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Unread 19th Mar 2015, 06:13 AM   #1
War Room Member
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Do you want to publish your book on Amazon Kindle or your video course on Udemy but don't know how?
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Do you want to publish your nonfiction book on Amazon Kindle but don't know how?

Do you want to publish your video training course on Udemy but don't know how?

I have published 2 eBooks on Amazon Kindle in the last week. Both are on page one of the Kindle Store for my keywords and I have not started marketing them yet.

I recently published one of my WSO's as a Udemy course and I have over 600 students with barely any marketing.

I am not going to Hype this up with any big money claims or get rich quick claims.

The bottom line is I am looking for a couple people to help them publish their Kindle book or their Udemy Course the same way I just did. This is one on one me and you. No outsourcing to coaches or videos to watch. Just you and me working on your project.

It doesn't matter where you are in the process. If you have content and are ready to go or you are just starting to look for the right subject.

I am going to charge $97 but you cannot pay me until I have talked to you and I know your serious and willing to put in the work and you agree to be a testimonial for a future WSO or course if I decide to put one together.

Check me out and make sure I am someone you would want to work with.

Google my name Anthony Flatt, If your not sure if it is me add the word "wrestling" as I am very involved with Youth Sports and Wrestling.

Go to my website

Look me up on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.

That is it. No slick sales page no over the top promises.

If you are interested in publishing you Amazon Kindle book or Udemy course ping me on Skype at anthonyflatt or PM me here.

Heres to your success!

Always looking for Win, Win partnerships with other Ethical Internet Marketers.
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amazon, book, kindle, publish, udemy, video

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