Want To Help Create The Next YouTube?

Mike Adams
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BlackBookProject.net have posted a new project and needs software programmers, website designers, etc... The specifics will be given to you once you are granted access to not only the site, but the specific project.

For those of you not familiar with us, here's the overview. BlackBookProject.net is the Ultimate Joint Venture Company. Members post project on software or website ideas and we get programmers, site designers, SEO experts etc.. to come together and create the project. All of the working members, including the idea person, split the profits generated from the sale/ income of the product/ site.

Here are the steps:
1. Register HERE: forum.blackbookproject.net/smf/index.php?PHPSESSID=ig2s84ron3iqubd6s32q2un8s3&act ion=register

2. One of the managers will approve your access. Once you sign up and are accepted, don't be scared by only seeing two posts. You can only view topics that you have been granted specific access to.

3. You then tell the community what you can do or how you can contribute (Specifics with previous work is a plus)

4. You will then be granted access to the special messaging board for people working on the project.

5. Once completed you and all of the other working coders/ designers/ SEO experts will share in the total sales/ income of that project.

The advantage of this model is there are GREAT coders, SEO experts, Programmers etc that may have a great idea/ concept but dont have the money or experience on launching a product. This is where the community comes in. You can do your part and the other members can do theres. And we can all share in the profits.

IMPORTANT: There NO money needed, just experience, time, ability etc.
#coders #create #joint venture #programmers #youtube

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