Header image requirements

6 replies
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I have a very easy question:

I am currently working on this website

(links to site not permitted in posts)

I am having a graphic artist design the header

However, I am unsure what the dimensions of the header should be. How can I find this out?

Please and thank you!
#header #image #requirements
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I have recently noticed several new sites where the header is ALL you see when the site loads - and I think that's a waste of online real estate.

    When you have a product or service to sell - it's the selling points that get the job done - not the pretty picture at the top IMO. I would not want a header to take up more than 1/4 of the page when the site is on the monitor but some others might prefer a larger header.
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  • Profile picture of the author preets
    1280 X 267 PX ( one third of page ( Ratio 24:5) is the best header size
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  • Profile picture of the author AWAIS AKHTAR
    Hi Zachary!
    If you cannot find the recommended dimensions, you can try searching online for the standard dimensions for headers on the website. If you are still unsure, you can ask the graphic artist for their recommendation based on their experience and expertise.
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    Originally Posted by Zachary R. Skinner View Post

    However, I am unsure what the dimensions of the header should be. How can I find this out?
    There really isn't a should. Ask yourself what the site is trying to achieve - what visitor actions you're hoping to encourage - then have the site/landing page designed accordingly. Maybe you don't even need a header.

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  • Profile picture of the author seach4s
    Yes - This gets me all the time, as it changes so frequentlY... thank god these sizes have not changed in a while
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  • Hii Dear,

    The dimensions of a website header can vary depending on the design and layout of your website. However, a general standard for website header dimensions is around 1200 pixels wide and 300-400 pixels tall.

    You can also check the specifications of the website theme or template that you are using, as they may have specific recommended header dimensions.

    It is always a good idea to communicate with your graphic artist and provide them with the required dimensions to ensure that the design will fit perfectly on your website.
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