2 replies
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Hi there,

I just wondered what people's thoughts were on XSitePro. I have had a look on their website and few other forums to see what people think about it but just wondered if there were any users on here who could give their opinion. I would be mainly using it to create websites for Affiliate Marketing.
  • Profile picture of the author Jason101
    Hi George,

    I have been using XSitePro since 2005 and build 95% of my sites with it. It is great for building affiliate sites - quick and easy.

    If you have any specific questions, I would be glad to help.
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  • Profile picture of the author Carl Peterson
    Hi George,

    I like Jason have been a long time user of XSitePro. I have also liked Jason used it to build the majority of my sites with and find it a pleasure to use.
    Everything just works simply and just about anything you might want to do is achievable with any skill set. That is how well the software is designed!
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