Shopify or Wordpress for new ecomm website?

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Hey all, back on WF after 10-year hiatus.

What would y'all do when creating a new ecomm website?

I was advised to use WP due to a lot of cool automation available in plugins

I am finding it overhwelming to choose a theme (Is elementor a theme or site builder?) and plugins that tie in with Woocommerce.

It's a hardware tech ecommerce site, dropshipping


#ecomm #shopify #website #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Originally Posted by Dan Mcgonagle View Post

    Hey all, back on WF after 10-year hiatus.

    What would y'all do when creating a new ecomm website?

    I was advised to use WP due to a lot of cool automation available in plugins

    I am finding it overhwelming to choose a theme (Is elementor a theme or site builder?) and plugins that tie in with Woocommerce.

    It's a hardware tech ecommerce site, dropshipping


    Both will obviously work - but this is like say buying a car? your needs and requirements kind of dictate what cars and what brands you would be looking at. You have a wife and 3 kids, a 2 door anything is out of the question. Then you go down the rabbit hole of wide 2nd row seating vs 3rd row seating, and your choices become smaller and smaller.

    In e-Commerce you can apply the same type of filtering. The biggest variable is then traffic? and this alone makes the decision very cut and dry. If the intention is in using Social Media as a traffic source, you then use Shopify. It simply integrates better across platforms for a seamless buying experience.

    The flip side of this is you are going to take a more blogger style approach with an amount of multi platform content with an emphasis on text content, WooCommerce becomes the more preferred method - and again it is a more seamless buying experience.

    The other variable to consider is the order passing between you and the 3rd party product handler... which option is easier to integrate with? I personally would answer this question first - if there is a direct fit with what you are selling and easy tools for sales integration you would could and should migrate towards that platform.

    The website is the outward face of the business - it everything behind it that is the mechanical parts - The mchanical parts will dictate the face ( form follows function )

    Maybe look here: ( )

    And maybe look at the Warrior user dave_hermansen he is the resident drop shipping expert. you can search for some of his posts to get some better answers.
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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    • Profile picture of the author Dan Mcgonagle
      Thank you, I have an ecommerce site 15 years old 65k SKUs and the new websites would be smaller sites doing same thing, product and descriptions and images and pricing that's it for content

      Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

      Both will obviously work - but this is like say buying a car? your needs and requirements kind of dictate what cars and what brands you would be looking at. You have a wife and 3 kids, a 2 door anything is out of the question. Then you go down the rabbit hole of wide 2nd row seating vs 3rd row seating, and your choices become smaller and smaller.

      In e-Commerce you can apply the same type of filtering. The biggest variable is then traffic? and this alone makes the decision very cut and dry. If the intention is in using Social Media as a traffic source, you then use Shopify. It simply integrates better across platforms for a seamless buying experience.

      The flip side of this is you are going to take a more blogger style approach with an amount of multi platform content with an emphasis on text content, WooCommerce becomes the more preferred method - and again it is a more seamless buying experience.

      The other variable to consider is the order passing between you and the 3rd party product handler... which option is easier to integrate with? I personally would answer this question first - if there is a direct fit with what you are selling and easy tools for sales integration you would could and should migrate towards that platform.

      The website is the outward face of the business - it everything behind it that is the mechanical parts - The mchanical parts will dictate the face ( form follows function )

      Maybe look here: ( )

      And maybe look at the Warrior user dave_hermansen he is the resident drop shipping expert. you can search for some of his posts to get some better answers.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11789730].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author IMarketScience
    Shopify all day.

    Think of it this way: WordPress is designed for content. Shopify is designed for ecommerce. Would you rather have an (admittedly really good) WP plugin which enables ecommerce or a platform built for ecommerce from the ground up? Also there will be many more apps / plugins in support of ecommerce on Shopify than there will be on WP / WooCommerce. This will be especially important if you're dropshipping.

    The upsides to WP / WC would be lower cost and potentially the ease of developing the theme without actually hiring a dev, although IMO you're probably going to end up with trash if you don't hire a dev regardless.

    Elementor is a visual page / site builder, not a theme.
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    • Profile picture of the author Dan Mcgonagle
      Thank you, its basically going to be a website with products images pricing and checkout

      Originally Posted by IMarketScience View Post

      Shopify all day.

      Think of it this way: WordPress is designed for content. Shopify is designed for ecommerce. Would you rather have an (admittedly really good) WP plugin which enables ecommerce or a platform built for ecommerce from the ground up? Also there will be many more apps / plugins in support of ecommerce on Shopify than there will be on WP / WooCommerce. This will be especially important if you're dropshipping.

      The upsides to WP / WC would be lower cost and potentially the ease of developing the theme without actually hiring a dev, although IMO you're probably going to end up with trash if you don't hire a dev regardless.

      Elementor is a visual page / site builder, not a theme.
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  • Profile picture of the author Moodesburn1977
    I would use wp just for that very thing you mentioned, the wp plug ins they are great and most free and easy to use

    Lets build a online business by giving value and learning how to build a email list

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  • Profile picture of the author Zoheb M
    Wordpress has everything you might ever need, but can get complicated. Shopify is very simple, and is only for e-commerce.

    designing $100 landing pages, and talking business philosophy...

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  • Profile picture of the author BouPLy
    Shopify is the king of ecommerce
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  • Profile picture of the author srlabstech
    I tried both Shopify and also used woocommerce platform. I found Shopify is best for ecommerce store due to it's easy to use functionality and rich features. If you want to start online store for drop shipping then I will recommend you go with Shopify.
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