Making a Site More Simple and Uncluttered

by 3 replies
Hello! A client of mine is looking for a redesign for his existing site. I created the site a couple of years ago based on his feedback at the time, but we're looking for something leaner, more uncluttered and simplified. The product is a software program designed to help children and adults with ADD/ADHD or learning disabilities. The site is at .

What would you change about it to make it simpler and more streamlined? It always helps me to have a fresh set of eyes look over things to see what I might have missed (although I have plenty of suggestions for the customer too!)

Thank you so much!
#website design #making #simple #site #uncluttered
  • Hmmm,

    Maybe a solid menu bar instead of seperated tabs.

    Perhaps if the side menu was on the right, then the main content would stand out more.

    Could you make the content panel slightly larger?

    There is a lot of stuff in the left sidebar. Maybe clean that up a bit.

  • Thanks Lambert! Anyone else have anything to add?
  • I would remove the internal links within the sales copy -
    there are links everywhere on this page. Put everything
    under the tabs at the top. Maybe even make a "news"
    tab and move that content there.

    I know this page is made this way for SEO reasons and
    your client is probably attached to the traffic he gets.
    If he wants a less-cluttered approach he'll have to accept
    the consequences in terms of Google rankings, if there
    are any.

    There's an argument that it's not a good idea to show
    a software box-shot at the top of a salesletter for a software -
    make the message paramount so attention get pulled into
    the core issue and presents the solution in the form of
    the software product.

    I can't read the text on the box-shot anyway.

    This site seems confused. Does it want to be an authority
    site or a sales letter?
  • Profile picture of the author nomanbd

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    Hello! A client of mine is looking for a redesign for his existing site. I created the site a couple of years ago based on his feedback at the time, but we're looking for something leaner, more uncluttered and simplified. The product is a software program designed to help children and adults with ADD/ADHD or learning disabilities. The site is at . What would you change about it to make it simpler and more streamlined? It always helps me to have a fresh set of eyes look over things to see what I might have missed (although I have plenty of suggestions for the customer too!)