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Unread 16th Aug 2020, 08:25 PM   #1
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Cart Abandoned Email Sequence – 10% Increase or I PAY you $100
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“How You Too Can Extract the Greatest Profit Out of Your Funnel In 60 Days Or Less!”

By split testing the cart abandon sequence, we can extract the greatest profit over time.

Instead of the buyer going through your sales funnel...

Filling out their information, then…POOF…disappearing…never to return…

I will create a cart abandon sequence to MAXAMIZE YOUR PROFIT.

By split testing to increase the number of shoppers to return and complete the sale

And when they return to complete the sale…

It’s like…Found Money!

And if you already have a cart abandon sequence, great!

I’ll work with what you already have. I' might adjust the order or tweak the subject line, but no sense changing what’s already working.

My goal is to increase sales of your cart abandon sequence by at least 10 percent to bring in extra sales.

I am so confident I will be able to do that, I will PAY YOU $100...

If after 60 days I am unable to split test my way to the 10% improvement.

Why would I make such an offer?

Because I am afraid

Yes, effing…AFRAID!

You see, I’ve studied direct marketing for a while now.

But I hadn’t left my job. It was comfortable…

Then the Rona hit. Got laid off…

I’ve been following Ian Stanley for a while and wrapped up his cart abandon sequence training.

He mentioned recently about making an offer that makes you uncomfortable. That would put your credibility on the line. I figured this would do that!

Besides getting over my fear, I want to make a difference in YOUR business.

And what better way to get over my fear than by increasing your sales!

Here are the terms:

· Your cart is doing more than $15K in gross sales per month.

· Jump on a zoom call with me (before and after). Share the email split test results so I can improve your sales and my skills at the same time.

· Send me any current emails you have in your cart abandon sequence and I will add to what I create.

My offer to you:

I will create at least of 6 emails plus variations as needed for you to split test. Delivered as text files.

If after 30 days, the cart abandon sequence improves by at least 10%. We will get on a zoom call to wrap things up and I will send a PayPal link for $250.

If we are not at a 10% improvement. Send me screen shots of the split tests results, or whatever is easiest for you. Then I will continue to create email variations for the next 30 days to make the needed improvement.

Either way, no upfront out of pocket money from you. You get a 10 percent increase in sales via your cart abandon sequence.

This offer has a deadline of 2 weeks after it is posts to Warriors for Hire forum.

Here is my Calendly link to schedule a quick 15 minute call to go over how I can best help.

I’m on the west coast of the U.S., if the times don’t work for you, please PM me and we will work out a convenient time.

Reach out and connect with me today so I can start working on a Cart Abandoned Sequence for YOUR funnel!

Have a Great Day!

Warren Start
WarrenS is offline   Reply With Quote


, $100, 10%, abandoned, cart, email, increase, pay, sequence

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