Just bought macbookfans.com what should I create?

Profile picture of sdegroatjr
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
4 replies
like the title says I was lucky enough to purchase macbookfans.com but im not sure what I should do with the site. I was thinking about running a forum but I want to be able to monetize the domain as much as possible. What are your ideas?
#bought #create #macbookfanscom
  • Profile picture of the author xtrapunch
    Profile picture of xtrapunch
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Forums require a lot of work. You can start a niche blog or auto blog. A good niche blog can have CTR as high as 10%. All the best.
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  • Profile picture of the author johnny125
    Profile picture of johnny125
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I would try to setup some blog, or product review on main page, and on subdomain put some forum.
    • Profile picture of the author NikkiBlue
      Profile picture of NikkiBlue
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I was stay far away from the forum unless you are passionate about it .

      In addition to what was already suggested , you could :

      -Review Mac book websites
      -Become a GelaSkins Affiliate (they sell Macbook skins)
      -Create an Amazon Affiliate Store focusing on acessories
      • Profile picture of the author ronc0011
        Profile picture of ronc0011
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Monetizing that domain name seems to me to be a no brainer get the blog going and the keyword software like traffic Travis or Market Smaurai. Start making blog entries targeting keywords with good numbers an new entry everyday for a month. Setup and run something like SEO Pressor on the blog I would also setup Onlywire for it. Really you should be able to have half a dozen Google first page blog post in no time at all. There's got to be any number of things you can sell that are macbook related. I'm not a Mac guy so I don't really know that much about products that are spacific to Macbooks but there's got to be a bunch of them.

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