WP Themes: Thesis, Genesis, ClickBump, Profits Theme, FlexSqueeze etc.

Profile picture of kolbywhite28
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90 replies
There are so many premium Wordpress themes available that I am having a hard time choosing which one to get. Looking for one that can easily build a squeeze/sales page and also build niche Adsense sites. Another criteria will be to build a good looking authority site. Yet another is to build static business sites for offline clients, preferably with developer license.

Please share your experiences and opinions on these themes and feel free to add to them.

1. Thesis
2. Genesis
3. ClickBump
4. Profits Theme
5. FlexSqueeze
6. Optimize Press
7. Squeeze Theme
8. Headway Theme
9. PageLines Theme
10. Catalyst Theme
11. iThemes
12. Socrates
13. Artisteer
14. Woo Themes
15. Weaver Pro
#clickbump #flexsqueeze #genesis #profits #theme #themes #thesis
  • Profile picture of the author JimDucharme
    Profile picture of JimDucharme
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    You might want to check out PageLines too.

    I can't really say how well this theme performs for SEO at this point and I doubt it beats Thesis, but as far as ease of use goes (drag and drop interface) It's very cool. Very, very fast dev using this with minimal (if any) code skills.

  • Profile picture of the author magiclouie
    Profile picture of magiclouie
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    Originally Posted by kolbywhite28 View Post

    There are so many premium Wordpress themes available that I am having a hard time choosing which one to get. Looking for one that can easily build a squeeze/sales page and also build niche Adsense sites. Another criteria will be to build a good looking authority site. Yet another is to build static business sites for offline clients, preferably with developer license.

    Please share your experiences and opinions on these themes and feel free to add to them.

    1. Thesis
    2. Genesis
    3. ClickBump
    4. Profits Theme
    5. FlexSqueeze
    6. Optimize Press
    7. Squeeze Theme
    8. Headway Theme
    Hi kolbywhite28,

    I highly recommend the headway theme. I have been using it for roughly 2 years now.

    Check these some of the sites that I have created using the headway theme. We can create lots of different type of websites, for this amazing theme is so flexible and powerful.

    Free Stores Available - Poway
    Kirkland Green

    http://www.broadwaterthoroughbreds.com.au - this site has rotating header images.

    Here's a landing page I created using the headway theme, Free Ebook "Learning Chinese from Scratch" , only that it appears that the optin form is no longer there. Perhaps, my last employer cancelled his aweber account.

    Actually, I still have more sites here, only that they are exclusive at this point in time.

    I recommend the Catalyst theme too. It's my second favorite.

    Hope that helps.

    Louie Tugas


    Edit: I am editing this June 26, 2012 at 3:15 AM GMT + 8 hours. I wonder why this thread was resurrected. LOL

    I am afraid most of the sites that I have posted last 2011 are no longer live.

    Here's another site I created using the headway theme, EZProVideos.com

    Here's a simple capture page, GRN Comparison

    Another squeeze page template I normally used for my clients, http://www.automaticagencyforcebuilder.com/ and again I used headway for this.

    Yeah, you are right, this is my favorite color scheme. But I have other sites that I used different color schemes.
  • Profile picture of the author megansays
    Profile picture of megansays
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    Thanks for posting this! I was just fretting last night about what to do for themes since the free ones are not really all that impressive. I'm afraid to just Google a theme (does my naivete show through) because I don't want to end up with something bad, so this list gives me a good starting point.
    • Profile picture of the author JimDucharme
      Profile picture of JimDucharme
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      Originally Posted by megansays View Post

      Thanks for posting this! I was just fretting last night about what to do for themes since the free ones are not really all that impressive. I'm afraid to just Google a theme (does my naivete show through) because I don't want to end up with something bad, so this list gives me a good starting point.
      It's not naive to be cautious, use common sense and seek advice from others. The fact is that some of those free theme site offers can indeed be bad news (spyware and such). I've not run into this yet, but I've had others mention that warning. You made a good call asking here. From what I've seen this community has a lot of insight and depth to offer.

  • Profile picture of the author robnoble
    Profile picture of robnoble
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    I hate to add yet another one to your list but I also use catalyst.

    It is pretty much capable of anything and I used it for a wide variety of client sites when I was offline consulting. But you have to be prepared for the learning curve.

    Thats a pretty wide variety of sites you are talking about and, when your primary aim is to get on and make money, you have to ask yourself if designing pretty much from scratch each time (by trying to make one theme all purpose) is worth it.
  • Profile picture of the author Guru_Marketing
    Profile picture of Guru_Marketing
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    Originally Posted by kolbywhite28 View Post

    There are so many premium Wordpress themes available that I am having a hard time choosing which one to get. Looking for one that can easily build a squeeze/sales page and also build niche Adsense sites. Another criteria will be to build a good looking authority site. Yet another is to build static business sites for offline clients, preferably with developer license.

    Please share your experiences and opinions on these themes and feel free to add to them.

    1. Thesis
    2. Genesis
    3. ClickBump
    4. Profits Theme
    5. FlexSqueeze
    6. Optimize Press
    7. Squeeze Theme
    8. Headway Theme
    From the themes above, I like Thesis (for blogging) and Optimize Press for product lunches, membership sites and landing pages.

    Note: Themes are just tools. If you get caught up in trying different tools, you'll get easily distracted from getting the job done. So just pick one theme and stick to it.

    Chris D.

    Kindle Publishers: Get Reviews and More Sales to Your Kindle Books at http://GettingPublishedFast.com/publishers/

    • Profile picture of the author megansays
      Profile picture of megansays
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      Originally Posted by Guru_Marketing View Post

      Note: Themes are just tools. If you get caught up in trying different tools, you'll get easily distracted from getting the job done. So just pick one theme and stick to it.
      This is such excellent advice. I'm just getting started and even though I tell myself it doesn't matter that much, I find myself agonizing over the decision of which theme to use.

      As a result, I have grounded myself from looking at themes until after dinner when I'm too zonked to do anything really productive.
    • Profile picture of the author ScrooG
      Profile picture of ScrooG
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      Originally Posted by Guru_Marketing View Post

      From the themes above, I like Thesis (for blogging) and Optimize Press for product lunches, membership sites and landing pages.

      Note: Themes are just tools. If you get caught up in trying different tools, you'll get easily distracted from getting the job done. So just pick one theme and stick to it.

      Chris D.
      You can also end up with themes you don't really want or like if you don't do some research first and try a few to see which one makes sense for what you like. Granted I AM spending a lot of time trying to find a good theme instead of working on my site. But that's because I have tried several themes/ builders and do not like them and want something that I can use for a long time to come and get proficient with, so some time spent in the beginning to find one I like is worth the time it takes to research and find it. IMHO.

      "Live and let live".

  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    Profile picture of GeorgR.
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    It's impossible to give a general answer there, but i personally ALWAYS come back to Thesis. Other themes might be more advanced now...but then thesis is a theme where you can start out VERY "pure", plain and simple...but this is actually a good thing.

    I was never big on so called "adsense themes" since i never saw a need for a special theme "for adsense"...i can do all this with whatever other theme.
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  • Profile picture of the author Vikram73
    Profile picture of Vikram73
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    Just don't get trapped into "theme overload". Study them and select based on what your goals are as a marketer.

    If you're doing products and membership sites than Profit Themes might just be what you're looking for.

    If you're into making styling personal blogs then Thesis is the way to go.

    First understand what you're doing and don't get lost in the weeds thinking you need a dozen themes.

    I do a lot with Thesis and the rest with Profit Themes.

    Whatever you decide - do pick just a handful of themes (1-3) at most and learn them inside and out.
    • Profile picture of the author samsharen
      Profile picture of samsharen
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      Originally Posted by vikramd View Post

      Just don't get trapped into "theme overload". Study them and select based on what your goals are as a marketer.

      If you're doing products and membership sites than Profit Themes might just be what you're looking for.

      If you're into making styling personal blogs then Thesis is the way to go.

      First understand what you're doing and don't get lost in the weeds thinking you need a dozen themes.

      I do a lot with Thesis and the rest with Profit Themes.

      Whatever you decide - do pick just a handful of themes (1-3) at most and learn them inside and out.
      Hi bro,

      I am also looking for a theme for my application. I heard of Thesis Theme from our fellow warriors. Do you think it is suitable for newbie with no programming knowledge? Thesis doesn't offer templates right.

      AIM: cim_sam
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  • Profile picture of the author andynathan
    Profile picture of andynathan
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    I use profit themes. It is a great theme that you can use for pretty much anything you want for internet marketing.it even has page generators for creating landing and squeeze pages among a number of other options. Plus you don't feel like it is an arm and a leg plus your first born like genesis.

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    • Profile picture of the author kolbywhite28
      Profile picture of kolbywhite28
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      Originally Posted by andynathan View Post

      I use profit themes. It is a great theme that you can use for pretty much anything you want for internet marketing.it even has page generators for creating landing and squeeze pages among a number of other options. Plus you don't feel like it is an arm and a leg plus your first born like genesis.

      But the Genesis framework seems to be only $60?
  • Profile picture of the author GeoMasters
    Profile picture of GeoMasters
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    I'd go with optimize press. If not you can try something free like flexibility theme.
  • Profile picture of the author kolbywhite28
    Profile picture of kolbywhite28
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    Thanks for the input guys. Looks like Thesis is a very popular theme and so are Optimize Press and Profits Theme.

    Anyway, saw the WSO for Profits Theme and it is closed. Just wondering whether there is still good support for the theme from the creators?
  • Profile picture of the author Rukshan
    Profile picture of Rukshan
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    I like clickbump theme. Because it's very easy to configure and save my time.

  • Profile picture of the author kolbywhite28
    Profile picture of kolbywhite28
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    Anybody has used iThemes and Socrates as well?
  • Profile picture of the author bwhosting
    Profile picture of bwhosting
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    When you are going to create a website for your company or business purpose, what ever it may be, Always keep in mind be decent with eye caching and as per google webmaster guide line as well.
    • Profile picture of the author Ralph Moore
      Ralph Moore
      Profile picture of Ralph Moore
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      I own about three of those but I no longer use them. I think I still have the Profit Theme on one of my sites.

      I highly recommend you take a look at Weaver Pro. The free version rivals most of those you listed. The Pro version is $20 and trumps all of them in my opinion.

      The developer version is $40 and can be used on client sites. I don't have any 'dog in the fight'. It's just the best theme I have come across.

      WordPress Weaver | Building better WP Websites
      • Profile picture of the author RobinInTexas
        Profile picture of RobinInTexas
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        Originally Posted by Ralph Moore View Post

        I own about three of those but I no longer use them. I think I still have the Profit Theme on one of my sites.

        I highly recommend you take a look at Weaver Pro. The free version rivals most of those you listed. The Pro version is $20 and trumps all of them in my opinion.

        The developer version is $40 and can be used on client sites. I don't have any 'dog in the fight'. It's just the best theme I have come across.

        WordPress Weaver | Building better WP Websites
        I'll mostly go along with Ralph on this.

        I have used the free Weaver and liked it.

        With the changes in the latest versions of Wordpress the advantages provided by the premium themes may be getting harder to justify

        I've also been using Twenty Eleven (free from wordpress)
        With a few of my personal tweaks and definitely a custom header image.

        I would definitely advocate keeping your plastic and your money in your wallet unless you find a theme that gives you a really good reason to spend on it.
        If you are trying to decide on a theme you don't have that reason.


        ...Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just set there.
        • Profile picture of the author JeffTilt
          Profile picture of JeffTilt
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          Suffusion is a highly customizable free theme that rivals the abilities of many premium themes.

          It has a number of attractive 'out of the box' appearance options that makes it easy to get the theme up and running. However, to get all the benefits built into the theme, you have to be willing to play with it and go through a learning curve.
  • Profile picture of the author kolbywhite28
    Profile picture of kolbywhite28
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    Artisteer as well.
  • Profile picture of the author JustLight
    Profile picture of JustLight
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    If you are looking to build Adsense niche sites, then go for Thesis.
    But for squeeze/sales pages, Optimized Press is the best out there.
  • Profile picture of the author JustLight
    Profile picture of JustLight
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    If you are looking to build Adsense niche sites, then go for Thesis.
    But for squeeze/sales pages, Optimized Press is the best out there.
  • Profile picture of the author nika24
    Profile picture of nika24
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    I personally love and use Catalyst for my sites. They also have top-notch support and I love the Catalyst forum because the staff and members are very helpful when I'm stuck on something. <3
  • Profile picture of the author rosetrees
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    Why pay when you can get it all for free with Atahualpa? Excellent support forum and regularly updated.
  • Profile picture of the author Mike Baker
    Mike Baker
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  • Profile picture of the author MacS09
    Profile picture of MacS09
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    Of the few themes I've seen in action, I still prefer Thesis.
    Initially, it was more for the initiated but it has come a long way and is now not only infinitely configurable but also pretty user friendly. It's absolutely great for SEO, comes with lots of support and there are also some free plugins that make header and footer widgetizable (is this a word?).

    Short of that, the latest WP themes that come as standard (2010 etc.) plus Platinum SEO should take you very far without having to spend any money.

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  • Profile picture of the author Alohatom
    Profile picture of Alohatom
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    I own Headway, Thesis, Clickbump Engine, and Profits Theme....and all I use now are: Thesis for authority sites, Clickbump templates for small made for Adsense sites, and Profits Theme for general IM stuff like product launches, etc...I prefer Profits Theme over OPtimize Press for many reasons--a good summary of these can be found in Darren Scott Monroe's excellent blog post on this exact topic--Optimize Press vs Profits Theme -- just Google it...If you decide on going with Profits Theme Darren I believe may still be offering an amazing set of bonuses on ways he uses Profit Themes for his many IM tasks if you buy it through his link....hope this helps.

    "Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing about." ~ Benjamin Franklin

    • Profile picture of the author ScrooG
      Profile picture of ScrooG
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      Originally Posted by Alohatom View Post

      I own Headway, Thesis, Clickbump Engine, and Profits Theme....and all I use now are: Thesis for authority sites, Clickbump templates for small made for Adsense sites, and Profits Theme for general IM stuff like product launches, etc...I prefer Profits Theme over OPtimize Press for many reasons--a good summary of these can be found in Darren Scott Monroe's excellent blog post on this exact topic--Optimize Press vs Profits Theme -- just Google it...If you decide on going with Profits Theme Darren I believe may still be offering an amazing set of bonuses on ways he uses Profit Themes for his many IM tasks if you buy it through his link....hope this helps.
      But isn't Profits Theme NOT reflexive for mobile displays?
      That has been my one main reason for not using it.

      I will look at Thesis.

      I have Elegant Themes but so far don't really like the way they are layed out.

      I also use Clickbump but it's not so great if you want to customize stuff and it's hard to remember where editing functions for things are at - I always seem to spend an hour over the course of a day's work, LOOKING FOR the place where I have to go to change that email above the header, stuff like that. It isn't real intuitive to my brain. I do like Scott and do think they are good themes /templates if you are okay with using them right out of the box and aren't too picky about design changes. Also better for small Adsense sites as opposed to authority sites imho.

      "Live and let live".

  • Profile picture of the author kolbywhite28
    Profile picture of kolbywhite28
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    Thanks guys. Will look more in-depth into those themes.
  • Profile picture of the author kolbywhite28
    Profile picture of kolbywhite28
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    Anybody has tried Pagelines or iThemes Builder?
  • Profile picture of the author Diviner
    Profile picture of Diviner
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    Try using Divine Elemente. I've recently found it, and it's great for quick creation of WordPress themes in Photoshop. But you need Photoshop! (no Mac version, 32 bit only)
  • Profile picture of the author brettb
    Profile picture of brettb
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    Woo Themes are great. You have to play around with them to get the best CTR. But at least if your site gets a manual review then you should survive
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  • Profile picture of the author Osman_M
    Profile picture of Osman_M
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    Optimize has proved to be the most beneficial to me. Its extremely simple to use and once you get the hand of it, you can really churn out some good stuff.

    I also like its flexibility in that I can create a blog, squeeze page, thank you pages and etc all with one click. It just makes things simpler rather then jumping to different themes for different reasons.
  • Profile picture of the author RuneE
    Profile picture of RuneE
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    Well now... Since the thread still is alive I guess I might just jump in and add my 2 cents:

    Using Profits Theme on most of my sites. It can be used to make a blog and for launches. I have OptimizePress also but I was encouraged to get Profits Theme and I am glad I did. I prefer it over Optimize Press. Looking into WooThemes as they are on the top of evolution when it comes to updates in Wordpress but that is not seriously an issue.
    Flexsqueeze is a great theme if you use some time and get used to it. It can make a site look pro even if it is fairly simple. But I still encourage the Profits Theme though. Looking into Thesis for another project also and those are the ones I prefer.
    That's my two cents.,,,,,,,
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  • Profile picture of the author jenniferlne
    Profile picture of jenniferlne
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    Hi Kolby!

    I can say that I have personally utilized Optimize Press and Thesis. Thesis has a bit of a learning curve, and I am not very good with design, however, it can be amazing for creating an authority blog. I use optimize press for my WSO's and info products. It's very user friendly and the things that you are able to do works seamlessly. It's great for creating a list and easily integrating it with aweber.

    So... I think that it's a great thing to try out multiple themes just to see what works for you.
  • Profile picture of the author grover69
    Profile picture of grover69
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    I'm a huge fan of Catalyst. Great customizable theme and some fantastic features. Great community as well. But I use Optimize Press if I am just working on a squeeze page or quick sales page.
  • Profile picture of the author erskinem
    Profile picture of erskinem
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    I never understood the love of the Thesis theme. Structure wise it's a mess and for a theme that markets itself as the pinnacle of wordpress, it's coding could use some work and I really don't thing thesis is a theme for newbies unless they like getting into (or learning) custom functions and hooks.

    Woothemes do a good job with design if you like their style, but I found it riddled with so much of their woo-branding within the code that it makes it difficult to customize. That being said, if you like the site out of the box, have minimal experience with wordpress, and don't want to customize more than changing the logo, then Woothemes is not a bad option.

    Clickbump is really nice for adsense style sites. I think the interface and the options panels can be streamlined quite a bit, but I think Scott's kidding himself if he thinks clickbump is the best option for an authority site.

    Socrates is another good option for adsense sites, but they all pretty much look like the Socrates theme. The header gallery is a nice feature. Unfortunately, I think all the headers in there are ugly, but I like the idea.

    I've only tooled around with Profits Theme, Optimize, and Flexsqueeze. They seemed ok if your main thing was landing pages and I like the member ship site options in either Profit Theme or OptimizePress.

    I don't particularly like the feature, but Headway does a nice job with the front-page editor, so you basically get a wysiwyg interface to design right on the page.

    I haven't done much work with the others so I can't really comment.

    My personal choice is Genesis. I've been developing with it for the past year. At first I was annoyed that it didn't have many fancy options, but when you look under the hood your realize its got a lot going for it and features don't just mean how many buttons you can click in an option panel.

    I also like that they maintain a number of child themes. It was awesome when I was just starting to work with the theme because I could use them as a reference to see how they put together different features.

    I went back and forth for a while, but everyday I like Genesis more and Thesis less.
    • Profile picture of the author fin
      Profile picture of fin
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      I use Thesis and I love it.

      I'm a complete newbie and it fits me perfectly. Not only that but it looks great.

      The best thing about it is the blog and forum.

      The blog is magical, to say the least, for the person with no coding experience. It is full of information about how to customize your website to do anything.

      The forum is full of great people who will help you do anything you can't find on the blog.

      I'm not saying no other theme has this, but Thesis does and it's great.

      BTW, I also own Headway, Socrates and Profits.

      Headway = Good theme. Just not what I'm after, though useful for certain stuff.

      Socrates = Poo. Not professional. Well, not to my standards, actually. Not by what I produce. Merely what I want to. It was the first one I bought, being a member of Bring The Fresh. By their standards (ie. sniper sites) it's great. I don't like it and it looks bad.

      To be less negative, its much better that the basic themes but the writing is so bad. Maybe I'm a stupid newbie, and I am, but I fully appreciated the fact you could make your sites look better without using double spacing after the full stops, when I used another theme.

      Profits = Tough for me. I think it looks good. Not great. I appreciate the value of the membership sites side + the squeeze pages, though.

      Will I use it = yes...

      ... Or maybe I'll just pay someone to tweak my Thesis theme.

      If I was you, and this may be bad, but I'd make you choice on what kind of site you would like, then try each one with a refund policy. Best wins............. Game on, lol.
    • Profile picture of the author SlyMaven
      Profile picture of SlyMaven
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      Originally Posted by clickbump View Post

      Hi Erskinem, thanks for the mention of my theme.

      I'm always looking for constructive feedback and since it looked like you had presented a thoughtful argument in your post above, I'd be interested in your feedback on why you think C5 is not suitable for authority sites.
      Originally Posted by clickbump View Post

      I can, for example, share several examples of the theme being used in just such a way:

      Here are just a few:

      The Indispensable Guide to Diabetes | No More Diabetes

      Beyond MDs

      Acid Reflux Rescue

      Air Conditioner News

      Internet Marketing Services

      Spanish Motivational Posters

      ~ s

      In addition, although not an "authority" site, you can see this site below is not an Adsense site, but with some work from a motivated and savvy realtor, could grow into an authority on "Affordable Gulf Coast Properties"...

      Your Key to The Gulf Coast's Most Affordable Properties!

      The interesting thing to note about all of these sites is that although they each look very different, they are all using the ClickBump framework. The structural source code of all of them are nearly IDENTICAL. The flexibility of the framework allows sitewide look and feel to be determine solely by Web Standards based, fast loading, CSS

      Two of the above examples have some similarity to a design I have in mind. My question is, would I have to know how to code to make changes like those above?

  • Profile picture of the author manicmethods
    Profile picture of manicmethods
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    Optimize Press 100%

    You can create funnels, sales pages, squeeze pages and they give you so many different templates for each and a graphics pack.

    It really is worth it.

    Easily customizable and well SEOed.

    Worth the purchase price PLUS you can just keep licensing sites with it.

  • Profile picture of the author AustralasianLadyBoy
    Profile picture of AustralasianLadyBoy
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    Will only comment on ones worth mentioning:

    :: Headway - pretty to look at plus drag'n'drop, bloated s@@ty code = poofy all round

    :: Thesis - intense learning curve, can do pretty much anything, very powerful, good support forum, start with a blank slate = smart people only apply

    :: Genesis - good framework, has child themes (solid designs available out of the gate) = needs work, but good.

    My Pick: Thesis - go heavy or go home.

    Stay tuned for my new 5r gig: "me so horny, me love you long time 5 dollar..."

  • Profile picture of the author maricelu
    Profile picture of maricelu
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    I am playing for some time with The Website Weaver Theme Editor and It works the best for me. They plan to release a major update to the plugin which gives heck more options. It is easy to use and you don't have to know coding, just play with your mouse.

    I have no signature.

  • Profile picture of the author Sire
    Profile picture of Sire
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Out of your list I've used Thesis and FlexSqueeze. Of the two FlexSqueeze is easily the best. This is purely because of all it's features and the fact that you don't have to know any coding to get it to do so many remarkable things.
  • Profile picture of the author ruoall
    Profile picture of ruoall
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I have used Thesis on a couple of sites and have found it pretty easy to use and great when it comes to SEO.
  • Profile picture of the author topwebsitedesigning
    Profile picture of topwebsitedesigning
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    if you are looking for discounts on any theme, please skype me..i can get your the theme at a discounted price as well as provide assistance and support installing and getting it up and running.
  • Profile picture of the author Shunyata
    Profile picture of Shunyata
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I use the Catalyst Theme Frame Work and have a lot of really good things to say about it.

    The thing is that if I was developing/designing Websites all the time I probably would build a theme from scratch and being a designer that is my tendency.

    However, I don't make my money developing sites I make it developing businesses. So I've ended up putting way to much time into the site design using Catalyst and now am looking for a someone to collaborate with.

    This will also take time, so I've been looking into setting up a temporary site, because the copy is SEO ready and the site should be up gaining authority. It is for this reason that I'm thinking about an intermediate easy to deploy solution and thus far it seems to be a toss up between Optimize Press, Profits Them or Headway.

    I'm also intrigued by ClickBump 5 but would like to know more about it.


    Launching — Video Seo Go

    • Profile picture of the author Shunyata
      Profile picture of Shunyata
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

      I wish I would have know that before opting into Builder. Zen Garden rocks!

      I really never have thought of Skins in that matter but I guess they are simply style sheets.



      Originally Posted by clickbump View Post

      Hi Shunyata, I'd be glad to answer any questions you have. Here's a really helpful post that a new owner just posted that explains it better than I can.

      Basically, its a highly optimized and flexible theme framework that's super fast and gives you the option to install CSS based "skin" packages (I call them "premium templates") to change the look and feel.

      Since you are a designer, you're probably familiar with CSS Zen Garden.

      ClickBump 5 is the equivalent of a "CSS Zen Garden" for WordPress in the form of the available CSS based template skins.

      On top of that framework, I've included an Ad Manager, Ad rotation and randomization, Slider Widget, Social Sharing widgets, Related Posts, Silo Structure, Google Web Fonts, Custom menu support, one click color switchers, etc, etc etc, all built into the core theme.

      ~ s

      Launching — Video Seo Go

  • Profile picture of the author Shunyata
    Profile picture of Shunyata
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Now I've decided to go with ithemes Builder. Looks like a very good program and is built by the same company as BackupBuddy.

    Seems like a solid state Frame Frame Work.

    Wish Me Luck

    Launching — Video Seo Go

  • Profile picture of the author Shunyata
    Profile picture of Shunyata
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I decided to go with iTheme Builder. They are the same company that gave us BackupBuddy and it appears to be very simple to use.

    You may want to check it out!


    Launching — Video Seo Go

  • Profile picture of the author nightshade877
    Profile picture of nightshade877
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thesis is a harder theme to maneuver in once installed. Though catalyst would be suiting to your needs I believe.
  • Profile picture of the author sodesigns
    Profile picture of sodesigns
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    AppSumo.com is having a 72% off deal on Pro Affiliate Theme which looks very similar to OptimizePress, etc. Anyone have experience with ProAffiliateTheme? appsumo.com/proaffiliate-wordpress-theme
  • Profile picture of the author derprinz
    Profile picture of derprinz
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    i like the clickbump themes
    i heard a lot about them
    i am going to buy one of those of 10 $ themes - adsense templates-
    but i don't know how ?
    • Profile picture of the author tschier
      Profile picture of tschier
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I have been reading the thread looking for a WP theme. I presently use X site Pro for all my website but find it lacking in the SEO area, especiall since the panda bumps. The post about Clickbump seem interesting and am thinking it may be good for what I want.

      The one site I am going to transfer to wordpres is right now aproximataly 90 pages with another 400 going to be added. It's an authority site and I want the SEO to be right. Anyone have any comment or thought I would be interested. Any sugestion on another theme would be OK. Just looking for information before I Jump, I personally like XSite Pro, have used it for years, hate to see it go.
      • Profile picture of the author MONEYDON
        Profile picture of MONEYDON
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by tschier View Post

        I have been reading the thread looking for a WP theme. I presently use X site Pro for all my website but find it lacking in the SEO area, especiall since the panda bumps. The post about Clickbump seem interesting and am thinking it may be good for what I want.

        The one site I am going to transfer to wordpres is right now aproximataly 90 pages with another 400 going to be added. It's an authority site and I want the SEO to be right. Anyone have any comment or thought I would be interested. Any sugestion on another theme would be OK. Just looking for information before I Jump, I personally like XSite Pro, have used it for years, hate to see it go.
        I believe your problem may be your knowledge of SEO. Google doesn't favor X-Site Pro or Wordpress or Joomla etc... As a matter of fact i have several X-Site Websites that outrank wordpress sites in their niches. Now i am talking auto repair, remodeling, best steak restaurant etc . All these are in Charlotte NC, not exactly a small or uncompetitive market. My X-site holds down the #2 spot for auto repair charlotte nc, has been for a while. Don't take this the wrong way but pay attention to line 1 of this post.
  • Profile picture of the author RobinInTexas
    Profile picture of RobinInTexas
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    I'm still convinced that Twenty Eleven, once the stock header image is replaced and you make use of it's other customization features will give you more bang for the buck than any of the premium themes.


    ...Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just set there.
  • Profile picture of the author Denyros
    Profile picture of Denyros
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    Special To Warrior Member

    FREE Thesis 1.82 + Thesis Premium themes

    CLICK HERE To Download

  • Profile picture of the author SavannahG
    Profile picture of SavannahG
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    Does anyone have any opinions about elegantthemes.com? I was thinking about trying out their themes!
    • Profile picture of the author SergioFelix
      Profile picture of SergioFelix
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Great looking themes, really affordable but every single slider is buggy as hell.

      If you're not planning to use sliders (or at least not theirs) then I'll guess you'll be fine. ;-)

      Originally Posted by SavannahG View Post

      Does anyone have any opinions about elegantthemes.com? I was thinking about trying out their themes!
      My Zero To Hero Marketing Blog
  • Profile picture of the author tyronne78
    Profile picture of tyronne78
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    Since we are on the subject of wordpress themes, is it a good idea to change themes, I currently use the flexibility 3 theme and thinking about going with thesis. Any suggestions?
    • Profile picture of the author SergioFelix
      Profile picture of SergioFelix
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I started using Flexibility3 and I was very happy with it since you can change a lot of stuff without having to dive into the code but Thesis allows you to change a lot as well right from the dashboard.

      Note: It may look a bit "boxy" out of the box but if you design a great header, tweak the background colors and play a bit with the widths, you can have something that is clean, ultra fast and highly responsive.

      Originally Posted by tyronne78 View Post

      Since we are on the subject of wordpress themes, is it a good idea to change themes, I currently use the flexibility 3 theme and thinking about going with thesis. Any suggestions?
      My Zero To Hero Marketing Blog
  • Profile picture of the author MrMysteryBox
    Profile picture of MrMysteryBox
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    Originally Posted by kolbywhite28 View Post

    There are so many premium Wordpress themes available that I am having a hard time choosing which one to get. Looking for one that can easily build a squeeze/sales page and also build niche Adsense sites. Another criteria will be to build a good looking authority site. Yet another is to build static business sites for offline clients, preferably with developer license.

    Please share your experiences and opinions on these themes and feel free to add to them.

    1. Thesis
    2. Genesis
    3. ClickBump
    4. Profits Theme
    5. FlexSqueeze
    6. Optimize Press
    7. Squeeze Theme
    8. Headway Theme
    9. PageLines Theme
    10. Catalyst Theme
    11. iThemes
    12. Socrates
    13. Artisteer
    14. Woo Themes
    15. Weaver Pro

    We use Thesis exclusively... i love the open hook features and they haven't let us down yet. Also pretty good support
  • Profile picture of the author shantanu
    Profile picture of shantanu
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Wordpres template and themes are world's finest thing on the internet if you are talking about any kind ofwebsite or blog. In any type of blog, website creation wordpress plays a vital role by provifding each and evry kind of template or we can say themes and reduce our workload and stress at a half extent. Their themes are creative, user friendly, SEO optimised along with rectiied bugs.

    Proudly powered By WORDPRESS (We feel proud too)
  • Profile picture of the author SocialMarketerX
    Profile picture of SocialMarketerX
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The fact is that some of those free theme site offers can indeed be bad news
  • Profile picture of the author ZachWaldman
    Profile picture of ZachWaldman
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I can tell you for sure to avoid iThemes. You don't get what they promise, their themes are full of bugs, and the technical support stinks.

    I paid for the all-access pass and it was a huge waste of money.
    Zach Waldman - Los Angeles Magician
    • Profile picture of the author sridhar
      Profile picture of sridhar
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      Originally Posted by ZachWaldman View Post

      I can tell you for sure to avoid iThemes. You don't get what they promise, their themes are full of bugs, and the technical support stinks.

      I paid for the all-access pass and it was a huge waste of money.
      Can you kindly help us become better by providing URLs to the iThemes forum topics where you posted support questions and did not get the answers?
  • Profile picture of the author inazuman
    Profile picture of inazuman
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    FlexSqueeze great if you're trying to make squeeze page with WP base
  • Profile picture of the author shaunling
    Profile picture of shaunling
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    • Profile picture of the author SergioFelix
      Profile picture of SergioFelix
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      Awesome performance yes, but no skins, you are right my friend.

      If you want something that looks simply amazing, check out Kolakube.com particularly the Marketer's Delight 2 skin.

      I think that's a damn piece of art honestly.

      Note: These are thesis skins, not stand-alone themes.

      Hope that helps! ;-)

      Originally Posted by shaunling View Post

      I need to understand more on thesis themes. When purchase thesis thesis themes from diythemes, we only purchase the framework right? meaning we need to purchase the skins separately correct? If we don't purchase the skins, we will have a very simple plain design. So can I say that thesis lack of designs but solid in performance?

      Correct me i'm wrong.
      My Zero To Hero Marketing Blog
  • Profile picture of the author Jakro
    Profile picture of Jakro
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    I have the Standard theme and it's satisfying for my needs, but then again I kind of like minimalistic designs anyways and I appreciate easiness over anything else.
  • Profile picture of the author System Wide Solutions
    System Wide Solutions
    Profile picture of System Wide Solutions
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I am in love with genesis theme.
  • Profile picture of the author enavagate
    Profile picture of enavagate
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I don't have a particular theme to recommend you seem to have a lot of the good ones pegged anyway but I wanted to say that I agree with some of the responses that I read in that as long as you have a good base theme all the rest can usually be easily done including optimizing for AdSense and squeeze pages.

    As soon as you own a website you need to know some minimal html anyway so don't let that scare you. Good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author tlrademaker
    Profile picture of tlrademaker
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    What theme do you think would go best if you want to sell ebooks and other products on wordpress?
    • Profile picture of the author SergioFelix
      Profile picture of SergioFelix
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      It really depends since wordpress theme is not specifically designed for this and you take the payments on a payment processor.

      But I think you could this perfectly fine with something from ThemeForest. (I would have recommended WooCommerce first but these are more tailored to clothing)

      If you go to ThemeForest, use the search button and enter 'books'.

      There's one that looks specifically good: BookPage

      But then again, you need to search and do your own due diligence, hope that helps. ;-)

      Originally Posted by tlrademaker View Post

      What theme do you think would go best if you want to sell ebooks and other products on wordpress?
      My Zero To Hero Marketing Blog
  • Profile picture of the author MarvyDery
    Profile picture of MarvyDery
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The best options for you are themeforest and thesis. I have had much success with these premium themes providers
  • Profile picture of the author msu
    Profile picture of msu
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Avoiding free themes found via Google is a good idea. Although there are some good ones, many are there to provide a dubious company with hidden backlinks for SEO.

    That said, the free themes listed on wordpress.org are safe and often of very good quality.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gene.Gerwin
    Profile picture of Gene.Gerwin
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    1. Define your needs/wants for a WP theme...

    2. Find a theme that fits those criteria "out of the box"

    3. If you find one that gets close, but is lacking in some areas- look for plugins fill the gap... worst-case-scenario: spend a $50 to $200 on a freelance developer to make the tweaks you need

    Basic rule of thumb: look for solutions, not tools...
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  • Profile picture of the author amin-lelieveld
    Profile picture of amin-lelieveld
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    I love TheProfessional wordpres theme of elegantthemes. They have many great themes for a low price. They also great support and a huge library with tutorials
  • Profile picture of the author Nate Maurice
    Nate Maurice
    Profile picture of Nate Maurice
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    After using a lot of themes..I tend to just go with what gets the job done..I really like optimize press...I have a few thesis sites as well. both great themes, Ive also used genesis framework which is quite good for a quick site for clients.

    Nate Maurice - Coach, Internet Instructor :)

  • Profile picture of the author Yvon Boulianne
    Yvon Boulianne
    Profile picture of Yvon Boulianne
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    I did try maybe 10 themes just this week and i found a real gems name Zahifa , that is sooo nice, so looking good, so easy to work with and soo much stuff and possibility (ok enough with your sooo lol)

    really take a look, it`s awesome and it`s the 4th theme most used on internet right now by i don`t know which evaluation
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  • Profile picture of the author Danny Shaw
    Danny Shaw
    Profile picture of Danny Shaw
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    Genesis, I have found hands down the best for SEO and ranking. Light weight and user friendly.
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  • Profile picture of the author Go4DBest
    Profile picture of Go4DBest
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Canvas is already one of the most powerful and extensible frameworks on the market for wordpress and it continues to evolve very nicely.
    We setup and design wordpress sites using the Divi theme for roughly 200 USD. Let's talk.
  • Profile picture of the author Yvon Boulianne
    Yvon Boulianne
    Profile picture of Yvon Boulianne
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    Here`s the one i try and didn`t cut it, they where too simple or too much difficult (and i`m a black belt 5 dan computer geek

    Headway Theme
    PageLines Theme
    Woo Themes
    X theme
    Yamidoo Pro

    As i said, there`s many more but my Top choice still Sahifa, it`s very beautiful just look what i have done with it in a couples of hours of work, now i only have to write somes article and it will be done, very very easy and complete theme (a very great control panel)...
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    • Profile picture of the author one3rdnerd
      Profile picture of one3rdnerd
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      My vote always has been and always will be for Thesis 2. Dedicate a couple of weeks to going through the docs on their website, their forum, the plethora of videos on YouTube and once everything "clicks" you will have the only framework you will want or need for the rest of your web master life!

      David - Web Designer / Digital Marketing Consultant

  • Profile picture of the author Sire
    Profile picture of Sire
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I've tried Thesis, I didn't like it although I still use it for one of my sites.

    I stopped looking for themes once I bought Flexsqueeze. It does everything I want from it including the ability to make Squeeze pages. It's so easy to set up, has heaps of features and if I want I can even make my sites look like a normal website and not a blog.
  • Profile picture of the author Ben Holmes
    Ben Holmes
    Profile picture of Ben Holmes
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I was looking mainly between Thesis and Genesis... it was a tossup... but then I found that many top bloggers were moving from Thesis to Genesis... and when I noted that Matt Cutts had moved to Genesis, that made the decision easy.

    I've found that Genesis is a very speedy, and easy to use framework. You can do virtually anything you want without a degree in programming.

    If you do a lot of websites, I'd suggest it's best to stick with a single framework, and learn it. No need to constantly switch between many different themes.

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