Background Needed - $50 USD

by 8 replies
Hello Warriors,

A client of mine has a decent looking website but it is missing a background. I have tried different approaches for a background but have yet to come up with one that flows well with the existing design.

The website is: Home | Educational Resource Acquisition Consortium - ERAC

If you have a good idea for a background in mind please email me:

I will pick the best looking background and award the winner $50 USD either by PayPal or Xoom.

If you are interested, please take a screenshot of the website above (with no white margins outside of the border) and email it to me with your background. In this email, please make sure you include your PayPal or Xoom information.

I will choose the best and most suitable background on April 16 12:00PM (Pacific-Time) and will award the winner with 50 USD on the spot.

Please do not send me a background that you did not design.

#website design #$50 #background #needed #usd
  • Banned
    • [1] reply
    • Thanks WeaverIT.

      One submission so far.
  • Are you looking for a full page static background or just a repeating backgound? Meaning basically just a square graphic........that repeats over and over......
    • [1] reply
    • A repeating background would do.

      Thank you for asking.
  • 2 more days. Only one background has been submitted so far. Anyone else willing to give it a shot?
  • Sent you an email with the heading title -Warrior Forum "background request" to your email address listed above......
  • Sent one over.
    • [1] reply
    • Thank you very much. I got them both.
  • Ok, it is April 16 12:00pm and I am no longer accepting backgrounds.

    I really appreciate all the emails that were sent to me. Honestly, I did not expect as many and the quality of work was amazing.

    The winner is Laura Burke. She did a really good job digging into the website and designing a good looking website which best represents the business. The client was very impressed with this one.

    Again, I would like to thank everyone for their submissions.

    All the best.

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  • 9

    Hello Warriors, A client of mine has a decent looking website but it is missing a background. I have tried different approaches for a background but have yet to come up with one that flows well with the existing design.