Multi-domain file structure hosting

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I am once again starting my humble attempt to pursue an online income. There is a hosting company that boasts of providing individual roots for each domain hosted with them. Not all domains come from the same public_html root.
It may not make a bit of difference one way or the other but I think I would like to have my domains separated from each other and not stuck onto the main one which set up the hosting account as an addon domain.
I stumbled across this on another forum and learned most of it comes from the limitations of cpanel. I don't know if this is true or not.
Does anyone have experience with the multi domain method over hosting several domains on one root directory? Is it even an issue. Do the search engines even care?
(edited to remove host brand name)
#file #hosting #multidomain #structure
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  • Profile picture of the author xtrapunch
    The real solution to your need is -- RESELLER HOSTING. You can create as many cpanel hosting accounts as you want. The drawback - expensive.

    I use both Reseller & Shared hosting for multiple domains. Both work just fine.No major difference except that each individual cPanel has provider mandated limitations. This means reseller hosting can utilize more resources from the server.

    If you are just starting out, don't bother about all this if you are going to manage all the sites. Go for shared hosting, and add as many add-on domains you want. Simply make sure to redirect the primary domain's sub-domain to its associated add-on domain. That's all.

    Ensure that you go for a reliable hosting provider. Some big names are also notoriously poor in service. If you want, I will share my recommendation (personally used too).
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    • Profile picture of the author SDavenport
      xtrapunch: I've been going around in circles with not getting caught in the same trap of shared hosting so I've been looking at getting a dedicated IP address. You mentioned some recommendations, please share if you want to. Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author Yvon Boulianne
    do not bother with complicated stuff, weird idea or whatever not conventionnal, just go to knownhost and buy a shared or vps hosting, you will be happy
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