HTML in auto responder messages

7 replies
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Hi all,

When I try to place a simple link in my AR series messages, they look fine when I preview them but once I send the message and go opt-in to test it out the linkis buggered.

For example...if I wanted to use a link, I might type

Best Regards,
Mike Murphy
<a href=""></a>

but it comes out looking like this....

Best Regards,
Mike Murphy
<a href="

I'd also LOVE to get rid of the goofy Getresponse links that come up on the pager after opting in...better build a thank you page huh?

#auto #html #messages #responder
  • Profile picture of the author Claudedf
    Dude i don't understand What are you really want to say.
    So please clear with your thoughts.So, We understand you easily
    And may provide some better help to you.
    You can also find me at my signature.
    I will gonna happy to help you.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[397686].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author gorri
      Originally Posted by Claudedf View Post

      Dude i don't understand What are you really want to say.
      So please clear with your thoughts.So, We understand you easily
      And may provide some better help to you.
      You can also find me at my signature.
      I will gonna happy to help you.
      Reported, stop advertising.
      And sorry Mike Murphy I don't know what is wrong.

      But yeah this guy sure is an advertiser.

      @Claudedf If you don't know! Don't answer!, and don't advertise and spam!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[398519].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author gracefulonline
      Originally Posted by Claudedf View Post

      Dude i don't understand What are you really want to say.
      So please clear with your thoughts.So, We understand you easily
      And may provide some better help to you.
      You can also find me at my signature.
      I will gonna happy to help you.
      Um, Dude, I don't understand WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO SAY. I know it's an ad, or a bot, but at least get one that makes sense, or ask someone who knows english to properly translate whatever is your posting to proper english. Or, like all spammers, just go do something else. Your useless in this world.

      What I hate, is when a spammer gets you, and they don't post anything relevant. Like when the link they put up doesn't work. Or the email they sent you doesn't allow you to click on anything. What is the point?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[404748].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Claudedf
        Originally Posted by gracefulonline View Post

        Um, Dude, I don't understand WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO SAY. I know it's an ad, or a bot, but at least get one that makes sense, or ask someone who knows english to properly translate whatever is your posting to proper english. Or, like all spammers, just go do something else. Your useless in this world.

        What I hate, is when a spammer gets you, and they don't post anything relevant. Like when the link they put up doesn't work. Or the email they sent you doesn't allow you to click on anything. What is the point?
        Originally Posted by gorri View Post

        Reported, stop advertising.
        And sorry Mike Murphy I don't know what is wrong.

        But yeah this guy sure is an advertiser.

        @Claudedf If you don't know! Don't answer!, and don't advertise and spam!
        Hey You both if I don't know about this matter so, where I give answer To Mr. Mike. If I suggest him to any site. than you said my post spam.
        Its not fair please remove this type of post
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[405394].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author theinsider12
          It is because you have it in either dual-mode or HTML only for the message.
          If you want this to look normal, you should just do plain text mode so the URL shows up looking like it should.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[407124].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Steve Solem
    Mike, just a hunch, but it sounds like you have click tracking enabled so GR is changing your links into ones that can be tracked when you send your newsletters out and people click on the links.

    I used Aweber and they can do the same thing, but there should be an option for you to turn that off if you don't want to use it.


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  • Profile picture of the author gracefulonline
    Mike, in addition, anything that starts with an http in an email, will 90% of the time be converted into a hyperlink. So, if it's really annoying, just remove the html formatting for the link, and just keep it as simple text. Also, if someone opts to receive your newsletter/email in text format, it removes the html code.

    Go ahead and try it without the html code. Most email programs today (outlook, entourage, etc), make them linkable for you.

    Of course, if you want to track the clicks on those links, then you'll have to keep it formatted.

    - Davis.
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