From 0 to 500 email subscribers in 4 month

Profile picture of YDM307
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
60 replies
Hey there,
My name is Vojtech and I am 21. I love books!, stoicism, basketball, and gym. My, especially written, english sucks, so sorry for that, but won´t edit much as it would prevent me from the writing here at the first place. I have no experience but I make this challenge as I want to test and see what I am capable of.

Lil background:
I am a former online tournament semi-pro poker player. I left my poker career with decent profit and some insinghts what's like to work/suceed in hostile, super-competitve, online environment. I hope I will be able to apply some of those on this journey. But most importantly I have learned how invaluable is to be a part of community like-minded people. I have been always interested in reading and writing. I wrote for high-school journal and had two sites/blogs (with traffic about 3 people/month )

My goals
Get 500 subrscribers to list on our site (I have started it with a friend of mine). It is basically self-help site (EN) with great emphasis on learning.

How I will get there?
I hope most hows will obtain on the go. But these are the things I will stick to:
- Every Sunday post here about weekly goals (obtained subscribers)
- Every Wednesday post here whatever ...
- Write one email to existing subcribers every week
- Write at least one article on site every week
- Write at least two value-adding posts on FB/linked-in every week

I know for many experienced warriors here my challenge has to seem ridiculous but, beliveve me, my greatest achievment with blog so far (it was written in Czech language) was like 30 visitors on my best day.

So for me its definitely a great challenge and I think there are like 40% chance I can do it.

Lets beat the odds!

"If a man knows not which port he sails, no wind is favorable." - Seneca[/B]
NOTE: I run the website with friend. Both of us write the content and his responsibility is the design - my is the promotion of content.
#500 #email #month #subscribers
  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Profile picture of savidge4
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by YDM307 View Post

    Hey there,
    My name is Vojtech and I am 21. I love books!, stoicism, basketball, and gym. My, especially written, english sucks, so sorry for that, but won´t edit much as it would prevent me from the writing here at the first place. I have no experience but I make this challenge as I want to test and see what I am capable of.

    Lil background:
    I am a former online tournament semi-pro poker player. I left my poker career with decent profit and some insinghts what's like to work/suceed in hostile, super-competitve, online environment. I hope I will be able to apply some of those on this journey. But most importantly I have learned how invaluable is to be a part of community like-minded people. I have been always interested in reading and writing. I wrote for high-school journal and had two sites/blogs (with traffic about 3 people/month )

    My goals
    Get 500 subrscribers to list on our site (I have started it with a friend of mine). It is basically self-help site (EN) with great emphasis on learning.

    How I will get there?
    I hope most hows will obtain on the go. But these are the things I will stick to:
    - Every Sunday post here about weekly goals (obtained subscribers)
    - Every Wednesday post here whatever ...
    - Write one email to existing subcribers every week
    - Write at least one article on site every week
    - Write at least two value-adding posts on FB/linked-in every week

    I know for many experienced warriors here my challenge has to seem ridiculous but, beliveve me, my greatest achievment with blog so far (it was written in Czech language) was like 30 visitors on my best day.

    So for me its definitely a great challenge and I think there are like 40% chance I can do it.

    Lets beat the odds!

    "If a man knows not which port he sails, no wind is favorable." - Seneca[/B]
    Its great that you are focused on building. And experience is telling me that the content schedule you have will probably not get you there. May I suggest....

    Write 2 articles a week for your blog. Post DAILY on facebook as in 2 or 3 or 5 times a day... inspirational quotes and or moving pictures whatever, AND then the 2 pieces related to your blog posts. I would start an Instagram account. Quotes and images. Look up Gary Vaynerchucks ( Gary Vee ) $1.80 strategy on youtube. putting in your .02 cents 90 times a day

    Right now you simply are not doing anything that will INCREASE your traffic flow but by a small percentage. Here is the math.. with a 3% conversion rate for people getting on your list and the goal being 500 people. you would divide 500 by 3 ( 166 ) So basically you need to reach 166 people to get 1 person on your list. if it takes 1 person to get on your list it will take 100 x 166 reaching 16,666 people to fill your 500 spots.

    THATS big traffic... and your current strategy is going to get you no where near that any time soon. You NEED to extend the platforms you are reaching people on, which increases your overall REACH, greater reach means more eyeballs and that in time translates into signups.

    Spend less than an hour a day on facebook.. spend the couple hours on blog content and EVERY NIGHT spend an hour or 2 on Instagram giving your .02 90 times. DO THE GRIND and get to your goal!
    Success is an ACT not an idea
    • Profile picture of the author YDM307
      Profile picture of YDM307
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Its great that you are focused on building. And experience is telling me that the content schedule you have will probably not get you there. May I suggest....

      Write 2 articles a week for your blog. Post DAILY on facebook as in 2 or 3 or 5 times a day... inspirational quotes and or moving pictures whatever, AND then the 2 pieces related to your blog posts. I would start an Instagram account. Quotes and images. Look up Gary Vaynerchucks ( Gary Vee ) $1.80 strategy on youtube. putting in your .02 cents 90 times a day

      Right now you simply are not doing anything that will INCREASE your traffic flow but by a small percentage. Here is the math.. with a 3% conversion rate for people getting on your list and the goal being 500 people. you would divide 500 by 3 ( 166 ) So basically you need to reach 166 people to get 1 person on your list. if it takes 1 person to get on your list it will take 100 x 166 reaching 16,666 people to fill your 500 spots.

      THATS big traffic... and your current strategy is going to get you no where near that any time soon. You NEED to extend the platforms you are reaching people on, which increases your overall REACH, greater reach means more eyeballs and that in time translates into signups.

      Spend less than an hour a day on facebook.. spend the couple hours on blog content and EVERY NIGHT spend an hour or 2 on Instagram giving your .02 90 times. DO THE GRIND and get to your goal!
      Oh, thank you so much for this post. Actually, I have heard this piece of advice last week in Gary´s podcast. It is definitely apply. Basically will transform your suggestions into my goals table to next week and will try to stick at it.

      Thank so much again - I am motivated af now - now just transofm this motivation into action...
  • Profile picture of the author michealking
    Profile picture of michealking
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It is great that you are posting here to great ideas from the knowledgeable members of the WF. You have to plan all this process. You have to select the areas and sections of your website, that excites your visitor to subscribe to your email newsletter. Doing with proper planning and properly will give you the max.
    • Profile picture of the author YDM307
      Profile picture of YDM307
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      It is great that you are posting here to great ideas from the knowledgeable members of the WF. You have to plan all this process. You have to select the areas and sections of your website, that excites your visitor to subscribe to your email newsletter. Doing with proper planning and properly will give you the max.
      Yeah, make lot of sense. My plan is basically dedicated this week to make to proper plan and routines - will share with you soon.

      Thanks for this reply!
  • Profile picture of the author YDM307
    Profile picture of YDM307
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Week one _ I am now in the train so would edit this post into more depth from the pc (I am posting just because want to stick every Sunday post scheme)

    In a nutshell: They aren't any new subscribers in our website so I have failed the first week - I have some ideas things which will be really hopefully in the long-term (have started some habits: reading; medication; listening to podcasts): the plan for the nearest future is just starting producing much more content (article every week will be the start)

    will write much much more as soon as will be on pc take care and will be back soon)
  • Profile picture of the author IGotMine
    Profile picture of IGotMine
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    From 0 to 500 email subscribers in 4 month
    my greatest achievment with blog so far (it was written in Czech language) was like 30 visitors on my best day.
    I like numbers. Let's do the math.

    30 visitors per day x 120 days = 3600 visitors.

    3600 x 14% = 504.

    You need to get 30 visitors every day for four months and sign-up 14% to reach your goal. The best I've ever done on an info. type site was 9% from a pop-up. Of course, your results will vary but I don't see it as a realistic goal. Maybe 100 - 300 if your site is sterling.

    I'm not trying to discourage you, just stating numbers.
    • Profile picture of the author YDM307
      Profile picture of YDM307
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I like numbers. Let's do the math.

      30 visitors per day x 120 days = 3600 visitors.

      3600 x 14% = 504.

      You need to get 30 visitors every day for four months and sign-up 14% to reach your goal. The best I've ever done on an info. type site was 9% from a pop-up. Of course, your results will vary but I don't see it as a realistic goal. Maybe 100 - 300 if your site is sterling.

      I'm not trying to discourage you, just stating numbers.
      The numbers are from my previous site which I wrote in czech language. I didnt do almost nothing to maximaze my traffic/conversion I just invited on my friends to facebook group and than post there when new article come out... I was writting mostly just for the sake of it and didnt care/maybe even know about importance of promoting the content/buildinig email list etc..

      Now it is different, I basically have now 5 months to try to start new blog from scratch. I will also write in english and my promotion strategy will be also much more intense. I will try to define two platforms and be REALLY active there. My target audience are high school/uni students so probably will focus on Instagram and Facebook? - 14% is really impressive I really expect more like 3-5 % as @Pribeiro writes. So I really know I will have to generate huuge traffic.

      This challenge is also about what I am able to do and where are my real boundaries (probably lie) so I will do the best to meet the goal and if fail still will have super aluble anchor to set a future goals.

      Anyway thanks so much for comment/opinion and advice!
  • Profile picture of the author Pribeiro
    Profile picture of Pribeiro
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    First of all you need to be where your target audience is present. Then go there and engage with them (ex. instagram, facebook, forums, etc)

    After engaging with them and connection with them, you will easily drive a lot of people to your site.

    About aiming for 14% signup conversions based in my experience that´s a bit too high. Even though it will depend a lot in your niche.

    But i suggest to aim for something near 3%-5% , i believe its more trustable.

    You will need to bring a lot of traffic to your end then subscribers will come.
    • Profile picture of the author YDM307
      Profile picture of YDM307
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      First of all you need to be where your target audience is present. Then go there and engage with them (ex. instagram, facebook, forums, etc)

      After engaging with them and a make a connection you will easily drive a lot of people to your site.

      About aiming for 14% signup conversions based in my experience that a bit too high. Even though it will depend a lot in your niche.

      But i suggest to aim for something near 3%-5% and that´s good.

      You will need to bring a lot of traffic to your end then subscribers will come.
      yes definitely agree. My target audience are uni-high school students so will focus on Instagram and Facebook and will try to follow Gary Vaneyrchuck 1,8$ strategy (at least on instagram).

      Thanks so much for valuable advice!
  • Profile picture of the author IGotMine
    Profile picture of IGotMine
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    My target audience are high school/uni students so probably will focus on Instagram and Facebook?
    I would definitely include Youtube. Just make sure to put the emphasis on subscribing to your list and not your YT channel. Subscribers on a list you own are far more valuable than YT subscribers.
    • Profile picture of the author YDM307
      Profile picture of YDM307
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I would definitely include Youtube. Just make sure to put the emphasis on subscribing to your list and not your YT channel. Subscribers on a list you own are far more valuable than YT subscribers.
      Thanks for another useful comment! really appreciate it.

      Hmm. Ok, I know nothing about this field so will definitely try to do that. At this momemt I have just no idea what type of content should I make there.

      I want to put most of my "creative" effort into articles so maybe could try to make a brief one minute video summary of them and say the main takeaways? I also read a reasonable amount of quite a lot so maybe can do some short book reviews?

      Will definitely think about it more next days. Also will check some threads here and ofc would be happy for any recommendations/ideas . Now I am downloading editing soft and will try to make my first video as an #wedupdate for this blog.

      Wish me GL and thanks once again.
  • Profile picture of the author IGotMine
    Profile picture of IGotMine
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    About aiming for 14% signup conversions based in my experience that´s a bit too high.
    I didn't suggest aiming for 14%. That's just what it would take in the example given.
  • Profile picture of the author IGotMine
    Profile picture of IGotMine
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    At this momemt I have just no idea what type of content should I make there.
    You can share your content across multiple platforms. There is software available that will turn blog posts into videos. Someone may read the post on your blog while others may consume it on YT. You can also create videos that are not necessarily your blog content but will attract your target market. Slices of university life - what it's like to be a young person in today's world, etc. Make your channel "E/I" Entertain and Inform.
    • Profile picture of the author YDM307
      Profile picture of YDM307
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      You can share your content across multiple platforms. There is software available that will turn blog posts into videos. Someone may read the post on your blog while others may consume it on YT. You can also create videos that are not necessarily your blog content but will attract your target market. Slices of university life - what it's like to be a young person in today's world, etc. Make your channel "E/I" Entertain and Inform.
      Oh man love this ideas, thanks so much! Will think it through and in next posts will let you know what I do/trying to do. Probably will try many different things and will double on what will seem to works best...
  • Profile picture of the author YDM307
    Profile picture of YDM307
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    #1 Wednesday update.

    Ok. I have done and edited (kinda ) my first video for YT today.

    Today 3 lessons:
    - I know I misused many words so for site-related content will write most things I want to say in advance to prevent it.
    --- The better structure may also help
    - It is definitely better to make videos on daily light especially when using built-in cam.
    - Have to avoid "filler words".

    I know the video and my english are terrible but will work on both and hopefully it will be just better and better.

    If you have any feedback, recommendations or criticism (even if you see just a few seconds) will be really grateful if you would share with me. Don't hesitate to be tough/honest my goal is to get better not to protect my ego. So, I can definitely stand it.

    Thanks for following and LFG to beat the rest of the week!
    Gl all
  • Profile picture of the author Jack Albany
    Jack Albany
    Profile picture of Jack Albany
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Nice work and nice goals! I think you can possibly aim a little higher if you put in the work
    • Profile picture of the author YDM307
      Profile picture of YDM307
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Nice work and nice goals! I think you can possibly aim a little higher if you put in the work
      Thanks, at this point has still like 10 subs - so I think my goal is maybe over-optimistic even at it is - but if work will works and people start coming I will definitely to aim higher - but at this moment I am reaaaly far away for that)
  • Profile picture of the author Shalingarasia
    Profile picture of Shalingarasia
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  • Profile picture of the author AGRNDZ
    Profile picture of AGRNDZ
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    I'm an Affiliate Marketer and I can't stress enough to my team members how important it is to build an email list. There is so much power in the follow up.

    Not to mention, when you have a strong list of committed buyers to your brand you're almost guaranteed success when you have a new offer to promote.
    • Profile picture of the author YDM307
      Profile picture of YDM307
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I'm an Affiliate Marketer and I can't stress enough to my team members how important it is to build an email list. There is so much power in the follow up.

      Not to mention, when you have a strong list of committed buyers to your brand you're almost guaranteed success when you have a new offer to promote.
      Glad to hear that, so hopefully will build one. Tanks for those words of motivation!
  • Profile picture of the author YDM307
    Profile picture of YDM307
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    #2 week

    Review of this week: This week was good. I have worked a lot, but have to do much work for uni, so worked just a decent amount for the site. On Friday I was selling a doughnuts at Wembley Stadium which was a super interesting/funny experience. Next week will be crazy I have much work to do for uni, site and also for the company I still work with (just kind of student job).

    Achievements of this week:
    - Published article
    - setting up Instagram and FB page
    - One of my most productive week overall - ever

    Failures of this week

    - haven't posted anything on Instagram (new FB page just one post)
    - failed to write a newsletter (next time will prevent this that will aim just for a really short one and will extend it only if I will have time)
    - 0 new subscribers - havent done anything to be that different... so not surprised at all.

    Goals for next week:

    - sent a newsletter on THUR
    - 250 instagram comments
    - Publish article (which needs just last edit)
    - Finish new article
    - wednesday update here

    Best of luck to you all to next week!
  • Profile picture of the author YDM307
    Profile picture of YDM307
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi guiz - today video is without editing - apologize for that but really need to get some good sleep right now... - hopefully you will catch all the main infromation and as always will be super grateful for any feedback/recommendations/we.

    Take care and enjoy the rest of the week!
  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    Profile picture of agmccall
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    So far you have produced 2 videos both addressed to the people in this thread, both are not very good.

    You should polish your message, write a script, and edit. I know you said you posted without editing because you were tired. Well, next time, edit the next day and then post it.

    Finally you should be creating videos for your visitors to get them on your list. Making videos just for us telling us what you want to do is really a waste of time. It does nothing to help you reach your goal.


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

    • Profile picture of the author YDM307
      Profile picture of YDM307
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      So far you have produced 2 videos both addressed to the people in this thread, both are not very good.

      You should polish your message, write a script, and edit. I know you said you posted without editing because you were tired. Well, next time, edit the next day and then post it.

      Finally you should be creating videos for your visitors to get them on your list. Making videos just for us telling us what you want to do is really a waste of time. It does nothing to help you reach your goal.

      thanks for reaction! Videos in this thread and for this theread arent supposed to help me achieve my blog goals; there are just check-ins and as such the goal is to make them as fast as possible (or when I will have a time can train editing on them). Now I have a loads of work for school but week after this one will try to make first vids for my site... which will be definitely well prepared, edited and structured.

      But will make still this wednesday updates as it is much easier for me than writing.

      Thanks for reaction once more and definitely agree that my energy should be focused primarly on making content for the site...
  • Profile picture of the author YDM307
    Profile picture of YDM307
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    #3 week

    Goals for #2 week:
    - sent a newsletter on THUR - DONE
    - 250 instagram comments - PARTLY (100)
    - Publish article (which needs just last edit) - DONE
    - Finish new article - DONE
    - wednesday update here - DONE
    This week was crazy I woke up MO-FR at 5 which allowed me to meet most of my goals, nevertheless the instagram was partly fail, as it took my much longer than expected... My speed was about 20comments/50min - I wrote really long and complex comments - also at least scanned the content I commented... Some ideas how to fast up: Will save the comments in Notepad++ as the topics of posts are often similar - so will be able to use one comment multiple times, also will try to make much more (one sentence comments).

    This week will be crazy have two big deadlines by WED noon than a friend of my will come for two days and both SAT and SUN work at webmley (12-6). So, expect a really challenging week...

    Goals for next week:
    - 4 instagram posts
    - 100 instagram comments
    - Finish new article
    - WED update here

    About main goal: eventhough we managed to increase a traffic - time on sites and decrease bount rate - still have just 15 subscribers (no new ones this week) our philosophy now is to keep creating new and qualit content and during this/next week radically improve design of the site. So hoppufully it will help...

    Best of luck to the next week all!
  • Profile picture of the author Bear1k
    Profile picture of Bear1k
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Good luck man. I know some people have mentioned doing this and that but your strategy of just getting started is great.

    That said, keep pushing the quality and keep refining your message.

    WRITE these things down. This will become your main source of topics and content.
    • Profile picture of the author YDM307
      Profile picture of YDM307
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Good luck man. I know some people have mentioned doing this and that but your strategy of just getting started is great.

      That said, keep pushing the quality and keep refining your message.

      WRITE these things down. This will become your main source of topics and content.
      Thanks so much for those encouraging words!
  • Profile picture of the author YDM307
    Profile picture of YDM307
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    #3 week - WED

    Hi guiz, today I will just write an update insted of making a video because 1) I am drunk 2) a friend of mine is here 3) For some reason find easier to find two excuses than actually make it.

    I have worked a lot on MO and TUE - about 12 hours+ per day but most work was for school in terms of site I have just been keep working on articles - but dont comment on post anything on instagram - in terms of IG i will do most of the work on ST and SU - as a friend of mine actually visiting me now I will just keep focusing on writing an articles (most important part imo) at least 1 hour - preferably 2 - every day and when she leaves will try to catch up with all other things.

    It is not optimal but we I as long as I keep to writing #noregrets.

    Gn and GL to all!
  • Profile picture of the author YDM307
    Profile picture of YDM307
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    #4 week

    This week was fail. Basically I worked 2 days on uni-work 2-days were selling donouts at Wembley at 3 days spend with a friend of mine who come to visit me. I failed to incorporate enough work in those days. I have learned important lessons such as (I it is much much easier to get some work done when your own room, Writing in the morning is so much easier compared to afternoon/evening, next time I have visitors I will have to do my best to complete all work before their come..) and lets go further...

    I think we are on the right path but this week have also 0 new subscribers so have to push much much harder.

    Goals for this week:
    - 4 instagram posts - 1/4 FAIL
    - 100 instagram comments 0/100 FAIL
    - Finish new article - 70% - FAIL
    - WED update here - DONE

    Goals for NEXT week:
    - 5 instagram posts
    - 150 instagram comments
    - Publish and promote article on wednesday
    - Finish article from this week
    - Send newsletter on thursday
    - WED update here

    I really dont want to fail again...
    Let's go!
  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
    Daniel Evans
    Profile picture of Daniel Evans
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Good log, and you are being honest with yourself (and everyone else), but I'm wondering why you are taking time out to post a series of paragraphs here to state that you failed writing an article, when you could have used that time and effort to complete it?

    'First things first' is often a decent rule of thumb...for us all.
    • Profile picture of the author YDM307
      Profile picture of YDM307
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Good log, and you are being honest with yourself (and everyone else), but I'm wondering why you are taking time out to post a series of paragraphs here to state that you failed writing an article, when you could have used that time and effort to complete it?

      'First things first' is often a decent rule of thumb...for us all.
      Yes, make sense... Actually my approach is that I am in this game almost forever (cant see the end) and as I usually work on article for about 10 hours - I was like it better to put a 15 mins into post here, than into article as it wouldnt be "visible"... But actually is and interesting idea and maybe I could experiment with that and try to write not only in whole hours blocks (as now) but also try to squeeze these smaller time frames - especially when have time/need to finish sth. - so thanks for this reminder - 1st things first and GL!
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Kay King
    Profile picture of Kay King
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Why not re-do week 4 and this time REACH the goals for the week.?

    You will have failures - but ignoring them doesn't work. If you could not reach the week 4 goals - then higher goals for week 5 may not be the logical next step. Do a week '4B' - and get that week right...then move on to the next.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
    • Profile picture of the author YDM307
      Profile picture of YDM307
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Why not re-do week 4 and this time REACH the goals for the week.?

      You will have failures - but ignoring them doesn't work. If you could not reach the week 4 goals - then higher goals for week 5 may not be the logical next step. Do a week '4B' - and get that week right...then move on to the next.
      Thanks. Yeah it makes sence maybe next time will apply it but last week was a bit of specific and as I have much more time now I genuinly believe I could do much better. But thanks for advice and will keep it on mind.
  • Profile picture of the author YDM307
    Profile picture of YDM307
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    These week goes well so far:

    Goals for NEXT week:
    - 5 instagram posts - 2/5
    - 150 instagram comments - 110
    - Publish and promote article on wednesday - will do tomorrow
    - Finish article from this week - DONE
    - Send newsletter on thursday
    - WED update here - DONE

    I have dynamized the process of comennting on instagram and now have speed about 60 comments/hour which is more than 2x better compared to previous weeks. I think I also use much wiser strategy - as I identified the better hashtags.

    I am super motivated. Maybe even over-motivated so will to make sure that this overmotivation wouldnt turn into burnout or sth like that - you know these super intense emotions are tricky to handle...

    Anyway, today I have made a first couple of minutes for youtube videos for page and...
    OMG. It was as someone would touch my nerve. My narcistic, impact-wanting, theatrical nerve. I know it sounds super weird but it was so intense that after making it starting wondering about moving whole thing on youtube. Thats definitely beginners overreaction but I am quite happy that found it so interested... Now I am super excited about making the first proper video content and hopefully will be able to take a great benefit out of this motivation also for articles etc.

    Feel kinda unstopabble know... I know its dangerous but last time I was so excited about ANYTHING was when starting my poker career - if nothing different for this feeling I would never regret any time invested in this thing.

    Thanks for support and GL all!
  • Profile picture of the author LucasLT
    Profile picture of LucasLT
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Do you still only have 15 subscribers on your list?
    • Profile picture of the author YDM307
      Profile picture of YDM307
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Do you still only have 15 subscribers on your list?
      Yes, still 15. Last week we changed the hosting (left hostinger) and sold some technical issues. This week will make first video content and some PDF for subscription and then will start to ask and add people manually (obv mostly friends).

      Even if we are still stuck in terms of mail sub we get 10 new instagram followers this week and generated double traffic (33 sessions) compared to next week. Ofc micro steps but believe we can reach 100 subs in a term of 2-4 weeks.
  • Profile picture of the author YDM307
    Profile picture of YDM307
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    Goals for LAST week:
    - 5 instagram posts - 3/5 - FAIL
    - 150 instagram comments - 160/150 DONE
    - Publish and promote article on wednesday - DONE
    - Finish article from this week - DONE
    - Send newsletter on thursday - DONE
    - WED update here - DONE

    These week goes well so far:

    Goals for NEXT week:
    - 3 instagram posts
    - 150 instagram comments
    - First YT vid and FB/insta/mail promo of it
    - Finish article
    - THUR update here
  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    Profile picture of agmccall
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    how many subscribers do you now have on your email list


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

    • Profile picture of the author YDM307
      Profile picture of YDM307
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      how many subscribers do you now have on your email list

      We have 17 at this point. We defied and made some major changes so hopefully some of them will work.

      1) We redesigned the whole site
      2) I will write all my possible friends/family who may be interested and add them to the list manually
      3) I will add some subscribers pop-up - maybe will make some giveaway for subs...
      4) We will promote to content or more platforms and better

      So stay tuned and I hope next time will be able to provide a better answer (number)

      Thanks for your interest and have a magnificent day
      ps. If you have any ideas what you would focus on I will be glad for any recommendations. Take care.
  • Profile picture of the author YDM307
    Profile picture of YDM307
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I has been quiet here as I traveled back home for Eastern holidays and as I super busy with site and school right now (ofc its fail that I haven't update it here but at least "better" fail than failing the site/schoold stuff.

    We have still 17 subs, which isn't a big progress, is it? We have 9 articles on our site and an about pages. We will keep creating an articles and promoting them on social sites (on instagram we steadily grow - even if it is question if that matters ). We will also start youtube but have to think about the format first I was about starting a book reviews but based on facebook responses to book reviews post - there aren't a huge amount of people in our audience who are interested. Before we will figure out what direction to take I defined this three goals which should help us add at least a couple of subs.

    1. Write all friends and family members who may be possibly interested and add them manually to the subscriber list if they would want
    2. Add a king sumo email pop-up to our site
    3. Redesign and invite people to the FB fan group

    - I will tell you how it goes next tuesday afternoon - take care!
    Ps. I am really busy those days after next week I will switch back to 2 posts/week
  • Profile picture of the author YDM307
    Profile picture of YDM307
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    1. Write all friends and family members who may be possibly interested and add them manually to the subscriber list if they would want
    2. Add a king sumo email pop-up to our site - DONE
    3. Redesign and invite people to the FB fan group - PARTLY DONE

    1. write at least 50 friends
    2. add at least 30 ppl to FB group
    3. publish an article with short video
  • Profile picture of the author YDM307
    Profile picture of YDM307
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    #no of new subscribers: 16 (35 total)

    1. write at least 50 friends - fail - more like 30
    2. add at least 30 ppl to FB group - fail
    3. publish an article with short video - fail (I was rewritting it)

    Another week of failures... But finally some new subscirbers! I have started to write my friends/family members etc and so far like 80 % responded they would like to be added which is great. I will keep focus on this and believe we can get to first 100 before the end of the month.

    goals for week #7
    1. write at least 50 friends
    2. add at least 10 ppl to FB group
    3. publish an article with short video

    GL all
    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Profile picture of savidge4
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by YDM307 View Post

      #no of new subscribers: 16 (35 total)

      1. write at least 50 friends - fail - more like 30
      2. add at least 30 ppl to FB group - fail
      3. publish an article with short video - fail (I was rewritting it)

      Another week of failures... But finally some new subscirbers! I have started to write my friends/family members etc and so far like 80 % responded they would like to be added which is great. I will keep focus on this and believe we can get to first 100 before the end of the month.

      goals for week #7
      1. write at least 50 friends
      2. add at least 10 ppl to FB group
      3. publish an article with short video

      GL all
      I think an important part of GOAL setting, is actually creating goals you can accomplish. You didn't do it last week, what makes you think you can do it this week?

      Lets try this?

      Goals for week 8
      1. Write at least 25 friends
      2. Add 3 people to FB group
      3. Publish an article or preferred an article with short video

      The idea here is to get yourself into a pattern of success, and repeatedly hitting yourself with failure after failure is only making things harder on yourself.

      As the goals become consistent "Wins" then increase the number a bit - BUT within levels of completable.
      Success is an ACT not an idea
      • Profile picture of the author YDM307
        Profile picture of YDM307
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I think an important part of GOAL setting, is actually creating goals you can accomplish. You didn't do it last week, what makes you think you can do it this week?

        Lets try this?

        Goals for week 8
        Write at least 25 friends
        Add 3 people to FB group
        Publish an article or preferred an article with short video

        The idea here is to get yourself into a pattern of success, and repeatedly hitting yourself with failure after failure is only making things harder on yourself.

        As the goals become consistent "Wins" then increase the number a bit - BUT within levels of completable.
        Yes, thanks for this advice - definitely makes a looot of sense and will follow it.
  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    Profile picture of DWolfe
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Any updates or have you given up on this idea ?
    • Profile picture of the author YDM307
      Profile picture of YDM307
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Any updates or have you given up on this idea ?
      Hi, thanks for interest. I definitely don't give up. But I am in London and go back in 14 days, so I've mostly tried to pick as many shifts as possible here to save some money and be able to spend whole summer back home on pushing the site and doesn't have to work. I think it's a good decision, but because of that I have much much less time for trying to get new subscribers (I still write articles and newsletters - engage with subrcibers we already have) - Now, I will either continue updating in 14 days when I get back home on a weekly basis, or will make just one enormous update once we hit the first 500.
  • Profile picture of the author YDM307
    Profile picture of YDM307
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    UPDATE: 43 SUB

    Firstly sorry for not being active for a while. I am now at London and go back to Czech Republic in about 14 days. Before I leave I try to pick as many shifts as possible to be able to spend whole summer pushing the site and doesn't have to take any work just for money.

    We still creating content (realised first YT video [even if it is terrible ], wrote some other articles, and newsletters). The most likely scenario is, that even if I fail this challenge I will be updating the thread on a weekly base till we reach the first 500 - I have started looking up for some sources which may help us to dynamize this process. I will also set better goals to create momentum. This two things 1) studying email and 2) setting better goals should be the two biggest changes.

    Thanks for reading, and see you in 14 days once I am back in Czech.
    Gl all
  • Profile picture of the author KevinVPhilippe
    Profile picture of KevinVPhilippe
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi there !

    Man, u've set up a nice structure to keep you glued to this thing

    I've built lists of dozens of thousands of people over the years. If I could put a graph in here, it'd look flat for 4 years then would explode up.

    Keep going man, the start is the hard part. The rocket needs to take off, once it'd be out of earth gravity, it'll move forward no problem, just need to keep pushing !
    • Profile picture of the author YDM307
      Profile picture of YDM307
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi there !

      Man, u've set up a nice structure to keep you glued to this thing

      I've built lists of dozens of thousands of people over the years. If I could put a graph in here, it'd look flat for 4 years then would explode up.

      Keep going man, the start is the hard part. The rocket needs to take off, once it'd be out of earth gravity, it'll move forward no problem, just need to keep pushing !
      Wow, thanks so much for this words! Yes, parience is the key. LFG
  • Profile picture of the author YDM307
    Profile picture of YDM307
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    SUBS: 43

    Goals for next week:
    1) Write ten people to join the list
    2) Finish research on a big article
    3) Spend 5 hours on Udemy course

    I will start with smaller/easier goals to build a momentum - this summer could be epic.

    Gl all
    • Profile picture of the author agmccall
      Profile picture of agmccall
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by YDM307 View Post

      SUBS: 43

      Goals for next week:
      1) Write ten people to join the list
      2) Finish research on a big article
      3) Spend 5 hours on Udemy course

      I will start with smaller/easier goals to build a momentum - this summer could be epic.

      Gl all
      You are always writing people to get on your list. If you look at earlier posts it is 50 different people every week. Do you know all these people or are you just scraping email addresses and blindly sending them emails. Maybe you should set up a landing page and start some traffic campaigns.

      The Udemy course, are you creating one or is it a course you purchased? If it is something you purchased there is probably better free information available to you


      "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

      • Profile picture of the author YDM307
        Profile picture of YDM307
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        You are always writing people to get on your list. If you look at earlier posts it is 50 different people every week. Do you know all these people or are you just scraping email addresses and blindly sending them emails. Maybe you should set up a landing page and start some traffic campaigns.

        The Udemy course, are you creating one or is it a course you purchased? If it is something you purchased there is probably better free information available to you

        Thanks for interest. I write just people I know - usually through SS (former classmates, friends, etc.). We´ve been working on short email course and then will try a new landing page with this magnet. On Udemy, it is the course I watch (about marketing in general) I want mostly to finish it to know where possible can we go next. But definitely, when comes to email - I have already found some free and paid option and plan to start work with them asap.¨

        Thanks once again and have a great day!
  • Profile picture of the author YDM307
    Profile picture of YDM307
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    SUBS: 57
    1) Write ten people to join the list - DONE - Wrote about 20 (so far 14 added)
    2) Finish research on a big article - DONE - (I´ve already started writing (3 hours))
    3) Spend 5 hours on Udemy course - partly FAIL - I spend some time on YT free email marketing course by Patt Flynn - expect much higher ROI
    GOALS for next week:
    1) Finish the article - publish it will be a big bonus
    2) write the rest of my - possibly interested - friends (about 15 more) - about NL
    3) Test one real thing from pats course (Landing page, lead magnet, we - but it has to be real.)

    Gl all to the next week!
    • Profile picture of the author YDM307
      Profile picture of YDM307
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      SUBS: 65

      1) Finish the article - publish it will be a big bonus - PARTLY DONE - STILL NEEDS A LITTLE EDITING
      2) write the rest of my - possibly interested - friends (about 15 more) - about NL - DONE
      3) Test one real thing from pats course (Landing page, lead magnet, we - but it has to be real.) - FAIL - But don´t hate myself as I spend a lots of hours on some side project which could generate the money and allow us to invest in the site in the LR

      I will be out and also will invest a lot of time for the side project, so I will stay with this one goal and will see. It's the most important one anyway. The week after will then be about launching first campaigns to get organic subs!

      GL all!
  • Profile picture of the author YDM307
    Profile picture of YDM307
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    1) PUBLISH THE ARTICLE - FAIL - I was at facility withouth internet this week + laziness.
    I will stop with weekly updates and start again at the start of the August.

    Goals till then:
    Finally publish an article
    Launch already written email series
    Update about page

    gl all
  • Profile picture of the author YDM307
    Profile picture of YDM307
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Finally publish an article
    Launch already written email series
    Update about page
    Those three are my goals for the next week. The thing is I started to research other fields and thinking about starting a similar think in a different niche but will see - for now I will finish those three tasks and will continue researching...
  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Profile picture of ryanbiddulph
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    Good for you, Y. Enjoy the process buddy.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Profile picture of spartan14
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I think 500 its not enough ,you need to go for way more .Start thinking big and make that email list huge

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