Warrior Forum Community Guidelines and Rules

Profile picture of WarriorForum.com
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
1 replies


Welcome to the Warrior Forum, the top online community for internet marketing worldwide!

Whether you have experience or are new to this field, the Warrior Forum is a great place to meet people who share your interests and learn from experts in the industry.

Here, you'll find a lot of helpful resources like informative articles, expert advice, and discussions that will help you succeed. Everything you need is just a click away!

General community rules
  1. Everyone is required to read the community guidelines.

  2. Only 1 account per person. Members are automatically banned if they are found to have more than one accounts, or are running a shill account.

  3. Username changes are not allowed, however, you can add a secondary user title here: https://www.warriorforum.com/profile.php?do=editprofile

  4. Usernames must use only English. Members can use numbers on their usernames, e.g. agent47hitman.

  5. The use of false profile locations is strictly forbidden, such as indicating that you are in Australia or the USA when your IP address is registered in the India. However, generic locations like "Global" or "Earth-616," fictitious locations such as Gotham City or Wakanda, and harmless meme-ish locations like "everywhere I go" or "the cyberspace" are allowed.

  6. Ad hominem attacks, blackmailing, spamming, bullying, and similar acts are not tolerated.

  7. Selling of accounts is strictly prohibited.

  8. Shameless self-promotion such as "see my sig", "PM me for more details", or "check out my blog" is prohibited. Posts with links to personal sites or promotional pages will be decimated.

  9. Promotion of any kind, including subtle, isn't allowed in the discussion areas.

  10. Discussion threads that are older than 12 months are automatically closed.

  11. New members are required to have 5 posts before they can start their own thread. Replying to threads makes up the five-post requirement.

  12. Self-promotional links (blogs, personal websites, et al.) are not allowed in the discussion areas of the forum. Mods reserve the right to delete the post and/or ban members from the forum.

  13. Members are not allowed to add any URLs to their User Title or location. You are only allowed to use the paid signature ($5 lifetime fee).

  14. Reviews or complaints of products bought from the marketplace can't be discussed in the discussion areas. You can post on the thread you bought from, but do so in a calm and factual manner. You can also open a support ticket here - https://cx.freelancer.com/new-ticket

  15. Do not bump threads that are more than 12 months old.

  16. All members are required to have a valid and working email address for forum communication purposes (removed threads/posts, private messages, forum updates, etc.)

Contributing to the forum
  1. Using too many capital letters, special characters, colors, or changing the font or image size excessively in a post can lead to the moderators deleting or editing the post's title or content.

  2. Posts should contribute meaningfully to the discussion or thread they are a part of. If you find a post helpful or informative, you can use the Thanks button to show your appreciation.

  3. Mods have the right to move threads to a more suitable subforum where applicable.

  4. Copy-pasted content is not allowed.

  5. Posts must add value to the relevant discussion.

  6. Any links in a post or thread should not be promotional in nature. Additionally, the links should be relevant to and enhance the ongoing discussion.

  7. New threads and posts are subject to moderation and may take some time to appear. Avoid reposting the same content while you wait for the original post to be approved.

  8. Moderators and administrators have the right to permanently ban a member who violates the rules. If a member is banned, any future accounts they create will also be banned. Furthermore, any paid posts made by the banned member will not be refunded.

  9. The decision of mods are final. Moreover, discussing, questioning, or complaining about mod's decisions are not allowed and such posts will be deleted.

  10. YouTube links are prohibited.

  11. Political and religious topics are strictly prohibited. Repeatedly posting such topics even after multiple warnings will result in a permanent ban.

  12. Black hat methods are not allowed.

  13. Advertising and other forms of promotional posts are not allowed in the discussion areas of the forum.

  14. Search the forum for answers to your questions before posting. It's most likely that your question has already been answered in the past.

  15. AI-generated content is not allowed. Mods and admin will review posts and decide on them if and when such content are AI-generated.

  16. If in doubt, feel free to ask.

Signature rules
  1. Excessive use of capitalisation and special characters is not allowed, and admin reserves the right to delete such signatures.

  2. Signatures may only be written in the standard font size.

  3. Signatures may only be in black. Members are allowed to use boldface and/or italics.

  4. Signatures are only allowed a maximum length of 3 lines, including blank lines used for spaces. Images do not count on the 3-line limit.

  5. Signatures cannot link to any of the blacklisted content types as described in the WSO Marketplace Rules.

  6. Signature links should point to a site owned or run by the member. Affiliate links are also not allowed.

  7. Links in signatures must point to an English-language site.
#community #forum #guidelines #rules #warrior
  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    Profile picture of Jamell
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I know better than pushing promotional or personal links . I just never knew that I could share links that are relevant and non promotional .

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