How to Use Photoshop to do this?

11 replies
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there isn't a graphic design section here, so I thought this would be the most appropriate place to post this. Here's what I need help with:

I've got a couple of Jpg pictures taken with a digital camera, and I need to edit these pictures. Basically, I want to remove one of the person in the picture. Any one has any idea how to do that using Photoshop?

Lazy Bryan
  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Rickfold
    you take the background you would have elsewhere and paste it over that person....
    it's a lot of work..

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  • Profile picture of the author Aj Wilson
    Youtube or Google "Quick Selection Tool".
    Use it to "Cut via Layer".

    If you get the trial version of Photoshop CS5
    you can also take out the person... and auto replace the background.

    If you get stuck. Post a message on my blog in the "photoshop" section,
    (click the link in my sig) I'll create a video tutorial for you to watch.
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  • Profile picture of the author Damien Roche
    Wow, I'd take Aj Wilson up on his offer. Nice guy.

    Anyway, the quick selection tool will work to some degree, but the professional way is to use the pen tool and yes, that can be a lot of work.

    Also, if you do use the quick selection tool and it actually works, you might want to blur the edges of your cut out. Often times it will come out very jagged.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mister Bryan
    Hey AJ, how 'bout I send you the pics and you help me do it? =p
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  • Profile picture of the author sainteve21

    A more Professional looking result, but can take some time, is to use the 'clonestamp' tool


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  • Profile picture of the author stevecane
    If you've got CS then you can use the 'Context Aware' fill tool. It's very easy to use and will do a great job. Why not download the 30 day free trial.

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  • Profile picture of the author wolstaneye
    you have to do very carefully by using tools in u want to replace the person with any other??
    or u want leave it normally..if so just paste the background image and try to edit it without spoiling the rest of the image..
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  • Profile picture of the author asatkuna
    The easy way out to do this is by clicking the magnetic marque tool and tracing around the person you want to get rid of. This tool is smart enough to find common points to latch to, so you just need to provide some guidance with your mouse.

    If for some reason that doesn't work for you, you can try selecting different spots with the magic wand and deleting it separately until you are satisfied with your edit.

    Make sure you clone the image into a new layer before making and changes, that way you can revert back to the original image at any time if you make a mistake.

    Play around with the magnifier tool to get different variations and depths of the image.

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  • Profile picture of the author GalactekDesign
    There is quite a few ways to achieve this in photoshop quick slection beings the easiest and magic wand could work but it is tricky if the image is of poor quality.
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  • Profile picture of the author weaveronline
    Hei , i can help you, mail me with the image if intrested

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  • Profile picture of the author Aj Wilson
    Yea... no worries Bryan.

    If you're still stuck mate, just use my contact form here >
    I'll fix up one for you & create a video tutorial so you can fix the others.

    What version of Photoshop you have?

    I dont seem to receive notifications when subscribing to these threads,
    so if you need me to do it, just PM me or hit my contact form.

    But like everyone here states, the new
    "Content Aware" feature in CS5 is Very Kool...

    And after the quick selection tool you can "refine edge"
    to feather out the edges for better blending.

    all the best buddy.
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