5 replies
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Just looked at my website and the menu bar has been listed in list style down the page (instead of across) in basic font and the web page text (for all pages) is all scrunched together without any spaces.

Looks terrible and its sure to kill conversions.

I haven't uploaded any plug ins for a while and all plug ins are up to date. I ran WordFence which says no problems found.

Any ideas whats going on and how to fix it?

Edit: I tried changing themes and back to the them I was using.

I think the Header.php text has changed a bit though I am not sure what it was before. It just looks different with 2 <link lines. Is this normal?
#malware #website
  • Profile picture of the author JC Web
    There was very recently a WordPress update. It could be your theme or one of your plugins has an incompatibility with it. Go to the Sucuri website and have it do a scan of your site. Do you have a backup of your site from before this?
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    • Profile picture of the author Liarspoker
      Originally Posted by JC Web View Post

      There was very recently a WordPress update. It could be your theme or one of your plugins has an incompatibility with it. Go to the Sucuri website and have it do a scan of your site. Do you have a backup of your site from before this?
      Thanks for that JC Web. I ran the scan but nothing was detected. I have the page back up with the menu going across the screen as it is supposed to be but the text is still scrunched up and I am missing the header image (actually I am missing all of the header area!).

      Oh, the joys!!

      Lovin' Life!

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  • Profile picture of the author JC Web
    Does your hosting do automatic backups? If you didn't make your own, they may be able to restore your site to a previous version.

    If you or they have a backup, then after restoring your site, make a copy on a staging (test) area and then try upgrading to the latest version of WordPress to see if that is what caused it. Then you can search for the problem from there.

    Hopefully you have already changed any passwords in case there was a hack, but if neither of those scanners found a problem, I wouldn't conclude just yet that it was malware or a hack. You could also ask your host if they can scan for any problems or see any backdoor activity.
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  • Profile picture of the author Liarspoker
    JC Web,

    Many thanks for your posts!

    I am happy to report that my site is now back to normal (not without any stress).

    I'll now scan for malware etc and will also contact the host etc.

    In addition I'll be searching for additional security measures as this was a fairly bad fright.

    Thanks again.

    Mods you can close this thread now.

    Lovin' Life!

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  • Profile picture of the author NEMESH
    Sure there is coding problem in menubar code, just look at css.
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