Wordpress layout question
I'm trying to setup wordpress so I can have images on the left and text on the right to go with that image.
I insert the first image on the left and its good, I add the text to go with that on the right of that image.
Now I want to continue doing this with different images and than text to the right of each image going down the page. When I insert another image below the first in the visual mode and than add the text to the right of it I'm happy.
If I update the page and then go to the site to take a look the lower image has moved up next to the upper image in the space below the text.
How can I add some kind of break below the first image to stop anything below from coming up next to it?
I basically want to show an item for sale with the description next to it. I want to do this for several items going down the page but everything bunches up to the top.
I tried using tags like <br/> several times and also the <hr/> and I actually had the site looking good once but when I went back to the editor my tags were gone and going back to the site it was all screwed up again.
I know this can't be that hard, what am I missing??
Please keep it simple
Thanks very much!
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Traci Knoppe, OBM, Launch & Project Manager
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