Tell-A-Friend Script...

Dennis Miedema
Profile picture of Dennis Miedema
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
4 replies
Hi everyone,

I've been investing a lot of time lately on really going the distance with product rollouts and got some nice results because of it. But now it's time for the next step: going viral...

I want to give away a free report soon but with a twist: in order to get it, the people that click on the "get the free report" link will first have to go to a tell-a-friend page.

And for that I need a tell-a-friend script, duhh :p Here's what I'm looking for:

- Some kind of table/form script that allows people to fill in multiple names with ease but also allows HTML on the same page it is put (so I can do my little script promotion or so to speak)

- Have an expanding reward system: 1 friend means going to thank you page X with link to 1 reward, 2 friends means page Y with links to 2 rewards and 3 friends means page Z with links to 3 rewards. So 3 different thank you pages (or better).

- I should be able to add images, compelling text and so forth on the same page the script will be on... so people can see what kind of rewards they'll get.

Here's the dilemma...

Hiring a coder to create a script like this OR getting that out of the box solution? I heard hiring a coder for this will cost me around 100 bucks... which is cheaper, plus gives me more control of the script I'll end up with.

While the only out of the box solution I found that can actually do this costs 197 bucks... which is more expensive, BUT it also allows people to login on their email accounts (Gmail for example), pull all their contacts from their account and refer them all...

What to do? I dont have experience with tell a friend scripts so this sounds like 50-50 (equal quality) and thus guesswork, any insights?
#script #tellafriend
  • Profile picture of the author david carr
    david carr
    Profile picture of david carr
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I would have a look at viral invitor, its expensive but you get a server liscense so as long as all your websites are on the same server you can use it on all of them.

    There is an early bird link somewhere as I think Norman is testing whether its profitable to give it away so people join his membership site.

  • Profile picture of the author Richard Whyte
    Richard Whyte
    Profile picture of Richard Whyte
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Dennis

    Yea, having a Tell A Friend (TAF) script on your site can increase your signups...

    I just finished about two weeks ago writing a script for one of my clinets that does exactly what you are looking for.

    Basically, it is a form inside of an HTML page that calls a PHP page to handle the processing. As the main page is HTML, it is very easy to change the look and feel of the page to anything that you want.

    They way we designed the site that it is running on, people visit the site, sign up for a free report and then they go to the TAF page. On the TAF page, they can tell three friends and this will allow them to also get a FREE eBook... If not, they can decline and just get the Free Report.

    Since we put the script in place, the sign ups have more than doubled, so this tells me that it is working well.

    If you want to purchase my script embedded in a sample page, PM me and we can chat.

    Have a Great Day!

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