can you please recommend a WP theme

by newxxx
6 replies
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can anyone recommend a WP theme for me ?

full page

left and right side bar holding equal widgets, so that both side bars look identical

thank you
#recommend #theme
  • Profile picture of the author IM Nathan
    Could always look on various sites that offer themes? A quick Google should show you this. Otherwise WordPress offers a healthy variety. Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author TaxMaster
    I like movers packers to fully customize however you like if you know how. There is a good sidebar plugin that will allow you to have sidebars with whatever widgets you want
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  • Profile picture of the author YasarAliAndroid
    Genesis theme is the best theme, you should test it out & you can find it here at studiopress.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sire
    I use FlexSqueeze on all my sites, I have 13 or so.

    It is the most customisable theme I have come across. You can have one or two sidebars. You can have them on the right and left or you can have two on one side.

    You decide how wide your blogs and sidebars are.

    You can have transparent headers or normal ones. I even have blogs where it seems like a normal website.

    The only other paid one I've tried is Thesis and I didn't like that at all.
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  • Profile picture of the author developershahin
    you should use wp generate Theme premium.
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  • Profile picture of the author thememass
    I'm using the Fusion theme for my site. It's modern design, fully responsive and a rich features admin page. Hope that helps your question.
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