  • Udimi also gives you a one-stop shop for managing ALL of your Solo Ads via the internal calendar. These can be Solo Ads you purchased through Udimi or anywhere else on the web. It will even alert you of important upcoming events whenever you want it to, so you'll never need to mentally keep track of when all of your important Solo Ads are being sent out.
So, Now That Know What Makes Udimi Special...
What's The Best Part, You Ask?

ALL of this is entirely FREE. The only thing we charge you is a tiny fee.
In addition, as a special offer for Warrior Forum, you’ll get an option to get Prime account for as low, as $9.99 per month (normal price is $69.95)

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