From 0 to 500 email subscribers in 4 month
My name is Vojtech and I am 21. I love books!, stoicism, basketball, and gym. My, especially written, english sucks, so sorry for that, but won´t edit much as it would prevent me from the writing here at the first place. I have no experience but I make this challenge as I want to test and see what I am capable of.
Lil background:
I am a former online tournament semi-pro poker player. I left my poker career with decent profit and some insinghts what's like to work/suceed in hostile, super-competitve, online environment. I hope I will be able to apply some of those on this journey. But most importantly I have learned how invaluable is to be a part of community like-minded people. I have been always interested in reading and writing. I wrote for high-school journal and had two sites/blogs (with traffic about 3 people/month

My goals
Get 500 subrscribers to list on our site (I have started it with a friend of mine). It is basically self-help site (EN) with great emphasis on learning.
How I will get there?
I hope most hows will obtain on the go. But these are the things I will stick to:
- Every Sunday post here about weekly goals (obtained subscribers)
- Every Wednesday post here whatever ...
- Write one email to existing subcribers every week
- Write at least one article on site every week
- Write at least two value-adding posts on FB/linked-in every week
I know for many experienced warriors here my challenge has to seem ridiculous but, beliveve me, my greatest achievment with blog so far (it was written in Czech language) was like 30 visitors on my best day.
So for me its definitely a great challenge and I think there are like 40% chance I can do it.
Lets beat the odds!
"If a man knows not which port he sails, no wind is favorable." - Seneca[/B]
NOTE: I run the website with friend. Both of us write the content and his responsibility is the design - my is the promotion of content.
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison