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Unread 10th Aug 2015, 03:30 AM   #1
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[Professional Landing Pages, Sales Pages, WSOs] SEE WHY MY COPY CONVERTS! I don't hide my prices!
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One quick note: you won’t have to scroll through tons of flashy graphics and screen captures in this WSO.
What I sell is my writing. So that’s all you’ll see here – my writing.



Of course, a lot of other writers have WSOs telling you the exact same thing. And some of them do write great copy.
But they’ll go on for pages and pages, telling you about their background, their clients and their success stories.

There’s certainly nothing wrong with that.
It’s their approach to attracting new clients.

But does all of that information tell you what you really need to know about a writer?
I don’t think so.

When people hire a copywriter, two things matter:.
  1. Will the copy convert?
  2. How much does it cost?
That’s what you’ll learn in this WSO.

I could write paragraph after paragraph about my background, just like the other copywriters do.
I’ve been a writer for a major American broadcast network, been published in dozens of major US newspapers, written high-converting IM copy for fifteen years, and I currently run my own writing agency.

But let’s be honest – does that tell you whether my copy will convert and how much it costs?

I could write paragraphs about clients and success stories, too.
Here’s a sample: “The conversions were so good and we were so busy, that I was complaining: ‘You wrote it too well.’”

But let’s be honest – how do you know whether any claims or testimonials you see on WF are real?

You don’t. Some are – but many aren’t.
Mine happen to be real, but there’s no way for you to know that.
More importantly, you shouldn’t be hiring a writer for important projects based on claims posted on a sales thread.

So let’s skip right to the two things that matter most when hiring a copywriter.

1. Does the writer create great copy that will convert?

The best way to tell, of course, is by looking at copy the writer has already created.
But here’s the real secret that even most copywriters don’t realize:
The best test of any writer’s work is whether his copy convinces you to hire him.
His livelihood depends on the sales pitch he delivers on his site or sales thread.

If he can’t convert you – is he really going to be able to convert your site’s visitors?
Probably not.
So…the big question is:
Is my copy is going to convert?

Well, you’re reading it right now.
Does it make you want to learn more about my services?

If so, my copy has already converted you into a lead.
My writing will perform the same magic for your landing page, sales page or WSO.

2. How much does the copywriter’s work cost?

All WSOs for copywriters have one thing in common.
They all say things like “contact me for rates” or “all projects are different.”
But you’ll hardly ever see any prices.

Even after you’ve read through their entire sales pitch, you still have no idea whether they charge $50, $500 or $5000.
You have to negotiate with them privately.

Most do that so they can figure out what you can afford – and then adjust their prices accordingly.

They’re 100% right when they say that all projects are different.
And I can’t promise that my “standard rates” will apply to all projects.

But unlike the others, I don’t want to waste your time.
And I have no problem quoting basic rates in this WSO.
Generally speaking, I charge Warrior Forum clients $250 for a standard landing page or WSO.

That’s a lot less than you’d pay for the same work done by a skilled agency copywriter.
I know that for a fact, because I have my own agency charging almost double my WF rates.

I offer lower prices here for two reasons:
  1. WF clients usually know what they want, and are much easier to work with.
  2. WF clients understand IM, and usually require a lot less “hand-holding” than most large companies.
Your project may not qualify for the $250 rate. But most do.

If you think $250 is way too much for sales copy, thanks for reading this far and good luck with your project.
Before you go, though, please consider this:

The only people who should choose a copywriter based primarily on price…
are those who shouldn’t expect to be successful.

Why? Because your success depends on converting visitors into a lead or a sale.
High-quality, effective sales copy is – by far – the single most important weapon in your arsenal.

Great copy can be the difference between making hundreds of dollars and making thousands of dollars.
If you choose one copywriter over another because you’ll save $100 or so…
either you’re sabotaging your own road to success…
or you really should rethink your priorities.

  • If you realize that $250 is a bargain for persuasive, high-converting sales copy,
  • If you’ve found this WSO interesting enough to read this far,
  • And if you’ve been intrigued by what you’re read,
  1. It grabs the reader’s interest immediately.
  2. It keeps him engaged as the writer walks him, step-by-step, all the way through the sales pitch.
  3. It closes the sale.
Now that you’ve reached this point – you know what your next step should be.


I look forward to speaking with you.

Mike Williams
skype: reallife6789
or via WF private message

Q: Are you a native American writer?
A: Let me check my passport --- yep. American born, bred and educated (including bachelor and graduate degrees).

Q: Do you outsource the work?
A: No. I have people (all Americans) who write articles and other smaller jobs, but I write all of the sales copy myself.

Q: Are you really both a writer and an internet marketer? How can you do both?
A: Sure am. I’ve been a writer since the 70’s and an IM’er since the late 90’s (and I run other businesses as well). I do it by working a lot of hours – but as you probably know, the key to successful internet marketing is passive income, which means I have plenty of time for the writing I love to do.

Q: Why do you have so few posts on WF?
A: Well, I’ve listed just some of what I do every day; that doesn’t leave a lot of time for posting on WF or anywhere else. I mostly browse WF for ideas and to order products, and have been doing that since I joined this forum in 2010.

Q: What’s the ordering process like?
A: After you let me know the details of your project I’ll ask any necessary questions, confirm the price (as mentioned above, the standard landing page/WSO price is $250), and give you payment information.

Q: What’s the turn-around time?
A: It depends on my workload and the complexity of your project; it can be anywhere from 2-10 days, but usually will be somewhere in the middle.

Q: Is the style of this WSO your only writing style?
A: Not at all. I write everything from extremely “soft” sales copy to IN-YOUR-FACE TIME-IS-RUNNING-OUT YOU’D BETTER ORDER NOW! copy. We can discuss which approach makes the best sense for your project.

Q: Can I see other samples?
A: Yes, but they’ll be copy I’ve written that other clients have posted publicly. Once I write material for a client, it belongs to them and not me. I wouldn’t take your copy and just give it to someone else as a sample; in the same way, I can’t give you copy that has been written for another client.

Q: How available are you for questions or updates on my project?
A: I’ve had one client say “You never sleep – you’re always available!” That’s a bit of an exaggeration, but it’s very easy to get hold of me unless I’m asleep, or unless you’re a client who needs so much attention that you don’t give me any time to get your copy done. (I do take occasional days off during the summer to be with my family – please don’t hold that against me!)

Q: Do you write autoresponder emails, squeeze pages or other types of sales copy?
A: Sure do. In fact, right now I have an autoresponder sequence and a product brochure open in other windows, as part of today’s workflow. If there’s a different type of project you want to ask about, give me a holler.

Q: Do you work on projects other than sales copy, landing pages and WSOs?
A: Absolutely – everything from emails to e-books. Just ask.

Q: What’s the meaning of life?
A: I once would have said “chocolate and money.” I’ve since learned that it’s seeing your children be safe and happy.
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Unread 12th Aug 2015, 12:29 AM   #2
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Re: [Professional Landing Pages, Sales Pages, WSOs] SEE WHY MY COPY CONVERTS! I don't hide my prices
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Unread 12th Aug 2015, 03:44 PM   #3
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Re: [Professional Landing Pages, Sales Pages, WSOs] SEE WHY MY COPY CONVERTS! I don't hide my prices
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One of my website is, I'm looking to have several of the menu pages rewritten to increase conversions. Let me know if this is something you can do.

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Unread 12th Aug 2015, 06:33 PM   #4
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Re: [Professional Landing Pages, Sales Pages, WSOs] SEE WHY MY COPY CONVERTS! I don't hide my prices
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Originally Posted by Gambino View Post


One of my website is, I'm looking to have several of the menu pages rewritten to increase conversions. Let me know if this is something you can do.

Hi - it's definitely doable, although I think it's an "approach" issue as much as it is a "copy" issue. PM sent - thanks for the inquiry.
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Unread 17th Aug 2015, 08:45 PM   #5
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Re: [Professional Landing Pages, Sales Pages, WSOs] SEE WHY MY COPY CONVERTS! I don't hide my prices
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Thanks to those who've ordered so far.

But I do have a quick thought.

I'm happy to help those who have general questions about their current site or copy and are thinking about possible rewrites or changes. And I certainly don't mind if they decide not to order new copy after that.

HOWEVER - I've never seen so many people who request help, suggestions or advice - and then disappear without another word.

As I say - the advice is without strings. I'm happy to give it.
But a "thank you" would at least be nice.
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Unread 18th Sep 2015, 04:49 PM   #6
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Re: [Professional Landing Pages, Sales Pages, WSOs] SEE WHY MY COPY CONVERTS! I don't hide my prices
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I will be launching a new piece of software in the next couple of months so I am currently looking for someone that can produce a great sales page. Please send me some samples. Thanks!.
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Unread 19th Sep 2015, 03:28 PM   #7
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Re: [Professional Landing Pages, Sales Pages, WSOs] SEE WHY MY COPY CONVERTS! I don't hide my prices
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Samples have been sent. Thanks for the request.
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Unread 19th Sep 2015, 03:43 PM   #8
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Re: [Professional Landing Pages, Sales Pages, WSOs] SEE WHY MY COPY CONVERTS! I don't hide my prices
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Hello Mike,

could you send samples to me, 2 or 3 different audience and / or subject targets.

also, is the 250 for one sales / landing page or is it 250 for a package including x, y & z ?
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Unread 19th Sep 2015, 11:10 PM   #9
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Re: [Professional Landing Pages, Sales Pages, WSOs] SEE WHY MY COPY CONVERTS! I don't hide my prices
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Originally Posted by roger h View Post

Hello Mike,

could you send samples to me, 2 or 3 different audience and / or subject targets.

also, is the 250 for one sales / landing page or is it 250 for a package including x, y & z ?
Hi - thanks for your interest. Samples have been sent.
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Unread 26th Oct 2015, 03:03 AM   #10
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Re: [Professional Landing Pages, Sales Pages, WSOs] SEE WHY MY COPY CONVERTS! I don't hide my prices
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Thanks for all of the orders. The backlog has been cleared, and I'm taking new clients - at least for the moment.
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Unread 23rd Jan 2016, 01:59 AM   #11
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Re: [Professional Landing Pages, Sales Pages, WSOs] SEE WHY MY COPY CONVERTS! I don't hide my prices
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Could you send me some samples?

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Unread 24th Jan 2016, 10:32 PM   #12
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Re: [Professional Landing Pages, Sales Pages, WSOs] SEE WHY MY COPY CONVERTS! I don't hide my prices
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Originally Posted by Matt Lee View Post

Could you send me some samples?
Absolutely. Samples sent - thanks for the inquiry.
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Unread 27th Jan 2016, 04:25 AM   #13
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Re: [Professional Landing Pages, Sales Pages, WSOs] SEE WHY MY COPY CONVERTS! I don't hide my prices
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Hi Mike, I stumbled upon this page as I was looking for an affordable sales copywriter. I really like the sales copy that you have written here. I could be delusional but I have noticed that you use some elements of NLP?

Anyway do you mind sending me a sample please?
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Unread 27th Jan 2016, 06:26 PM   #14
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Re: [Professional Landing Pages, Sales Pages, WSOs] SEE WHY MY COPY CONVERTS! I don't hide my prices
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Originally Posted by Vincent Chase View Post

Hi Mike, I stumbled upon this page as I was looking for an affordable sales copywriter. I really like the sales copy that you have written here. I could be delusional but I have noticed that you use some elements of NLP?

Anyway do you mind sending me a sample please?
Hi - I don't think you're delusional
I don't rigorously use NLP techniques, but my approach to copywriting definitely has some things in common with NLP.
I normally don't start outlining copy - let alone write it - without finding a way to put myself in the same mindset as the intended audience. To my mind, that's the best way to find the proper motivational approach and language for the copy. That's where there's some crossover between NLP and the way I've written for years.
Samples are on the way. Thanks for asking.
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Unread 24th Feb 2016, 01:25 AM   #15
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Re: [Professional Landing Pages, Sales Pages, WSOs] SEE WHY MY COPY CONVERTS! I don't hide my prices
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Mind sending me some of your samples Mike? Thanks
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Unread 24th Feb 2016, 06:16 PM   #16
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Re: [Professional Landing Pages, Sales Pages, WSOs] SEE WHY MY COPY CONVERTS! I don't hide my prices
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Samples and links of previous WSO that you've done please
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Unread 27th Feb 2016, 03:28 PM   #17
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Re: [Professional Landing Pages, Sales Pages, WSOs] SEE WHY MY COPY CONVERTS! I don't hide my prices
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PMs sent to both.
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