12 replies
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HI -
I am backending a wordpress blog into my clients static website.

I just realized that I am not sure how to deal with the xml site map issue. Normally I just use a plugin for wordpress. But his static site also needs an XML site map. (Maybe a html site map also, but that is less important unless it is really easy)

Does someone know the best way to do this?
Do I need to have two site maps - have the webmaster create one for the static site and I do a separate one with a WP Plugin?
Install the WP (it is going in a 'blog' directory) and then have the webmaster create an xml sitemap that will then automatically include the blog?

I was going to have the webmaster use xml-sitemap.com

thanks for any help
#sitemap #xml
  • Profile picture of the author Krisism
    Hi AP,

    If you're not using a plugin to generate the sitemap then you'll likely need to do a little dynamic sitemap yourself. The easiest way I've found to do this - is to load post urls from the db and loop through them to create xml data - using either php, or coldfusion or something to grab it from the db.

    Then do an url rewrite so that sitemap.xml directs to sitemap.php, or sitemap.cfm depending on your script.

    You can use this to generate dynamic sitemaps, and then to add in your other static sitemap, just add a reference in the dynamic one. Sitemap protocol allows for you to reference child sitemaps from a main one - so by attaching your static one that way you can always include it with your dynamic one.

    Good luck,

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  • Profile picture of the author Abledragon
    If by 'backending' the blog into your client's site you mean that you're installing it in a directory under their existing domain, then you can tell the Google-XML-Sitemap-Generator plugin that the sitemap's in the site's root domain by specifying the absolute path and URL in the plugin settings. (Those settings are about half way down the screen).

    The sitemap plugin will then include all the files under the root domain - i.e. all directories on the site, including the blog.


    WealthyDragon - Earning My Living Online
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  • Profile picture of the author april_forshee
    Neither way. If your clients static website need both XML and HTML, the most optimal solution for this is to get Sitemap Writer Pro program, which creates XML ad HTML sitemaps. I have it, works fine for me, also got it with a 35 % off discount coupon.
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  • Profile picture of the author Larozhfuko
    thanks, useful topic
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  • Profile picture of the author saviourdlima
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  • Profile picture of the author april_forshee
    Sitemap Writer Pro is a professional and complete tool, which creates sitemaps with nearly 6 million URLs.
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  • Profile picture of the author intellekt
    ^ It will examine a web site, mapping all the pages that it finds. It will then create a single HTML site map file. By simply placing the single HTML file on your web site, you will be providing full site map facilities, making your site more accessible for visitors.
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  • I use this website to create xml site maps xml-sitemaps.com , pretty easy and i haven't had any trouble with it
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  • Profile picture of the author mahesh2010
    You did not use plugin to generate the site map and then you create a simple dynamic site map because it’s an easiest way to load post urls from the db and loop through them to create xml data - using either php, or cold fusion or something to grab it from the db.
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  • Profile picture of the author HorseStall
    Why don't you just use a tool like GSiteCrawler to spider your website and locate all the pages? It will automatically create the xml sitemap for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author mahesh2010
    XML sitemap is a XML file that contain information about one are more URLs in a websites and they information is stored and its help to search engine spider. All it needs to be is a list of URLs for your Web site, but to get more out of it, you want to include other information.
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  • Profile picture of the author nickgomes112
    The sitemap writer pro program is the best option to choose if your clients static website needs both XML and XHTML.
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