A Couple of Useful WordPress Plugins- Free
My partners and I want to give y'all these 2 nifty little plugins that completely uncomplicate checking. One makes sure your sever is capable of running anything that requires IonCube Loaders and the other spits out all your servers php info, right into your WP Dashboard.
How to install and use them? It couldn't be easier. They are both in the official WordPress Plugin Repository, so you don't even need to download them to your machine. Simply go into your WP dashboard and search in your admin panel's "install new plugins" section for "PHPInfo for WP" and "ioncube tester," then, click on install. Once they're installed and activated, look in the left sidebar, under settings and click on either one to view the results.
If your server is not running IonCube Loaders, you'll know so you can ask your hosting provider to set it up. If you're not running the latest and greatest version of php, you can find out and request that, too.
They're both completely free and compliments of the NetBomber.com Team! :p
candidgirl -
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