How Hard Would This Be?

5 replies
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I am trying to get a website created for an idea I have and I know of a couple layouts I really like. So, my question is, how hard would it be to have a site designed that looks similar in layout to

This site has the "feel" I am going for. My site would not need to be anything too crazy, but I would like a similar layout to I am hoping there are some type of Wordpress templates out there that will get me close to this. If I can't figure out how to alter the template, I am more than happy to pay someone to help make this a reality.

I am also looking to have the ability to do a few other things on the site, but I do not know exactly what I need to do in order to achieve this.

1) Users must be able to register. They should be able to have their own username, avatar/picture, be able to contact other members, show their location, age, sex, mini bio, personal website and perhaps their friends.

2) Users should be able to post their own topics in blog format, not in a forum environment. Should they have the ability to do this automatically (with some type of limitations) or should they be submitted to us for approval first? How can this be effeciently achieved?

3) Users need to be able to vote for their favorite responses via either a point system or thumbs up/thumbs down. The topics with the highest ranking (most points, most thumbs up) will then automatically move up towards the top of the page.

4) Would be nice to have a section/widget for something like, "Hot Discussions".

5) Obviously sections for ads

Anyone care to offer me some help?

If you have the ability to make all these requirements come to life, I would love to speak with you and see if we could perhaps do business together.

  • Profile picture of the author BlackWaterBlog
    If you have knowledge of HTML, CSS and PHP, I believe there are documents on the Wordpress site explaining exactly how to edit and modify templates.

    Have you ever considered setting up a local test server with a wordpress installed to play around with it?

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  • Profile picture of the author codecre8r
    I disagree with the previous posters. I think you'd spend way too much time trying to tweak a free theme to suit your needs. Personally, I would purchase a license to one of Brian Gardner's magazine style themes and customize it from there.

    Just Google Brian Gardner or Revolution Theme.
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    • Profile picture of the author aisling
      I'd go with WordPress, WordPress plugins, and a free magazine-style theme like Mimbo or Branford Magazine. (The latter borrowed many ideas from the original versions of Revolution.)

      That's the combination that I'm using and it's worked well for my sites with polls, reader input, a list of hot discussions, and so on.

      Then again, I'm an artist and I can be easily confused by anything technical.

      So, the other suggestions may be better.

      WordPress themes made easy: Sites that Soar!

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  • Profile picture of the author mmpieri
    It looks like you may be using the website to generate revenue. If that's the case, let the professionals do it for you. Do your research.
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    • Profile picture of the author aisling
      Originally Posted by mmpieri View Post

      It looks like you may be using the website to generate revenue. If that's the case, let the professionals do it for you. Do your research.
      That's a good point, mmpieri. If the site needs to serve customers, it's best to get it right from the start, and that usually means hiring someone or buying a theme with support included.

      WordPress themes made easy: Sites that Soar!

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