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Unread 6th Jun 2010, 04:37 AM   #1
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Make 1000$ with Epic Traffic Systems ! chance to win free domain name completely free WSO
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Dear Fellow Warriors,

Here is a bit of background about this offer and the facts and a little hype but not too much
or go directly to the sign up page , just kidding, read on:

A few days ago I took up the generous offer from a fellow Warrior to receive free coaching, you can see the tread here.

Then just after that I found a great free opportunity being promoted in a WSO and I immediately signed on for it. I took immediate action in buying some related domain names. Feeling very proud of myself I was looking forward to my first coaching call with Shane...And then it all went a bit pear shape, you see , turns out that I am doing too many things at the same time and his first call to action was for me to drop some activities and focus my efforts.
That particular opportunity didn't make the cut, simply because I have more urgent things to focus on first, but what about my initial domain names investments?
No problem , I said to Shane:”I'll sell them on the warrior forum , the pre-launch is starting on Monday, I'll get it done over the weekend”, that was Friday.

It's been bugging me all Saturday , you see I really like that opportunity, the incentives for affiliates are out of this world and the commission for the product is 1000$ ….ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS !

And I just bought some kick ass domain names to build a business around it, even if I sell them for more than I paid for them , the returns will be disappointing comparing to running with the opportunity...what to do...what to do....

Then it hit me, you see, the product has a second tier commission worth 200$, which mean that for every
sales that an affiliate that has been recruited under you makes, you get 200$ ...TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS !

SO if I could recruit a few kick ass affiliates like you (YES...You!), I could go some place with this whilst staying focused on my other priorities.

Here is the deal …. The following domain names will be given away for free by random drawing of all the affiliates that go and sign using this link :


A free push to a go daddy or eurodns account will be done to the lucky winners. The Draw will take place at 12 AM UK GMT Monday

But that's not all, as you can guess there will be more sign up than domain names available, so not everyone will win a free domain name, in order to thank you , I will give every affiliate who sign under me one free promotion for a domain of their choice on EVO 2 software (look it up...not affiliate link). As it is a fully automated solution it won't take much of my time. I'll need the name of the domain you want to promote , your keyword of choice, an article and a video (if you have one) and I'll do the rest.

Here it is again: the sign up page

Now, two words of caution:

First , I feel a bit bad about not following directly with this opportunity, this mean that the original poster of the WSO related to this offer under which I signed will not make any money of me. That's why I will share his link with you , feel free to sign up under him if you prefer.

Second, I have not had the privilege to review the course and software yet , I am not familiar with the promoters , this mean that I have no first hand experience of this offer. With the material available to me, I was happy to “go for it” but it's up to you to do your due diligence and decide if this opportunity is worth the 1997$ they are going to ask for it, your reputation as a promoter will be on the line , if you are uncomfortable with any aspect of their or my offer , feel free to abstain.

That's it, a bit of background story , the facts and just a sprinkling of hype.

I look forward to the Draw tomorrow, I will be using high tech bits of paper thrown into two bowls, one with the name of the affiliate the other with the name of the websites. One website per affiliate max.
I will publish the winners here unless you indicate to me by email that you don't want any publicity ( shoot me an email , manuel [underscore] boissiere [at] hotmail [dot] com ).
It would be a good idea to confirm with me that you have signed up in case there is a problem with the promoters back end tracking system.
All my decisions are final !

Here it is one last time

Well that's it for my first WSO, enjoy and let me know in the thread if you have any questions.



PS: with the result of this first WSO I will be able to launch my second one.
How to become rich by capitalizing on two tier affiliate commission programs !
It is free to all readers of this first WSO

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Unread 6th Jun 2010, 05:36 AM   #2
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Re: Make 1000$ with Epic Traffic Systems ! chance to win free domain name completely free WSO
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Reserved for FAQ

1) this was originally posted as a WSO but was moved to classified by the mods.
upon reflection, I think it was a good decision....So...don't worry about mention of WSO and take advantage of this offer.

Last edited on 6th Jun 2010 at 01:53 PM. Reason: clarifiquation
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Unread 7th Jun 2010, 05:25 AM   #3
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Re: Make 1000$ with Epic Traffic Systems ! chance to win free domain name completely free WSO
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Well that's it's over all the votes are in...hanging chads have been torn and ballot stuffed. And here are the results from Swindon

Total add views: 219
Total click to offer 22

Total number of sign ups : zero :confused:

Well...that went well !

Moving on to plan B

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Unread 12th Jun 2010, 06:55 AM   #4
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Re: Make 1000$ with Epic Traffic Systems ! chance to win free domain name completely free WSO
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Hey that you? Welcome to the warrior forum btw...don't worry...I had 2 sign up since and I am working on my epic sites to be ready for Monday.....It's all part of the learning curve

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Unread 13th Jun 2010, 12:51 AM   #5
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Re: Make 1000$ with Epic Traffic Systems ! chance to win free domain name completely free WSO
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Welcome to the warrior forum Kaushiik55, I see you have set up a site , well done , let me know if you need anything. As you won't be able to PM me yet, you can reach me at my email address below:



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