Core requirements of a converting website?

The Click Swap
Profile picture of The Click Swap
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8 replies
hi all,

So i am brand new to websites, ive built a few in the past but nothing like what i want to do now,

so my question is,

what are the core requirements of a converting website?

I know that is kind of a broad question, but i need some guidance here, im working with a designer and i personally need to know the direction the point the designer in...

Okay, thanks everyone
#converting #core #requirements #website
  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Profile picture of GordonJ
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by The Click Swap View Post

    hi all,

    So i am brand new to websites, ive built a few in the past but nothing like what i want to do now,

    so my question is,

    what are the core requirements of a converting website?

    I know that is kind of a broad question, but i need some guidance here, im working with a designer and i personally need to know the direction the point the designer in...

    Okay, thanks everyone
    Start with INTENT. What do you want the site to do? The less it is required to do, the simpler you can make it. One mistake many make is asking their site to carry too much water, and it becomes either confusing or ineffective.
    What is your intent?

    Are you looking for leads?
    For direct sales?
    For list development?

    Take some time and write out your answer:

    I want my new website to: _________________

    Take some time to get the purpose, intent and then strategize with your developer on how best to proceed from there.

    Since you mention CONVERTING, what exactly does that you want to convert visitors to buyers, or to prospects via an email sign up perhaps?

    BEFORE you can convert anyone, you have to know WHERE they will come from. So what model will you use to generate the traffic to the site where you seek conversions?

    Sorry I have more questions than answers, but if you are willing to take the time to get your INTENT down on paper, you just might see a clearer path to what you are trying to do, eh?

  • Profile picture of the author The Click Swap
    The Click Swap
    Profile picture of The Click Swap
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Okay so first thing is that im probably going to build my site/funnel next year, need to stick to one thing right now, which is facebook groups and influencer marketing (Dream 100)

    But to answer your question,

    "I want my new website to generate leads, convert sales, and build my list." - So all three.

    I'm guessing it's time to build a funnel?

    The traffic will probably come from facebook groups, and influencers who ive built a relationship with.

    Ideally i would like to convert a visitor to a lead, to a sale, all in the same page and with me just promoting my offer across social media

    but you are right, i realize i need a funnel for my intent

    thank you

    PS - let's see in a year how far i get and how many kicks in the ass i need to actually get to my goals
  • Profile picture of the author CoryEscudero
    Profile picture of CoryEscudero
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    Good to read this.
  • Profile picture of the author scottmccall
    Profile picture of scottmccall
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    A good converting website has a clean design, makes it easy for people to access information, and creates a clear conversion path that people can follow to ultimately convert.
  • Profile picture of the author PlatinumPen
    Profile picture of PlatinumPen
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    1. Clear call to action
    2. Clear call to action
    3. Clear call to action

    Oh and I think I forgot, have a clear to action...

    Seriously, focus on pushing people towards the action that you want.

    Obviously make the website user friendly, easy to navigate, fast loading so it passes the core web vitals assessment and all that good stuff. But never lose sight of your focus.

    Looking at your intent, I think you've already nailed it, you need a funnel.

    The website should be the top of funnel. The call to action is to sign up to your list. You have to make it clear to people what will lose out on if they fail to sign up. After that, you focus on selling as a separate goal.

    Best wishes,
  • Profile picture of the author Serene Carmen
    Serene Carmen
    Profile picture of Serene Carmen
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    It is a broad question and depends on your intent. Is it an Ecom site or something else?
    In general:

    Social proof (customer reviews, testimonials, case studies)
    Scarcity (limited time or limited quantity)
    Clear call to action
    Copywriting that focuses on how your product solves your customers problems pain points
    Good quality product photos if applicable
    • Profile picture of the author The Click Swap
      The Click Swap
      Profile picture of The Click Swap
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Serene Carmen View Post

      It is a broad question and depends on your intent. Is it an Ecom site or something else?
      In general:

      Social proof (customer reviews, testimonials, case studies)
      Scarcity (limited time or limited quantity)
      Clear call to action
      Copywriting that focuses on how your product solves your customers problems pain points
      Good quality product photos if applicable
      See now you kind of nailed it, i was trying to figure out how to put it all together, but i think what you said is it.

      its not an ecom site, just a funnel for my business.

      I start out working for free and adding value, collecting social proof, i guess throw the scarcity thing in there (never tried it before), call to action would be sign up for X,

      This is the part i struggled finding out, I suppose after reading what you just wrote, I write the copy first, then i do the images..?

      but other than that, thanks man!
  • Profile picture of the author Justcare
    Profile picture of Justcare
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    You can consider following points:
    -You need to design dedicated landing pages for your services.
    -You need to keep attractive offer on your landing pages.
    -Please put clear heading on your pages.
    -Please keep high quality content on your website.

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