READ: Warrior Forum general rules

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Welcome to the Warrior Forum. All members are enjoined to read the main Warrior Forum rules compiled into one, searchable thread.

Members are also enjoined to read the full, comprehensive community guideline rules here, and the WSO marketplace rules here.

General community guidelines
  1. Everyone is required to read the community guidelines.
  2. Only 1 account per person. If we discover an account is a shill, it will constitute an automatic ban, and closing of any paid threads. The ban will also not be lifted.
  3. Username changes are not permitted. You can however, add a secondary user title here -
  4. Members must be 18 years old or older.
  5. For new users, their location must match their IP addresses.
  6. Ad hominem attacks, blackmailing, spamming, bullying, and similar acts are not tolerated.
  7. Selling of accounts is strictly prohibited.
  8. Shameless self-promotion such as "see my sig", "PM me for more details", or "check out my blog" is prohibited. Posts with links to personal site or promotional pages will be decimated.
  9. Promotion of any kind, including subtle, isn't allowed in the discussion areas.

  10. All threads older than 12 months will be automatically closed. If you bump your thread that's more than 12 months old, no refund shall be issued. Likewise, members are not allowed to post on threads older than 1 year.
  11. New members are required to have 5 posts before they can start their own thread. Replying to threads make up the five-post requirement.
  12. Self-promotional links (blogs, personal websites, et al.) are not allowed in the discussion areas of the forum. Mods reserve the right to delete the post and/or ban members from the forum.
  13. Reviews or complaints of products bought from the marketplace can't be discussed in the discussion areas. You can post on the thread you bought from, but do so in a calm and factual manner. You can also open a support ticket here -

Forum contribution
  1. Use sentence case. Excessive use of capitalisation, special characters, overusage of colours and/or unreadable fonts will result in an automatic deletion of the title and/or body of the post.
  2. Posts should add value to the relevant discussion/thread. Use the thanks button to upvote the discussion whenever applicable.
  3. Certain new threads and posts undergo moderation and might take some time to appear. In the meantime, don't repost.
  4. The decisions of mods are final.
  5. Mods and admins reserve the right to permanently ban a member who violates rules, and will ban any future accounts made by a banned member. Any paid posts made by that banned member will not be refunded.
  6. Political and religious topics are strictly prohibited. Repeatedly posting such topics will constitute a ban.
  7. Copy-pasted posts are not allowed.
  8. Search the forum for answers to your questions before posting. It's most likely that your question has already been answered in the past, several times. If in doubt, feel free to ask.

WSO Marketplace rules
  1. WSOs are valid for only 12 months, after which they cannot be bumped and will be closed. Any threads which are more than 12 months and have been bumped will not be issued a refund, and members will have to create a new WSO.
  2. WSO approval is subject to admin's discretion. If a WSO is not appropriate for the WSO Marketplace, the offer will either be rejected or moved to the Classifieds Section. Any member can appeal to bring it back to the WSO Marketplace provided it complies with the WSO guidelines.
  3. WSOs are moderated within 7 days, but may take longer when on a public holiday or weekend. If your WSO is still unapproved, please open a support ticket here -
  4. WarriorPlus is not accepted as a payment platform.
  5. Sellers are not permitted to make guarantees or imply that income will result from purchasing a WSO. Income claims are approved on a case-to-case basis.
  6. Sellers are not permitted to use the Warrior Forum logo, branding, or name on their sales copy, sales page, etc.
  7. Sellers should use BBCode when encoding their paid threads. Sellers should also notify admin in case the encoding shows up as jumbled HTML codes.
  8. All payments (listing fee and bump fee in particular) made to Warrior Forum are final and not subject to refund.
#forum #general #warrior

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