Tool to increase website speed - Feedback wanted

by 11 replies
Hey guys,

I'm a developer, working on a tool for optimizing sites to make them faster. I've seen a lot of threads here asking about increasing wordpress site speed, etc, so I thought it'd be a good place to post and get some feedback.

This seems like a big problem, I've seen threads advocating complicated solutions like hiring developers, running pagespeed tests, etc. It seems like there's a need for an automated tool which does all of that for you - you just put in your site's domain, and receive a link to a much faster site. You could then point your domain to the new URL - any changes you make to your site get automatically optimized and refreshed.

I'd like to know if you'd like to have your site be faster, and what, if anything, you're currently using towards that, and how happy you are with that solution. (Hiring people to do this manually counts). And what you think about my idea - would you be interested in using this tool?

I'm VERY interested and eager to hear any and all feedback.
#website design #feedback #increase #speed #tool #wanted #website
  • I'm not a developer so I don't understand some of what you said.

    I do try and make my WordPress sites as fast as possible though and I have a couple ways of doing that.

    I use a fast theme from Thrive Themes. I try to have as few plugins as possible. I use lossy compression on all of my image files. And I use CloudFlareas my CDN (content delivery network).

    I also use caching on some of my sites but not ones with a shopping cart or dynamic content.

    I hope that helps you,
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • Hey @BradKasten,

      Apologies for being a little too technical there. I'd be happy to explain things again in simpler words if you'd like.

      You're definitely doing a lot to make your sites faster. A lot more than most people. I'd love to interview you a little bit further, if that's okay.

      - What motivates you to put in the time to do all those things (e.g compressing the images)? Is there any specific metric that motivates you the most (e.g, higher SEO rankings or loading fast on mobile)?

      - Have you noticed improvement in any metrics before, and after you implemented any of these changes? If so, I'd love to hear.

      - Why did you choose CloudFlare over other CDNs?

      - What sort of dynamic content do you have on your sites, apart from shopping carts?

      Thanks a bunch.
  • I suggest you try this Google tool

    It will get you started
    • [1] reply
    • Thanks - but I'm actually building a tool for others, and looking for feedback from those who'd like to improve their site's loading speed. I'm not looking for a tool myself.
      • [1] reply
  • Administrator
    Is your tool ready to get sold?
    • [1] reply
    • Hey Paul. Right now I'm looking for feedback and early users, and I hope to have a pilot / private beta very soon. Would you be interested in trying out the beta when its ready?

  • If you are using a wordpress then there are many tools which you can use to speed up for website.

    1. You can install cache in your site.
    2. Implement APM in your site. using AMP tool which is there in wordpress
    3. hummingbird Tool will do all things automatic for your site .
  • My website ( speed is too slow. I am looking for an effective tool/plugin to increase the speed. Mr. Ali it would be great of you if you would give me the link of your tool. Other suggestions are welcome.
  • website feedback tool
  • Some of the website speed increasing tools are pingdom,page speed insights,GT metrix these are the tool give you the detail feed back of your website speed metrics and improvements..

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