Outsource PSD to HTML5 Conversion Service Why ?

6 replies
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In Today, PSD to html5 conversion makes a major role in develop a new and latest websites. Then, Why PSD to thml conversion is Outsource ?
#conversion #html5 #outsource #psd #service
  • Profile picture of the author raineng
    It's so important to reliably outsource it. In case you want to outsource, I believe you should outsource the whole package (frontend and backend), because nowadays these go hand in hand to give the most optimized experience. It doesn't make lots of sense to give html to 1 guy and backend coding to another guy.
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Outsource PSD to HTML5 Conversion Service Why?
    Nobody does this.

    Today it's CSS code not image slicing in Photoshop.
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    • Profile picture of the author turbofever
      Don't they convert the psd to html/css though?
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  • Profile picture of the author Bradley Binder
    Outsource PSD to HTML5 Conversion Service Why?

    Because if your need good looking website so to your need to convert your PSD to HTML using the bootstrap framework.
    also, 1 front-end developer done you this work properly.
    and backend developer then converts HTML to WordPress.
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  • Profile picture of the author Helal0085
    Because if your need good looking website so to your need to convert your PSD to HTML using the bootstrap framework.
    also, developer then converts HTML to WordPress.
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  • Indeed its not an easy task. PSD to HTML5 conversion makes your website compatible for all browsers, more seo-friendly & optimized in each aspect.

    All it depends on to whom you are asking to convert it for you. If they are well-experienced in the same domain, then you will definitely get the results.

    You may check our page: eluminoustechnologies.com/psd-to-html/

    Skype: eluminous_bde7

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